blob: 23bc5c3c4789caa4ff34d6be45f3d7dc549bbf21 [file] [log] [blame]
Libraries for Trellis hosts.
import sys
from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
from routinglib import RoutedHost, RoutedHost6, Router
import argparse
from import Mininet
class TaggedRoutedHost(RoutedHost):
"""Host that can be configured with multiple IP addresses."""
def __init__(self, name, ips, gateway, vlan, *args, **kwargs):
super(RoutedHost, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
self.ips = ips
self.gateway = gateway
self.vlan = vlan
self.vlanIntf = None
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
self.vlanIntf = "%s.%s" % (self.defaultIntf(), self.vlan)
self.cmd('ip -4 addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
self.cmd('ip link add link %s name %s type vlan id %s' % (self.defaultIntf(), self.vlanIntf, self.vlan))
self.cmd('ip link set up %s' % self.vlanIntf)
for ip in self.ips:
self.cmd('ip addr add %s dev %s' % (ip, self.vlanIntf))
self.cmd('ip route add default via %s' % self.gateway)
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('ip link remove link %s' % self.vlanIntf)
super(TaggedRoutedHost, self).terminate()
class DhcpClient(Host):
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
super(DhcpClient, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.pidFile = '/run/' %
self.leaseFile = '/var/lib/dhcp/' % (, )
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(DhcpClient, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('ip addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
self.cmd('dhclient -q -4 -nw -pf %s -lf %s %s' % (self.pidFile, self.leaseFile, self.defaultIntf()))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(DhcpClient, self).terminate()
class Dhcp6Client(Host):
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
super(Dhcp6Client, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.pidFile = '/run/' %
self.leaseFile = '/var/lib/dhcp/' % (, )
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(Dhcp6Client, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('ip -4 addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
self.cmd('dhclient -q -6 -nw -pf %s -lf %s %s' % (self.pidFile, self.leaseFile, self.defaultIntf()))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(Dhcp6Client, self).terminate()
class DhcpServer(RoutedHost):
binFile = '/usr/sbin/dhcpd'
pidFile = '/run/'
configFile = './dhcpd.conf'
leasesFile = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases'
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(DhcpServer, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('touch %s' % self.leasesFile)
self.cmd('%s -q -4 -pf %s -cf %s %s' % (self.binFile, self.pidFile, self.configFile, self.defaultIntf()))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(DhcpServer, self).terminate()
class Dhcp6Server(RoutedHost6):
binFile = '/usr/sbin/dhcpd'
pidFile = '/run/'
configFile = './dhcpd6.conf'
leasesFile = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd6.leases'
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(Dhcp6Server, self).config(**kwargs)
linkLocalAddr = mac_to_ipv6_linklocal(kwargs['mac'])
self.cmd('ip -6 addr add dev %s scope link %s' % (self.defaultIntf(), linkLocalAddr))
self.cmd('touch %s' % self.leasesFile)
self.cmd('%s -q -6 -pf %s -cf %s %s' % (self.binFile, self.pidFile, self.configFile, self.defaultIntf()))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.leasesFile)
super(Dhcp6Server, self).terminate()
class DhcpRelay(Router):
binFile = '/usr/sbin/dhcrelay'
pidFile = '/run/'
serverIp = None
gateway = None
def __init__(self, name, serverIp, gateway, *args, **kwargs):
super(DhcpRelay, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.serverIp = serverIp
self.gateway = gateway
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(DhcpRelay, self).config(**kwargs)
ifacesStr = ' '.join(["-i " + ifaceName for ifaceName in self.interfaces.keys()])
self.cmd('route add default gw %s' % self.gateway)
self.cmd('%s -4 -a -pf %s %s %s' % (self.binFile, self.pidFile, ifacesStr, self.serverIp))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`', self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(DhcpRelay, self).terminate()
class TaggedDhcpClient(Host):
def __init__(self, name, vlan, *args, **kwargs):
super(TaggedDhcpClient, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.pidFile = '/run/' %
self.vlan = vlan
self.vlanIntf = None
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(TaggedDhcpClient, self).config(**kwargs)
self.vlanIntf = "%s.%s" % (self.defaultIntf(), self.vlan)
self.cmd('ip addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
self.cmd('ip link add link %s name %s type vlan id %s' % (self.defaultIntf(), self.vlanIntf, self.vlan))
self.cmd('ip link set up %s' % self.vlanIntf)
self.cmd('dhclient -q -4 -nw -pf %s %s' % (self.pidFile, self.vlanIntf))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('ip link remove link %s' % self.vlanIntf)
super(TaggedDhcpClient, self).terminate()
class TaggedDhcpServer(TaggedRoutedHost):
binFile = '/usr/sbin/dhcpd'
pidFile = '/run/dhcp-server/'
configFile = './dhcpd.conf'
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(TaggedDhcpServer, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('%s -q -4 -pf %s -cf %s %s' % (self.binFile, self.pidFile, self.configFile, self.vlanIntf))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(TaggedDhcpServer, self).terminate()
class DualHomedDhcpClient(Host):
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
super(DualHomedDhcpClient, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.pidFile = '/run/' %
self.bond0 = None
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(DualHomedDhcpClient, self).config(**kwargs)
intf0 = self.intfs[0].name
intf1 = self.intfs[1].name
self.bond0 = "%s-bond0" %
self.cmd('modprobe bonding')
self.cmd('ip link add %s type bond' % self.bond0)
self.cmd('ip link set %s down' % intf0)
self.cmd('ip link set %s down' % intf1)
self.cmd('ip link set %s master %s' % (intf0, self.bond0))
self.cmd('ip link set %s master %s' % (intf1, self.bond0))
self.cmd('ip addr flush dev %s' % intf0)
self.cmd('ip addr flush dev %s' % intf1)
self.cmd('ip link set %s up' % self.bond0)
self.cmd('dhclient -q -4 -nw -pf %s %s' % (self.pidFile, self.bond0))
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd('ip link set %s down' % self.bond0)
self.cmd('ip link delete %s' % self.bond0)
self.cmd('kill -9 `cat %s`' % self.pidFile)
self.cmd('rm -rf %s' % self.pidFile)
super(DualHomedDhcpClient, self).terminate()
# Utility for IPv6
def mac_to_ipv6_linklocal(mac):
Convert mac address to link-local IPv6 address
# Remove the most common delimiters; dots, dashes, etc.
mac_value = int(mac.translate(None, ' .:-'), 16)
# Split out the bytes that slot into the IPv6 address
# XOR the most significant byte with 0x02, inverting the
# Universal / Local bit
high2 = mac_value >> 32 & 0xffff ^ 0x0200
high1 = mac_value >> 24 & 0xff
low1 = mac_value >> 16 & 0xff
low2 = mac_value & 0xffff
return 'fe80::{:04x}:{:02x}ff:fe{:02x}:{:04x}'.format(high2, high1, low1, low2)
# Parses Trellis parameters
def parse_trellis_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Trellis Arguments")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--controllers", help = "Comma Separated List of ONOS controllers",
required = True, default = "")
return parser.parse_args()
# Gets a mininet instance
def get_mininet(arguments, topo, switch):
net = Mininet(topo=topo, controller=None, switch=switch)
if arguments.controllers:
controllers = arguments.controllers.split(',')
controller_number = 0
for controller in controllers:
net.addController(RemoteController('c' + str(controller_number), ip=controller))
controller_number += 1
return net
# Generates the Zebra config files
def set_up_zebra_config(controllers_string):
zebra_config = "log file /var/log/quagga/zebradbgp{}.log\n" \
"hostname zebra-bgp{}\n" \
"password quagga\n" \
"!\n" \
"! Default route via virtual management switch\n" \
"!\n" \
"ip route\n" \
"!\n" \
"fpm connection ip {} port 2620\n"
controllers = controllers_string.split(',')
controller1 = controllers[0]
if (len(controllers) > 1):
controller2 = controllers[1]
controller2 = controller1
zebra1 = zebra_config.format("1", "1", controller1)
zebra2 = zebra_config.format("2", "2", controller2)
with open("zebradbgp1.conf", "w") as config_file_1:
with open("zebradbgp2.conf", "w") as config_file_2: