blob: 07e619f97f5beb8fbdc0083c443510795eba3338 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.segmentrouting;
import org.onlab.packet.EthType;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import org.onlab.util.PredictableExecutor;
import org.onlab.util.Tools;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.phasedrecovery.api.Phase;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.phasedrecovery.api.PhasedRecoveryService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static;
import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;
* Handles host-related events.
public class HostHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HostHandler.class);
protected final SegmentRoutingManager srManager;
private HostService hostService;
// Host workers - 0 will leverage available processors
private static final int DEFAULT_THREADS = 0;
protected PredictableExecutor hostWorkers;
* Constructs the HostHandler.
* @param srManager Segment Routing manager
HostHandler(SegmentRoutingManager srManager) {
this.srManager = srManager;
hostService = srManager.hostService;
this.hostWorkers = new PredictableExecutor(DEFAULT_THREADS,
groupedThreads("onos/sr", "h-worker-%d", log));
* Shutdowns the workers.
void terminate() {
protected void init(DeviceId devId) {"Initializing hosts on {}", devId);
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> hostFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
// Init hosts in parallel using hostWorkers executor
hostService.getHosts().forEach(host -> {
hostFutures.add(hostWorkers.submit(() -> initHost(host, devId),;
log.debug("{} hostFutures for {}", hostFutures.size(), devId);
CompletableFuture<Void> allHostFuture = CompletableFuture.allOf(hostFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));
CompletableFuture<Void> timeoutFuture =
Tools.completeAfter(PhasedRecoveryService.PAIR_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
allHostFuture.runAfterEitherAsync(timeoutFuture, () -> {
if (allHostFuture.isDone()) {"{} hosts initialized. Move {} to the next phase", hostFutures.size(), devId);
} else {"Timeout reached. Move {} to the next phase", devId);
srManager.phasedRecoveryService.setPhase(devId, Phase.INFRA);
private void initHost(Host host, DeviceId deviceId) {
List<CompletableFuture<Objective>> locationFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
effectiveLocations(host).forEach(location -> {
if (location.deviceId().equals(deviceId) ||
location.deviceId().equals(srManager.getPairDeviceId(deviceId).orElse(null))) {
locationFutures.addAll(processHostAddedAtLocation(host, location));
log.debug("{} locationFutures for {}", locationFutures.size(), host);
// Waiting for all locationFutures to be completed.
// This is a blocking operation but it is fine since this is run in a separate thread
try {
CompletableFuture.allOf(locationFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
.thenApply(objectives ->
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
log.warn("Exception caught when executing locationFutures");
locationFutures.forEach(future -> future.cancel(false));
void processHostAddedEvent(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
hostWorkers.execute(() -> processHostAdded(host),;
private void processHostAdded(Host host) {
effectiveLocations(host).forEach(location -> processHostAddedAtLocation(host, location));
// ensure dual-homed host locations have viable uplinks
if (effectiveLocations(host).size() > 1 || srManager.singleHomedDown) {
effectiveLocations(host).forEach(loc -> {
if (srManager.mastershipService.isLocalMaster(loc.deviceId())) {
List<CompletableFuture<Objective>> processHostAddedAtLocation(Host host, HostLocation location) {
checkArgument(effectiveLocations(host).contains(location), "{} is not a location of {}", location, host);
MacAddress hostMac = host.mac();
VlanId hostVlanId = host.vlan();
Set<HostLocation> locations = effectiveLocations(host);
Set<IpAddress> ips = host.ipAddresses();"Host {}/{} is added at {}", hostMac, hostVlanId, locations);
List<CompletableFuture<Objective>> objectiveFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
// TODO Phased recovery does not trace double tagged hosts
if (isDoubleTaggedHost(host)) {
ips.forEach(ip ->
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, host.tpid(), ip, false)
} else {
processBridgingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, false)
ips.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, false)
// Use the pair link temporarily before the second location of a dual-homed host shows up.
// This do not affect single-homed hosts since the flow will be blocked in
// processBridgingRule or processRoutingRule due to VLAN or IP mismatch respectively
srManager.getPairDeviceId(location.deviceId()).ifPresent(pairDeviceId -> {
if (effectiveLocations(host).stream().noneMatch(l -> l.deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId))) {
srManager.getPairLocalPort(pairDeviceId).ifPresent(pairRemotePort -> {
// NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
// when the host is untagged
VlanId vlanId = vlanForPairPort(hostVlanId, location);
if (vlanId == null) {
processBridgingRule(pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort, hostMac, vlanId, false)
ips.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort, hostMac, vlanId, ip, false)
if (srManager.activeProbing) {
probe(host, location, pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort);
// NOTE: that we use the nexthop vlanId to retrieve the nextId
// while the vlanId used to program the L3 unicast chain
// is derived from the port configuration. In case of
// a tagged interface we use host vlanId. Host vlan should
// be part of the tags configured for that port. See the
// code in DefaultGroupHandler.updateL3UcastGroupBucket
int nextId = srManager.getMacVlanNextObjectiveId(location.deviceId(), hostMac, hostVlanId, null, false);
if (nextId != -1) {
log.debug(" Updating next objective for device {}, host {}/{}, port {}, nextid {}",
location.deviceId(), hostMac, hostVlanId, location.port(), nextId);
srManager.updateMacVlanTreatment(location.deviceId(), hostMac, hostVlanId,
location.port(), nextId);
log.debug("{} objectiveFutures for {}", objectiveFutures.size(), location);
return objectiveFutures;
void processHostRemovedEvent(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
hostWorkers.execute(() -> processHostRemoved(host),;
private void processHostRemoved(Host host) {
MacAddress hostMac = host.mac();
VlanId hostVlanId = host.vlan();
Set<HostLocation> locations = effectiveLocations(host);
Set<IpAddress> ips = host.ipAddresses();"Host {}/{} is removed from {}", hostMac, hostVlanId, locations);
locations.forEach(location -> {
if (isDoubleTaggedHost(host)) {
ips.forEach(ip ->
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, host.tpid(), ip, true)
} else {
processBridgingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, true);
ips.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, true)
// Also remove redirection flows on the pair device if exists.
Optional<DeviceId> pairDeviceId = srManager.getPairDeviceId(location.deviceId());
Optional<PortNumber> pairLocalPort = srManager.getPairLocalPort(location.deviceId());
if (pairDeviceId.isPresent() && pairLocalPort.isPresent()) {
// NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
// when the host is untagged
VlanId vlanId = vlanForPairPort(hostVlanId, location);
if (vlanId == null) {
processBridgingRule(pairDeviceId.get(), pairLocalPort.get(), hostMac, vlanId, true);
ips.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(pairDeviceId.get(), pairLocalPort.get(), hostMac, vlanId,
ip, true));
// Delete prefix from sr-device-subnet when the next hop host is removed
srManager.routeService.getRouteTables().forEach(tableId -> {
srManager.routeService.getRoutes(tableId).forEach(routeInfo -> {
if (routeInfo.allRoutes().stream().anyMatch(rr -> ips.contains(rr.nextHop()))) {
log.debug("HostRemoved. removeSubnet {}, {}", location, routeInfo.prefix());
srManager.deviceConfiguration.removeSubnet(location, routeInfo.prefix());
void processHostMovedEvent(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
hostWorkers.execute(() -> processHostMovedEventInternal(event),;
private void processHostMovedEventInternal(HostEvent event) {
// This method will be called when one of the following value has changed:
// (1) locations (2) auxLocations or (3) both locations and auxLocations.
// We only need to proceed when effectiveLocation has changed.
Set<HostLocation> newLocations = effectiveLocations(event.subject());
Set<HostLocation> prevLocations = effectiveLocations(event.prevSubject());
if (newLocations.equals(prevLocations)) {"effectiveLocations of {} has not changed. Skipping {}", event.subject().id(), event);
Host host = event.subject();
Host prevHost = event.prevSubject();
MacAddress hostMac = host.mac();
VlanId hostVlanId = host.vlan();
Set<IpAddress> prevIps = prevHost.ipAddresses();
Set<IpAddress> newIps = host.ipAddresses();
EthType hostTpid = host.tpid();
boolean doubleTaggedHost = isDoubleTaggedHost(host);"Host {}/{} is moved from {} to {}", hostMac, hostVlanId, prevLocations, newLocations);
Set<DeviceId> newDeviceIds =
// For each old location
Sets.difference(prevLocations, newLocations).forEach(prevLocation -> {
// Remove routing rules for old IPs
Sets.difference(prevIps, newIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, true);
} else {
processRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId,
ip, true);
// Redirect the flows to pair link if configured
// Note: Do not continue removing any rule
Optional<DeviceId> pairDeviceId = srManager.getPairDeviceId(prevLocation.deviceId());
Optional<PortNumber> pairLocalPort = srManager.getPairLocalPort(prevLocation.deviceId());
if (pairDeviceId.isPresent() && pairLocalPort.isPresent() && -> location.deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId.get())) && -> location.deviceId().equals(prevLocation.deviceId()))) {
// NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
// when the host is untagged
VlanId vlanId = Optional.ofNullable(srManager.getInternalVlanId(prevLocation)).orElse(hostVlanId);
processBridgingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), pairLocalPort.get(), hostMac, vlanId, false);
newIps.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), pairLocalPort.get(), hostMac, vlanId,
ip, false));
// Remove flows for unchanged IPs only when the host moves from a switch to another.
// Otherwise, do not remove and let the adding part update the old flow
if (!newDeviceIds.contains(prevLocation.deviceId())) {
processBridgingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, true);
Sets.intersection(prevIps, newIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, true);
} else {
processRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(),
hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, true);
// Remove bridging rules if new interface vlan is different from old interface vlan
// Otherwise, do not remove and let the adding part update the old flow
if ( -> {
VlanId oldAssignedVlan = srManager.getInternalVlanId(prevLocation);
VlanId newAssignedVlan = srManager.getInternalVlanId(newLocation);
// Host is tagged and the new location has the host vlan in vlan-tagged
return srManager.interfaceService.getTaggedVlanId(newLocation).contains(hostVlanId) ||
(oldAssignedVlan != null && newAssignedVlan != null &&
// Host is untagged and the new location has the same assigned vlan
})) {
processBridgingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, true);
// Remove routing rules for unchanged IPs if none of the subnet of new location contains
// the IP. Otherwise, do not remove and let the adding part update the old flow
Sets.intersection(prevIps, newIps).forEach(ip -> {
if ( ->
srManager.deviceConfiguration.inSameSubnet(newLocation, ip))) {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, true);
} else {
processRoutingRule(prevLocation.deviceId(), prevLocation.port(),
hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, true);
// For each new location, add all new IPs.
Sets.difference(newLocations, prevLocations).forEach(newLocation -> {
processBridgingRule(newLocation.deviceId(), newLocation.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId, false);
newIps.forEach(ip -> {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(newLocation.deviceId(), newLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, false);
} else {
processRoutingRule(newLocation.deviceId(), newLocation.port(), hostMac, hostVlanId,
ip, false);
// Probe on pair device when host move
// Majorly for the 2nd step of [1A/x, 1B/x] -> [1A/x, 1B/y] -> [1A/y, 1B/y]
// But will also cover [1A/x] -> [1A/y] -> [1A/y, 1B/y]
if (srManager.activeProbing) {
srManager.getPairDeviceId(newLocation.deviceId()).ifPresent(pairDeviceId ->
srManager.getPairLocalPort(pairDeviceId).ifPresent(pairRemotePort ->
probe(host, newLocation, pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort)
// For each unchanged location, add new IPs and remove old IPs.
Sets.intersection(newLocations, prevLocations).forEach(unchangedLocation -> {
Sets.difference(prevIps, newIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(unchangedLocation.deviceId(), unchangedLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, true);
} else {
processRoutingRule(unchangedLocation.deviceId(), unchangedLocation.port(),
hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, true);
Sets.difference(newIps, prevIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (doubleTaggedHost) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(unchangedLocation.deviceId(), unchangedLocation.port(),
hostMac, host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, false);
} else {
processRoutingRule(unchangedLocation.deviceId(), unchangedLocation.port(),
hostMac, hostVlanId, ip, false);
// Verify existing location and see if it is still valid
srManager.probingService.probeHost(host, unchangedLocation, ProbeMode.VERIFY);
// ensure dual-homed host locations have viable uplinks
if (newLocations.size() > prevLocations.size() || srManager.singleHomedDown) {
newLocations.forEach(loc -> {
if (srManager.mastershipService.isLocalMaster(loc.deviceId())) {
void processHostUpdatedEvent(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
hostWorkers.execute(() -> processHostUpdatedEventInternal(event),;
private void processHostUpdatedEventInternal(HostEvent event) {
Host host = event.subject();
MacAddress hostMac = host.mac();
VlanId hostVlanId = host.vlan();
EthType hostTpid = host.tpid();
Set<HostLocation> locations = effectiveLocations(host);
Set<IpAddress> prevIps = event.prevSubject().ipAddresses();
Set<IpAddress> newIps = host.ipAddresses();"Host {}/{} is updated", hostMac, hostVlanId);
locations.forEach(location -> {
Sets.difference(prevIps, newIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (isDoubleTaggedHost(host)) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, true);
} else {
processRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
hostVlanId, ip, true);
Sets.difference(newIps, prevIps).forEach(ip -> {
if (isDoubleTaggedHost(host)) {
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
host.innerVlan(), hostVlanId, hostTpid, ip, false);
} else {
processRoutingRule(location.deviceId(), location.port(), hostMac,
hostVlanId, ip, false);
// Use the pair link temporarily before the second location of a dual-homed host shows up.
// This do not affect single-homed hosts since the flow will be blocked in
// processBridgingRule or processRoutingRule due to VLAN or IP mismatch respectively
locations.forEach(location ->
srManager.getPairDeviceId(location.deviceId()).ifPresent(pairDeviceId -> {
if ( -> l.deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId))) {
Set<IpAddress> ipsToAdd = Sets.difference(newIps, prevIps);
Set<IpAddress> ipsToRemove = Sets.difference(prevIps, newIps);
srManager.getPairLocalPort(pairDeviceId).ifPresent(pairRemotePort -> {
// NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
// when the host is untagged
VlanId vlanId = vlanForPairPort(hostVlanId, location);
if (vlanId == null) {
ipsToRemove.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort, hostMac, vlanId, ip, true)
ipsToAdd.forEach(ip ->
processRoutingRule(pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort, hostMac, vlanId, ip, false)
if (srManager.activeProbing) {
probe(host, location, pairDeviceId, pairRemotePort);
* When a non-pair port comes up, probe each host on the pair device if
* (1) the host is tagged and the tagged vlan of current port contains host vlan; or
* (2) the host is untagged and the internal vlan is the same on the host port and current port.
* @param cp connect point
// TODO Current implementation does not handle dual-homed hosts with auxiliary locations.
void processPortUp(ConnectPoint cp) {
if (cp.port().equals(srManager.getPairLocalPort(cp.deviceId()).orElse(null))) {
if (srManager.activeProbing) {
.ifPresent(pairDeviceId -> srManager.hostService.getConnectedHosts(pairDeviceId).forEach(
host -> hostWorkers.execute(() -> probingIfNecessary(host, pairDeviceId, cp),;
// TODO Current implementation does not handle dual-homed hosts with auxiliary locations.
private void probingIfNecessary(Host host, DeviceId pairDeviceId, ConnectPoint cp) {
if (isHostInVlanOfPort(host, pairDeviceId, cp)) {
srManager.probingService.probeHost(host, cp, ProbeMode.DISCOVER);
* Checks if given host located on given device id matches VLAN config of current port.
* @param host host to check
* @param deviceId device id to check
* @param cp current connect point
* @return true if the host located at deviceId matches the VLAN config on cp
private boolean isHostInVlanOfPort(Host host, DeviceId deviceId, ConnectPoint cp) {
VlanId internalVlan = srManager.getInternalVlanId(cp);
Set<VlanId> taggedVlan = srManager.interfaceService.getTaggedVlanId(cp);
return taggedVlan.contains(host.vlan()) ||
(internalVlan != null && effectiveLocations(host).stream()
.filter(l -> l.deviceId().equals(deviceId))
* Send a probe on all locations with the same VLAN on pair device, excluding pair port.
* @param host host to probe
* @param location newly discovered host location
* @param pairDeviceId pair device id
* @param pairRemotePort pair remote port
// TODO Current implementation does not handle dual-homed hosts with auxiliary locations.
private void probe(Host host, ConnectPoint location, DeviceId pairDeviceId, PortNumber pairRemotePort) {
//Check if the host still exists in the host store
if (hostService.getHost( == null) {
log.debug("Host entry for host {} no more present. Aborting hostprobe discover for this host",;
VlanId vlanToProbe = host.vlan().equals(VlanId.NONE) ?
srManager.getInternalVlanId(location) : host.vlan();
if (srManager.symmetricProbing) {
.filter(i -> i.vlanTagged().contains(vlanToProbe) ||
i.vlanUntagged().equals(vlanToProbe) ||
.filter(i -> i.connectPoint().deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId))
.filter(i -> i.connectPoint().port().equals(location.port()))
.forEach(i -> {
log.debug("Probing host {} on pair device {}",, i.connectPoint());
srManager.probingService.probeHost(host, i.connectPoint(), ProbeMode.DISCOVER);
} else {
.filter(i -> i.vlanTagged().contains(vlanToProbe) ||
i.vlanUntagged().equals(vlanToProbe) ||
.filter(i -> i.connectPoint().deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId))
.filter(i -> !i.connectPoint().port().equals(pairRemotePort))
.forEach(i -> {
log.debug("Probing host {} on pair device {}",, i.connectPoint());
srManager.probingService.probeHost(host, i.connectPoint(), ProbeMode.DISCOVER);
* Populates or revokes a bridging rule on given deviceId that matches given mac,
* given vlan and output to given port.
* @param deviceId device ID
* @param port port
* @param mac mac address
* @param vlanId VLAN ID
* @param revoke true to revoke the rule; false to populate
* @return future that includes the flow objective if succeeded, null if otherwise
private CompletableFuture<Objective> processBridgingRule(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber port, MacAddress mac,
VlanId vlanId, boolean revoke) {"{} bridging entry for host {}/{} at {}:{}", revoke ? "Revoking" : "Populating",
mac, vlanId, deviceId, port);
if (!revoke) {
return srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateBridging(deviceId, port, mac, vlanId);
} else {
return srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeBridging(deviceId, port, mac, vlanId);
* Populate or revoke a routing rule on given deviceId that matches given ip,
* set destination mac to given mac, set vlan to given vlan and output to given port.
* @param deviceId device ID
* @param port port
* @param mac mac address
* @param vlanId VLAN ID
* @param ip IP address
* @param revoke true to revoke the rule; false to populate
* @return future that includes the flow objective if succeeded, null if otherwise
private CompletableFuture<Objective> processRoutingRule(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber port, MacAddress mac,
VlanId vlanId, IpAddress ip, boolean revoke) {
ConnectPoint location = new ConnectPoint(deviceId, port);
if (!srManager.deviceConfiguration.inSameSubnet(location, ip)) {"{} is not included in the subnet config of {}/{}. Ignored.", ip, deviceId, port);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
}"{} routing rule for {} at {}", revoke ? "Revoking" : "Populating", ip, location);
if (revoke) {
return srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(deviceId, ip.toIpPrefix(), mac, vlanId, port, true);
} else {
return srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(deviceId, ip.toIpPrefix(), mac, vlanId, port, true);
* Populate or revoke a routing rule and egress rules on given deviceId that matches given IP,
* to set destination mac to given mac, set inner vlan and outer vlan to given vlans,
* set outer TPID, and output to given port.
* @param deviceId device ID
* @param port port
* @param mac mac address
* @param innerVlan inner VLAN ID
* @param outerVlan outer VLAN ID
* @param outerTpid outer TPID
* @param ip IP address
* @param revoke true to revoke the rule; false to populate
private void processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber port,
MacAddress mac, VlanId innerVlan,
VlanId outerVlan, EthType outerTpid,
IpAddress ip, boolean revoke) {
if (!srManager.routeDoubleTaggedHosts) {
log.debug("Routing for double tagged host is disabled. Ignore {}/{}/{}", mac, outerVlan, innerVlan);
ConnectPoint location = new ConnectPoint(deviceId, port);
if (!srManager.deviceConfiguration.inSameSubnet(location, ip)) {"{} is not included in the subnet config of {}/{}. Ignored.", ip, deviceId, port);
}"{} routing rule for double-tagged host {} at {}",
revoke ? "Revoking" : "Populating", ip, location);
if (revoke) {
deviceId, ip.toIpPrefix(), mac, innerVlan, outerVlan, outerTpid, port);
} else {
deviceId, ip.toIpPrefix(), mac, innerVlan, outerVlan, outerTpid, port);
void populateAllDoubleTaggedHost() {"Enabling routing for all double tagged hosts");
.forEach(h -> effectiveLocations(h).forEach(l ->
h.ipAddresses().forEach(i ->
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(l.deviceId(), l.port(), h.mac(), h.innerVlan(),
h.vlan(), h.tpid(), i, false)
void revokeAllDoubleTaggedHost() {"Disabling routing for all double tagged hosts");
.forEach(h -> effectiveLocations(h).forEach(l ->
h.ipAddresses().forEach(i ->
processDoubleTaggedRoutingRule(l.deviceId(), l.port(), h.mac(), h.innerVlan(),
h.vlan(), h.tpid(), i, true)
* Returns VLAN ID to be used to program redirection flow on pair port.
* @param hostVlanId host VLAN ID
* @param location host location
* @return VLAN ID to be used; Or null if host VLAN does not match the interface config
VlanId vlanForPairPort(VlanId hostVlanId, ConnectPoint location) {
VlanId internalVlan = srManager.getInternalVlanId(location);
Set<VlanId> taggedVlan = srManager.interfaceService.getTaggedVlanId(location);
if (!hostVlanId.equals(VlanId.NONE) && taggedVlan.contains(hostVlanId)) {
return hostVlanId;
} else if (hostVlanId.equals(VlanId.NONE) && internalVlan != null) {
return internalVlan;
} else {
log.warn("VLAN mismatch. hostVlan={}, location={}, internalVlan={}, taggedVlan={}",
hostVlanId, location, internalVlan, taggedVlan);
return null;
* Update forwarding objective for unicast bridging and unicast routing.
* Also check the validity of updated interface configuration on VLAN.
* @param deviceId device ID that host attaches to
* @param portNum port number that host attaches to
* @param vlanId Vlan ID configured on the switch port
* @param popVlan true to pop Vlan tag at TrafficTreatment, false otherwise
* @param install true to populate the objective, false to revoke
// TODO Current implementation does not handle dual-homed hosts with auxiliary locations.
void processIntfVlanUpdatedEvent(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNum, VlanId vlanId,
boolean popVlan, boolean install) {
ConnectPoint connectPoint = new ConnectPoint(deviceId, portNum);
Set<Host> hosts = hostService.getConnectedHosts(connectPoint);
if (hosts == null || hosts.size() == 0) {
log.debug("processIntfVlanUpdatedEvent: No hosts connected to {}", connectPoint);
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> hostFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
hosts.forEach(host -> hostFutures.add(hostWorkers.submit(() -> processIntfVlanUpdatedEventInternal(
host, deviceId, portNum, vlanId, popVlan, install),;
// Let's wait for the completion of all hosts
try {
CompletableFuture.allOf(hostFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
.thenApply(objectives ->
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
log.warn("Exception caught when executing processIntfVlanUpdatedEvent futures");
hostFutures.forEach(future -> future.cancel(false));
private void processIntfVlanUpdatedEventInternal(Host host, DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNum,
VlanId vlanId, boolean popVlan, boolean install) {
MacAddress mac = host.mac();
VlanId hostVlanId = host.vlan();
List<CompletableFuture<Objective>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
if (!install) {
// Do not check the host validity. Just remove all rules corresponding to the vlan id
// Revoke forwarding objective for bridging to the host
futures.add(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.updateBridging(deviceId, portNum, mac, vlanId,
popVlan, false));
// Revoke forwarding objective and corresponding simple Next objective
// for each Host and IP address connected to given port
host.ipAddresses().forEach(ipAddress ->
futures.add(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.updateFwdObj(deviceId, portNum, ipAddress.toIpPrefix(),
mac, vlanId, popVlan, false)));
} else {
// Check whether the host vlan is valid for new interface configuration
if ((!popVlan && hostVlanId.equals(vlanId)) ||
(popVlan && hostVlanId.equals(VlanId.NONE))) {
futures.add(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.updateBridging(deviceId, portNum, mac, vlanId,
popVlan, true));
// Update Forwarding objective and corresponding simple Next objective
// for each Host and IP address connected to given port
host.ipAddresses().forEach(ipAddress ->
futures.add(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.updateFwdObj(deviceId, portNum, ipAddress.toIpPrefix(),
mac, vlanId, popVlan, true)));
// Let's wait for the completion of update procedure
try {
CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
.thenApply(objectives ->
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
log.warn("Exception caught when executing processIntfVlanUpdatedEventInternal futures");
futures.forEach(future -> future.cancel(false));
* Populate or revoke routing rule for each host, according to the updated
* subnet configuration on the interface.
* @param cp connect point of the updated interface
* @param ipPrefixSet IP Prefixes added or removed
* @param install true if IP Prefixes added, false otherwise
// TODO Current implementation does not handle dual-homed hosts with auxiliary locations.
void processIntfIpUpdatedEvent(ConnectPoint cp, Set<IpPrefix> ipPrefixSet, boolean install) {
Set<Host> hosts = hostService.getConnectedHosts(cp);
if (hosts == null || hosts.size() == 0) {
log.debug("processIntfIpUpdatedEvent: No hosts connected to {}", cp);
// Check whether the host IP address is in the interface's subnet
hosts.forEach(host -> hostWorkers.execute(() -> processIntfIpUpdatedEventInternal(
host, cp, ipPrefixSet, install)));
private void processIntfIpUpdatedEventInternal(Host host, ConnectPoint cp, Set<IpPrefix> ipPrefixSet,
boolean install) {
host.ipAddresses().forEach(hostIpAddress -> {
ipPrefixSet.forEach(ipPrefix -> {
if (install && ipPrefix.contains(hostIpAddress)) {
srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(cp.deviceId(), hostIpAddress.toIpPrefix(),
host.mac(), host.vlan(), cp.port(), true);
} else if (!install && ipPrefix.contains(hostIpAddress)) {
srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(cp.deviceId(), hostIpAddress.toIpPrefix(),
host.mac(), host.vlan(), cp.port(), true);
* Returns the set of portnumbers on the given device that are part of the
* locations for dual-homed hosts.
* @param deviceId the given deviceId
* @return set of port numbers on given device that are dual-homed host
* locations. May be empty if no dual homed hosts are connected to
* the given device
Set<PortNumber> getDualHomedHostPorts(DeviceId deviceId) {
Set<PortNumber> dualHomedLocations = new HashSet<>();
.filter(host -> effectiveLocations(host).size() == 2)
.forEach(host -> effectiveLocations(host).stream()
.filter(loc -> loc.deviceId().equals(deviceId))
.forEach(loc -> dualHomedLocations.add(loc.port())));
return dualHomedLocations;
* Checks if the given host is double-tagged or not.
* @param host host to check
* @return true if it is double-tagged, false otherwise
private boolean isDoubleTaggedHost(Host host) {
return !host.innerVlan().equals(VlanId.NONE);
* Returns effective locations of given host.
* @param host host to check
* @return auxLocations of the host if exists, or locations of the host otherwise.
Set<HostLocation> effectiveLocations(Host host) {
return (host.auxLocations() != null) ? host.auxLocations() : host.locations();