blob: 229d32cec4bcb88e26e844300833e7912f534e95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.segmentrouting;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.config.DeviceConfigNotFoundException;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.grouphandler.DefaultGroupHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class LinkHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkHandler.class);
protected final SegmentRoutingManager srManager;
// Local store for all links seen and their present status, used for
// optimized routing. The existence of the link in the keys is enough to know
// if the link has been "seen-before" by this instance of the controller.
// The boolean value indicates if the link is currently up or not.
// Currently the optimized routing logic depends on "forgetting" a link
// when a switch goes down, but "remembering" it when only the link goes down.
private Map<Link, Boolean> seenLinks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Set<Link> seenBefore = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
private EventuallyConsistentMap<DeviceId, Set<PortNumber>> downedPortStore = null;
* Constructs the LinkHandler.
* @param srManager Segment Routing manager
LinkHandler(SegmentRoutingManager srManager) {
this.srManager = srManager;
log.debug("Creating EC map downedportstore");
EventuallyConsistentMapBuilder<DeviceId, Set<PortNumber>> downedPortsMapBuilder
= srManager.storageService.eventuallyConsistentMapBuilder();
downedPortStore = downedPortsMapBuilder.withName("downedportstore")
.withTimestampProvider((k, v) -> new WallClockTimestamp())
log.trace("Current size {}", downedPortStore.size());
* Constructs the LinkHandler for unit-testing.
* @param srManager SegmentRoutingManager
* @param linkService LinkService
LinkHandler(SegmentRoutingManager srManager, LinkService linkService) {
this.srManager = srManager;
* Initialize LinkHandler.
void init() {"Loading stored links");
* Preprocessing of added link before being sent for route-path handling.
* Also performs post processing of link.
* @param link the link to be processed
void processLinkAdded(Link link) {"** LINK ADDED {}", link.toString());
if (!isLinkValid(link)) {
// Irrespective of whether the local is a MASTER or not for this device,
// create group handler instance and push default TTP flow rules if needed,
// as in a multi-instance setup, instances can initiate groups for any
// device. Also update local groupHandler stores.
DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = srManager.groupHandlerMap
if (groupHandler == null) {
Device device = srManager.deviceService.getDevice(link.src().deviceId());
if (device != null) {
log.warn("processLinkAdded: Link Added notification without "
+ "Device Added event, still handling it");
if (isSeenLink(link)) {
// temp store retains previous state, just before the state is updated in
// seenLinks; previous state is necessary when processing the
// linkupdate in defaultRoutingHandler
updateSeenLink(link, true);
if (srManager.deviceConfiguration == null ||
!srManager.deviceConfiguration.isConfigured(link.src().deviceId())) {
log.warn("Source device of this link is not configured.. "
+ "not processing further");
// process link only if it is bidirectional
if (!isBidirectionalLinkUp(link)) {
log.debug("Link not bidirectional.. waiting for other direction " +
"src {} --> dst {} ", link.dst(), link.src());
}"processing bidi links {} <--> {} UP", link.src(), link.dst());
// update groupHandler internal port state for both directions
List<Link> ulinks = getBidiComponentLinks(link);
for (Link ulink : ulinks) {
DefaultGroupHandler gh = srManager.groupHandlerMap
if (gh != null) {
for (Link ulink : ulinks) {"-- Starting optimized route-path processing for component "
+ "unidirectional link {} --> {} UP", ulink.src(), ulink.dst());
// Performs the seenBefore optimization iff we have seen before both links in that case
// we have programmed the group (unless there were major issues in the system)
.populateRoutingRulesForLinkStatusChange(null, ulink, null,
(seenBefore.contains(ulink) && seenBefore.contains(getReverseLink(ulink))));
if (srManager.mastershipService.isLocalMaster(ulink.src().deviceId())) {
// handle edge-ports for dual-homed hosts
updateHostPorts(ulink, true);
// It's possible that linkUp causes no route-path change as ECMP graph does
// not change if the link is a parallel link (same src-dst as
// another link). However we still need to update ECMP hash
// groups to include new buckets for the link that has come up.
DefaultGroupHandler gh = srManager.groupHandlerMap
if (gh != null) {
if (!seenBefore.contains(ulink) && isParallelLink(ulink)) {
// if link seen first time, we need to ensure hash-groups have
// all ports
log.debug("Attempting retryHash for paralled first-time link {}",
gh.retryHash(ulink, false, true);
} else {
// seen before-link
if (isParallelLink(ulink)) {
log.debug("Attempting retryHash for paralled seen-before "
+ "link {}", ulink);
gh.retryHash(ulink, false, false);
//clean up temp state
* Preprocessing of removed link before being sent for route-path handling.
* Also performs post processing of link.
* @param link the link to be processed
void processLinkRemoved(Link link) {"** LINK REMOVED {}", link.toString());
if (!isLinkValid(link)) {
// when removing links, update seen links first, before doing route-path
// changes. Link should be already there because was up before. If not,
// we should not update the store. This could be a LINK DOWN happening
// after a DEVICE DOWN event.
if (isSeenLink(link)) {
updateSeenLink(link, false);
} else {
// Exiting here may not be needed since other checks later should fail
log.warn("received a link down for the link {} which is not in the store", link);
// handle edge-ports for dual-homed hosts
if (srManager.mastershipService.isLocalMaster(link.src().deviceId())) {
updateHostPorts(link, false);
// device availability check helps to ensure that multiple link-removed
// events are actually treated as a single switch removed event.
// purgeSeenLink is necessary so we do rerouting (instead of rehashing)
// when switch comes back.
if (link.src().elementId() instanceof DeviceId
&& !srManager.deviceService.isAvailable(link.src().deviceId())) {
if (link.dst().elementId() instanceof DeviceId
&& !srManager.deviceService.isAvailable(link.dst().deviceId())) {
// process link only if it is bidirectional
if (!isBidirectionalLinkDown(link)) {
log.debug("Link not bidirectional.. waiting for other direction " +
"src {} --> dst {} ", link.dst(), link.src());
}"processing bidi links {} <--> {} DOWN", link.src(), link.dst());
for (Link ulink : getBidiComponentLinks(link)) {"-- Starting optimized route-path processing for component "
+ "unidirectional link {} --> {} DOWN", ulink.src(), ulink.dst());
.populateRoutingRulesForLinkStatusChange(ulink, null, null, true);
// attempt rehashing for parallel links
DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = srManager.groupHandlerMap
if (groupHandler != null) {
if (srManager.mastershipService.isLocalMaster(ulink.src().deviceId())
&& isParallelLink(ulink)) {
log.debug("* retrying hash for parallel link removed:{}", ulink);
groupHandler.retryHash(ulink, true, false);
} else {
log.debug("Not attempting retry-hash for link removed: {} .. {}",
.src().deviceId())) ? "not parallel"
: "not master");
// ensure local stores are updated after all rerouting or rehashing
} else {
log.warn("group handler not found for dev:{} when removing link: {}",
ulink.src().deviceId(), ulink);
* Checks validity of link. Examples of invalid links include
* indirect-links, links between ports on the same switch, and more.
* @param link the link to be processed
* @return true if valid link
boolean isLinkValid(Link link) {
if (link.type() != Link.Type.DIRECT) {
// NOTE: A DIRECT link might be transiently marked as INDIRECT
// if BDDP is received before LLDP. We can safely ignore that
// until the LLDP is received and the link is marked as DIRECT."Ignore link {}->{}. Link type is {} instead of DIRECT.",
link.src(), link.dst(), link.type());
return false;
DeviceId srcId = link.src().deviceId();
DeviceId dstId = link.dst().deviceId();
if (srcId.equals(dstId)) {
log.warn("Links between ports on the same switch are not "
+ "allowed .. ignoring link {}", link);
return false;
DeviceConfiguration devConfig = srManager.deviceConfiguration;
if (devConfig == null) {
log.warn("Cannot check validity of link without device config");
return true;
try {
/*if (!devConfig.isEdgeDevice(srcId)
&& !devConfig.isEdgeDevice(dstId)) {
// ignore links between spines
// XXX revisit when handling multi-stage fabrics
log.warn("Links between spines not allowed...ignoring "
+ "link {}", link);
return false;
if (devConfig.isEdgeDevice(srcId)
&& devConfig.isEdgeDevice(dstId)) {
// ignore links between leaves if they are not pair-links
// XXX revisit if removing pair-link config or allowing more than
// one pair-link
if (devConfig.getPairDeviceId(srcId).equals(dstId)
&& devConfig.getPairLocalPort(srcId)
&& devConfig.getPairLocalPort(dstId)
.equals(link.dst().port())) {
// found pair link - allow it
return true;
} else {
log.warn("Links between leaves other than pair-links are "
+ "not allowed...ignoring link {}", link);
return false;
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
// We still want to count the links in seenLinks even though there
// is no config. So we let it return true
log.warn("Could not check validity of link {} as subtending devices "
+ "are not yet configured", link);
return true;
* Administratively enables or disables edge ports if the link that was
* added or removed was the only uplink port from an edge device. Edge ports
* that belong to dual-homed hosts are always processed. In addition,
* single-homed host ports are optionally processed depending on the
* singleHomedDown property.
* @param link the link to be processed
* @param added true if link was added, false if link was removed
private void updateHostPorts(Link link, boolean added) {
// Topology has only a single pair of leaves
if (srManager.getInfraDeviceIds().isEmpty()) {
log.debug("No spine configured. Not updating edge port for {} {}", link, added ? "add" : "remove");
DeviceConfiguration devConfig = srManager.deviceConfiguration;
if (added) {
try {
if (!devConfig.isEdgeDevice(link.src().deviceId())
|| devConfig.isEdgeDevice(link.dst().deviceId())) {
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Unable to determine if link is a valid uplink"
+ e.getMessage());
// re-enable previously disabled ports on this edge-device if any
Set<PortNumber> p = downedPortStore.remove(link.src().deviceId());
if (p != null) {
log.warn("Link src {} --> dst {} added is an edge-device uplink, "
+ "enabling dual homed ports if any: {}", link.src().deviceId(),
link.dst().deviceId(), (p.isEmpty()) ? "no ports" : p);
p.forEach(pnum -> srManager.deviceAdminService
.changePortState(link.src().deviceId(), pnum, true));
} else {
// If the device does not have a pair device - skip
DeviceId dev = link.src().deviceId();
if (getPairDeviceIdOrNull(dev) == null) {"Device {} does not have pair device " +
"not disabling access port", dev);
// Verify if last uplink
if (!lastUplink(link)) {
// find dual homed hosts on this dev to disable
Set<PortNumber> dp = srManager.hostHandler
log.warn("Link src {} --> dst {} removed was the last uplink, "
+ "disabling dual homed ports: {}", dev,
link.dst().deviceId(), (dp.isEmpty()) ? "no ports" : dp);
dp.forEach(pnum -> srManager.deviceAdminService
.changePortState(dev, pnum, false));
if (srManager.singleHomedDown) {
// get all configured ports and down them if they haven't already
// been downed
.filter(p -> p.isEnabled() && !dp.contains(p.number()))
.filter(p -> srManager.interfaceService
.isConfigured(new ConnectPoint(dev, p.number())))
.filter(p -> !srManager.deviceConfiguration
.isPairLocalPort(dev, p.number()))
.forEach(p -> {
log.warn("Last uplink gone src {} -> dst {} .. removing "
+ "configured port {}", p.number());
.changePortState(dev, p.number(), false);
if (!dp.isEmpty()) {
// update global store
Set<PortNumber> p = downedPortStore.get(dev);
if (p == null) {
p = dp;
} else {
downedPortStore.put(link.src().deviceId(), p);
* Returns true if given link was the last active uplink from src-device of
* link. An uplink is defined as a unidirectional link with src as
* edgeRouter and dst as non-edgeRouter.
* @param link
* @return true if given link was the last uplink from the src device
private boolean lastUplink(Link link) {
DeviceConfiguration devConfig = srManager.deviceConfiguration;
try {
if (!devConfig.isEdgeDevice(link.src().deviceId())
|| devConfig.isEdgeDevice(link.dst().deviceId())) {
return false;
// note that using linkservice here would cause race conditions as
// more links can show up while the app is still processing the first one
Set<Link> devLinks = seenLinks.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry.getKey().src().deviceId()
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue())
.filter(entry -> !entry.getKey().equals(link))
.map(entry -> entry.getKey())
for (Link l : devLinks) {
if (devConfig.isEdgeDevice(l.dst().deviceId())) {
log.debug("Found another active uplink {}", l);
return false;
log.debug("No active uplink found");
return true;
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Unable to determine if link was the last uplink"
+ e.getMessage());
return false;
* Returns true if this controller instance has seen this link before. The
* link may not be currently up, but as long as the link had been seen
* before this method will return true. The one exception is when the link
* was indeed seen before, but this controller instance was forced to forget
* it by a call to purgeSeenLink method.
* @param link the infrastructure link being queried
* @return true if this controller instance has seen this link before
boolean isSeenLink(Link link) {
return seenLinks.containsKey(link);
* Updates the seen link store. Updates can be for links that are currently
* available or not.
* @param link the link to update in the seen-link local store
* @param up the status of the link, true if up, false if down
void updateSeenLink(Link link, boolean up) {
seenLinks.put(link, up);
* Returns the status of a seen-link (up or down). If the link has not been
* seen-before, a null object is returned.
* @param link the infrastructure link being queried
* @return null if the link was not seen-before; true if the seen-link is
* up; false if the seen-link is down
private Boolean isSeenLinkUp(Link link) {
return seenLinks.get(link);
* Makes this controller instance forget a previously seen before link.
* @param link the infrastructure link to purge
private void purgeSeenLink(Link link) {
* Returns the status of a link as parallel link. A parallel link is defined
* as a link which has common src and dst switches as another seen-link that
* is currently enabled. It is not necessary for the link being queried to
* be a seen-link.
* @param link the infrastructure link being queried
* @return true if a seen-link exists that is up, and shares the same src
* and dst switches as the link being queried
private boolean isParallelLink(Link link) {
for (Entry<Link, Boolean> seen : seenLinks.entrySet()) {
Link seenLink = seen.getKey();
if (seenLink.equals(link)) {
if (seenLink.src().deviceId().equals(link.src().deviceId())
&& seenLink.dst().deviceId().equals(link.dst().deviceId())
&& seen.getValue()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the link being queried is a bidirectional link that is
* up. A bidi-link is defined as a component unidirectional link, whose
* reverse link - ie. the component unidirectional link in the reverse
* direction - has been seen-before and is up. It is NOT necessary for the
* link being queried to be a previously seen-link.
* @param link the infrastructure (unidirectional) link being queried
* @return true if another unidirectional link exists in the reverse
* direction, has been seen-before and is up
boolean isBidirectionalLinkUp(Link link) {
// cannot call linkService as link may be gone
Link reverseLink = getReverseLink(link);
if (reverseLink == null) {
return false;
Boolean result = isSeenLinkUp(reverseLink);
if (result == null) {
return false;
return result.booleanValue();
* Returns true if the link being queried is a bidirectional link that is
* down. A bidi-link is defined as a component unidirectional link, whose
* reverse link - i.e the component unidirectional link in the reverse
* direction - has been seen before and is down. It is necessary for the
* reverse-link to have been previously seen.
* @param link the infrastructure (unidirectional) link being queried
* @return true if another unidirectional link exists in the reverse
* direction, has been seen-before and is down
boolean isBidirectionalLinkDown(Link link) {
// cannot call linkService as link may be gone
Link reverseLink = getReverseLink(link);
if (reverseLink == null) {
log.warn("Query for bidi-link down but reverse-link not found "
+ "for link {}", link);
return false;
Boolean result = seenLinks.get(reverseLink);
if (result == null) {
return false;
// if reverse link is seen UP (true), then its not bidi yet
return !result.booleanValue();
* Returns the link in the reverse direction from the given link, by
* consulting the seen-links store.
* @param link the given link
* @return the reverse link or null
Link getReverseLink(Link link) {
return seenLinks.keySet().stream()
.filter(l -> l.src().equals(link.dst()) && l.dst().equals(link.src()))
* Returns the component unidirectional links of a declared bidirectional
* link, by consulting the seen-links store. Caller is responsible for
* previously verifying bidirectionality. Returned list may be empty if
* errors are encountered.
* @param link the declared bidirectional link
* @return list of component unidirectional links
List<Link> getBidiComponentLinks(Link link) {
Link reverseLink = getReverseLink(link);
List<Link> componentLinks;
if (reverseLink == null) { // really should not happen if link is bidi
log.error("cannot find reverse link for given link: {} ... is it "
+ "bi-directional?", link);
componentLinks = ImmutableList.of();
} else {
componentLinks = ImmutableList.of(reverseLink, link);
return componentLinks;
* Determines if the given link should be avoided in routing calculations by
* policy or design.
* @param link the infrastructure link being queried
* @return true if link should be avoided
boolean avoidLink(Link link) {
// XXX currently only avoids all pair-links. In the future can be
// extended to avoid any generic link
DeviceId src = link.src().deviceId();
PortNumber srcPort = link.src().port();
DeviceConfiguration devConfig = srManager.deviceConfiguration;
if (devConfig == null || !devConfig.isConfigured(src)) {
log.warn("Device {} not configured..cannot avoid link {}", src,
return false;
DeviceId pairDev;
PortNumber pairLocalPort, pairRemotePort = null;
try {
pairDev = devConfig.getPairDeviceId(src);
pairLocalPort = devConfig.getPairLocalPort(src);
if (pairDev != null) {
pairRemotePort = devConfig
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Pair dev for dev {} not configured..cannot avoid link {}",
src, link);
return false;
return srcPort.equals(pairLocalPort)
&& link.dst().deviceId().equals(pairDev)
&& link.dst().port().equals(pairRemotePort);
* Cleans up internal LinkHandler stores.
* @param device the device that has been removed
void processDeviceRemoved(Device device) {
.removeIf(key -> key.src().deviceId().equals(
|| key.dst().deviceId().equals(;
* Administratively disables the host location switchport if the edge device
* has no viable uplinks. The caller needs to determine if such behavior is
* desired for the single or dual-homed host.
* @param loc the host location
void checkUplinksForHost(HostLocation loc) {
// Topology has only a single pair of leaves
if (srManager.getInfraDeviceIds().isEmpty()) {
log.debug("No spine configured. Not disabling access port for {}", loc);
// If the device does not have a pair device - return
if (getPairDeviceIdOrNull(loc.deviceId()) == null) {"Device {} does not have pair device " +
"not disabling access port", loc.deviceId());
// Verify link validity
try {
for (Link l : srManager.linkService.getDeviceLinks(loc.deviceId())) {
if (srManager.deviceConfiguration.isEdgeDevice(l.dst().deviceId())
|| l.state() == Link.State.INACTIVE) {
// found valid uplink - so, nothing to do
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Could not check for valid uplinks due to missing device"
+ "config " + e.getMessage());
log.warn("Host location {} has no valid uplinks disabling port", loc);
srManager.deviceAdminService.changePortState(loc.deviceId(), loc.port(),
Set<PortNumber> p = downedPortStore.get(loc.deviceId());
if (p == null) {
p = Sets.newHashSet(loc.port());
} else {
downedPortStore.put(loc.deviceId(), p);
private DeviceId getPairDeviceIdOrNull(DeviceId deviceId) {
DeviceId pairDev;
try {
pairDev = srManager.deviceConfiguration.getPairDeviceId(deviceId);
} catch (DeviceConfigNotFoundException e) {
pairDev = null;
return pairDev;
ImmutableMap<Link, Boolean> getSeenLinks() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(seenLinks);
ImmutableMap<DeviceId, Set<PortNumber>> getDownedPorts() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(downedPortStore.entrySet());
* Returns all links that egress from given device that are UP in the
* seenLinks store. The returned links are also confirmed to be
* bidirectional.
* @param deviceId the device identifier
* @return set of egress links from the device
Set<Link> getDeviceEgressLinks(DeviceId deviceId) {
return seenLinks.keySet().stream()
.filter(link -> link.src().deviceId().equals(deviceId))
.filter(link -> seenLinks.get(link))
.filter(link -> isBidirectionalLinkUp(link))