blob: e3fc80ca3c75b6f978b1c326c63366b09fab6973 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
# sdnsh - The Controller Shell
# show running-config
# and associated
import datetime
import re
import utif
import modi
from midw import *
from vnsw import *
def init_running_config(bs, modi):
global sdnsh, mi
sdnsh = bs
mi = modi
running_config_registry = {}
running_config_command_choices = {
'optional' : True,
'choices' : (
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def register_running_config(name, order, feature, running_config_proc, command_tuple = None):
Register a callback to manage the display of component running configs
@feature a predicate to call, returns True/False to enable/disable this entry
running_config_registry[name] = { 'order' : order,
'feature' : feature,
'proc' : running_config_proc }
if command_tuple:
global running_config_command_choices
running_config_command_choices['choices'] += command_tuple
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def registry_items_enabled():
Return a list of active running config entries, this is a subset of
the registered items, only items which are currently enabled via features
return [name for name in running_config_registry.keys()
if running_config_registry[name]['feature'] == None or
running_config_registry[name]['feature'](sdnsh) == True]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def perform_running_config(name, context, config, words):
Callout to append to config
if name in running_config_registry:
running_config_registry[name]['proc'](context, config, words)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_include_alias(config, indent, obj_type, key):
Given an obj_type and an id, add the alias for this obj_type
to the config.
The table lookup is a bit difficult to understand; keep in
mind, for example, the 'host-alias' table has a primary
key called id, and a foreign key called 'host'.
Return False if no alias exists, and True when one was added to 'config'
if obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
for alias in mi.alias_obj_type_xref[obj_type]:
field = mi.alias_obj_type_field(alias)
row = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(alias, field, key)
row = []
if len(row) > 1:
sdnsh.warning('%s %s: alias count > 1' % (alias, key))
elif len(row) == 1:
config.append("%s%s %s\n" %
(' ' * indent, alias, row[0]['id']))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def not_default_value(obj_type, field, value):
Return True when the value passed in is not the default value.
default_value = mi.field_default_value(obj_type, field)
if (mi.is_null_allowed(obj_type, field) and value != None) or \
(not mi.is_null_allowed(obj_type, field) and default_value != None
and (default_value != value)):
return True
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_include_field(config, obj_type, field, value,
indent, prefix = ""):
Identify fields of obj_types who's values differ from the default
values, since these need to be included into the running-config
if mi.not_default_value(obj_type, field, value):
if mi.is_field_string(obj_type, field):
config.append(' ' * (indent + indent) + prefix + field +
" %s\n" % utif.quote_string(value))
config.append(' ' * (indent + indent) + prefix + field +
' %s\n' % value)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_vns_acl(config, vns_name, acl, vns_acl_entries,indent=0):
factored out due to excessive indent level in do_show_running_config
and to allow re-use in 'show vns <n> running-config'
key ='vns-access-list')
config.append(' ' *2*indent + 'access-list %s\n' % acl['name'])
vns_acl_fields = ['priority', 'description']
for field in vns_acl_fields:
'vns-access-list', field,
acl.get(field, ''), indent+1)
vns_acl_entries = sorted(vns_acl_entries,
cmp=lambda x,y: int(x['rule']) - int(y['rule']))
for acl_entry in vns_acl_entries:
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + '%s %s %s %s\n' % (
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_vns_if_rule(config,
factored out due to excessive indent level in do_show_running_config
and to allow re-use in 'show vns <n> running-config'
'vns_if_rule_entries' are all the entries to concatenate to the confi
for rule in vns_if_rule_entries:
config.append(' ' *2*indent +'interface-rule %s\n' % rule['rule'])
# mi.obj_type_config_fields('vns-interface-rule') isn't used
# here since switch/port is collected together (managed together)
for field in ['description', 'active', 'priority', ]:
'vns-interface-rule', field,
rule.get(field, ''), indent+1,)
for field in [ 'mac', 'ip-subnet', 'vlans', 'tags']:
'vns-interface-rule', field,
rule.get(field, ''), indent+1, 'match ')
if rule.get('allow-multiple', False):
config.append(' ' * 2*(indent+1) + 'allow-multiple\n');
if rule.get('vlan-tag-on-egress', False):
config.append(' ' * 2*(indent+1) + 'vlan-tag-on-egress\n');
# Manage switch and ports differently, placing both on the
# same line when ports exist, and replacing the switch alias
# when its available.
if 'switch' in rule:
dpid_or_alias = alias_lookup_with_foreign_key('switch-alias',
if dpid_or_alias == None:
dpid_or_alias = rule['switch'] # dpid
if 'ports' in rule:
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + 'match switch %s %s\n' %
(dpid_or_alias, rule['ports']))
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + 'match switch %s\n' % dpid_or_alias)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_active_vns_interfaces(vns_name, vns_interface_acl):
Return a list of interfaces which have configuration information needing
to be saved
active = {}
key ='vns-interface-access-list')
for if_acl in vns_interface_acl:
id_fields = if_acl[key].split('|')
vns_id= id_fields[0] +'|' + id_fields[1]
if vns_id == vns_name:
active[id_fields[2]] = None
return active.keys()
def running_config_tenant_details(config, tenant):
Display the details for the fields of a tenant which may have
non-default values.
if tenant['active'] != mi.field_default_value('tenant', 'active'):
config.append('no active\n')
# mi.obj_type_config_fields('vns-definition') only shows fields which are
# user editable, which is none, since only the command descriptions
# modify the fields. XXX func which returns fields which can be updated
# via command descriptions?
tenant_fields = ['description', 'origin']
for field in sorted(tenant_fields):
'tenant', field,
tenant.get(field,''), 1)
def running_config_tenant_router_details(config, vrouter,indent=0):
Display the details for the fields of a vrouter which may have
non-default values.
vrouter_fields = ['description', 'origin']
for field in sorted(vrouter_fields):
'virtualrouter', field,
vrouter.get(field,''), indent+1)
def running_config_router_interface_details(config, vr_interface, indent=0):
Display the details for the fields of a router interface which may have
non-default values.
if 'vns-connected' in vr_interface and vr_interface['vns-connected'] is not None:
config.append(' ' *2*indent + 'interface %s vns %s \n' % (vr_interface['vriname'],vns_name))
elif 'router-connected' in vr_interface and vr_interface['router-connected'] is not None:
config.append(' ' *2*indent +'interface %s tenant %s %s \n' % (vr_interface['vriname'],tenant_name, router_name))
if vr_interface['active'] != mi.field_default_value('virtualrouter-interface', 'active'):
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + 'no active\n')
vri_fields = ['origin']
for field in sorted(vri_fields):
'virtualrouter-interface', field,
vr_interface.get(field,''), indent+1)
ip_address_pool = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('interface-address-pool','virtual-router-interface', vr_interface['id'], "exact")
except Exception:
ip_address_pool = {}
for ip_address in ip_address_pool:
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + 'ip %s\n' % (utif.ip_and_neg_mask(ip_address['ip-address'],ip_address['subnet-mask'])))
def running_config_router_rule_details(config, vr_route,indent=0):
Display the details for the fields of a router interface which may have
non-default values.
config_str=' ' * 2*indent
if 'src-tenant' in vr_route and vr_route['src-tenant'] is not None:
config_str+=('route from tenant %s' % vr_route['src-tenant'])
if 'src-vns' in vr_route and vr_route['src-vns'] is not None:
config_str+=(' vns %s' % vns_name)
if 'src-ip' in vr_route and vr_route['src-ip'] is not None:
config_str+=('route from %s' % (utif.ip_and_neg_mask(vr_route['src-ip'],vr_route['src-ip-mask'])))
config_str+=('route from any')
config_str+=(' to')
if 'dst-tenant' in vr_route and vr_route['dst-tenant'] is not None:
config_str+=(' tenant %s' % vr_route['dst-tenant'])
if 'dst-vns' in vr_route and vr_route['dst-vns'] is not None:
config_str+=(' vns %s' % vns_name)
if 'dst-ip' in vr_route and vr_route['dst-ip'] is not None:
config_str+=(' %s' % (utif.ip_and_neg_mask(vr_route['dst-ip'],vr_route['dst-ip-mask'])))
config_str+=(' any')
if 'nh-ip' in vr_route and vr_route['nh-ip'] is not None:
config_str+=(' %s' % vr_route['nh-ip'])
if 'gateway-pool' in vr_route and vr_route['gateway-pool'] is not None:
gwpool= vr_route['gateway-pool'].split('|')
config_str+=(' gw-pool %s' % gwpool_name)
if 'outgoing-intf' in vr_route and vr_route['outgoing-intf'] is not None:
intf= vr_route['outgoing-intf'].split('|')
config_str+=(' %s' % intf_name)
config_str+=(' %s\n' % vr_route['action'])
def running_config_router_gwpool_details(config, vr_gwpool, indent=0):
Display the details for the fields of a router gateway pool which may have
non-default values.
config.append(' ' *2*indent + 'gateway-pool %s\n' % (vr_gwpool['vrgwname']))
gw_address_pool = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('gateway-address-pool','virtual-router-gwpool', vr_gwpool['id'], "exact")
except Exception:
gw_address_pool = {}
for gw_address in gw_address_pool:
config.append(' ' *2*(indent+1) + 'ip %s\n' % gw_address['ip-address'])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_vns_details(config, vns,indent=0):
Display the details for the fields of a vns which may have
non-default values.
if vns['active'] != mi.field_default_value('vns-definition', 'active'):
config.append(' ' *2*indent + 'no active\n')
# mi.obj_type_config_fields('vns-definition') only shows fields which are
# user editable, which is none, since only the command descriptions
# modify the fields. XXX func which returns fields which can be updated
# via command descriptions?
vns_fields = ['description', 'priority', 'origin',
'arp-mode', 'dhcp-mode', 'dhcp-ip', 'broadcast']
for field in sorted(vns_fields):
'vns-definition', field,
vns.get(field,''), indent)
vns_use_fields = ['address-space']
for field in sorted(vns_use_fields):
'vns-definition', field,
vns.get(field,''), indent, "use ")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_vns_if_and_access_group(config, vns_name, if_name, vns_interface_acl,indent=0):
Decorate the config with access_group details
obj_type = 'vns-interface-access-list'
key =
for if_acl in vns_interface_acl:
# add compound key field names ('vns', 'name', etc) into if_acl
mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, if_acl)
vns_id=if_acl['tenant'] +'|' + if_acl['vnsname']
if vns_id == vns_name and if_acl['interface'] == if_name:
config.append(' '*2*indent + "access-group %s %s\n" %
(if_acl['name'], if_acl['in-out']))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def firewall_rule(rule):
Return a string, the command which enabled this particular firewall rule
tcp_ports = {6633: "openflow",
80: "web",
443: "ssl",
22: "ssh"}
src = ''
if 'src-ip' in rule and rule['src-ip'] != '':
src = 'from %s ' % rule['src-ip']
dst = ''
if 'vrrp-ip' in rule and rule['vrrp-ip'] != '':
dst = 'local-ip %s ' % rule['vrrp-ip']
if rule['proto'] == 'tcp' and rule['port'] in tcp_ports:
allow = tcp_ports[rule['port']]
return "firewall allow %s%s%s" % (src, dst, allow)
elif rule['proto'] == 'vrrp':
return "firewall allow %s%svrrp" % (src, dst)
return ("firewall allow %s%s%s %s" %
(src, dst, rule['proto'], rule['port']))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_firewall_rule(config, rule):
Return a string, the command which enabled this particular firewall rule
config.append(" %s\n" % firewall_rule(rule))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_feature(context, config, words):
Decorate config with the feature commands
feature = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('feature')
if len(feature) == 0:
f_config = []
for field in mi.obj_type_fields('feature'):
if field =='feature'):
if mi.is_foreign_key('feature', field):
default_value = mi.field_default_value('feature', field)
name = field.replace('-feature','')
if mi.not_default_value('feature', field, feature[0][field]):
if default_value == True:
f_config.append('no feature %s\n' % name)
f_config.append('feature %s\n' % name)
if len(f_config) > 0:
config.append('! features enabled/disabled\n')
config += f_config
feature_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'feature',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for enabled/disabled features',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-feature',
register_running_config('feature', 1000, None, running_config_feature, feature_running_config_tuple)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_controller_node(context, config, words):
Decorate config with controller-node details.
controller_nodes = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("controller-node")
controller_ifs = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("controller-interface")
controller_dnses = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("controller-domain-name-server")
firewall_rules = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("firewall-rule")
controller_alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict('controller-alias', 'controller')
key ='controller-node')
if len(words) > 0:
if not words[0] in [c[key] for c in controller_nodes]:
return sdnsh.error_msg('No such controller "%s"' % words[0])
for c in controller_nodes:
if len(words) > 0 and c[key] != words[0]:
c_config = []
if c[key] in controller_alias_dict:
c_config.append(' controller-alias %s\n' %
# mi.obj_type_config_fields() doesn't work, since
# these fields aren't directly editable.
for field in ['ntp-server',
default_value = mi.field_default_value('controller-node', field)
if field == 'ntp-server' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' ntp server %s\n' % c.get(field,''))
elif field == 'time-zone' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' clock timezone %s\n' % c.get(field, ''))
elif field == 'domain-lookups-enabled' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' ip domain lookup\n')
elif field == 'domain-name' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' ip domain name %s\n' % c.get(field, ''))
dns_key ='controller-domain-name-server')
related_dns = [x for x in controller_dnses if x[dns_key].startswith(c[key])]
if related_dns:
sorted_dns = sorted(related_dns, key=lambda x: x['timestamp'],
cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(int(x), int(y)))
for dns in sorted_dns:
c_config.append(' ip name-server %s\n' % dns['ip'])
for field in ['default-gateway',
default_value = mi.field_default_value('controller-node', field)
if field == 'logging-enabled' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' logging on\n')
elif field == 'default-gateway' and c.get(field, '') != default_value:
c_config.append(' ip default-gateway %s\n' % c.get(field, ''))
default_logging_server = mi.field_default_value('controller-node', 'logging-server')
default_logging_level = mi.field_default_value('controller-node', 'logging-level')
logging_server = c.get('logging-server', '')
logging_level = c.get('logging-level', '')
if ((logging_server != default_logging_server) or
(logging_level != default_logging_level)):
c_config.append(' logging server %s' % logging_server)
if logging_level != default_logging_level:
c_config.append(' level %s' % logging_level)
open_ports = [22, 6633]
cif_key ='controller-interface')
fr_key ='firewall-rule')
for cif in controller_ifs:
if cif[cif_key].startswith(c[key]):
fields = cif[cif_key].split('|')
cconfig = []
if len(fields) > 2:
if_n = int(fields[2]) # interface number is the 3rd field
ip_mode = 'static'
if 'mode' in cif and cif['mode'] != '':
if cif['mode'] != mi.field_default_value('controller-interface',
# currently no checks are made to warn
# the user when 'dhcp' mode has been
# selected, and ip/netmask are set.
cconfig.append(' ip mode %s\n' % cif['mode'])
ip_mode = cif['mode']
if (ip_mode == 'static' and
'ip' in cif and cif['ip'] != '' and
'netmask' in cif and cif['netmask'] != ''):
cconfig.append(' ip address %s %s\n' %
(cif['ip'], cif['netmask']))
rules_for_cif = [r for r in firewall_rules
if r['interface'] == cif[cif_key]]
# look for deleted default firewall rules for first interface
if if_n == 0:
default_rule_missing = list(open_ports)
for rule in rules_for_cif:
if rule['proto'] == 'tcp' and rule['port'] in default_rule_missing:
default_rule_missing = filter(lambda p: p != rule['port'],
for dr in default_rule_missing:
cconfig.append(' no firewall %s tcp\n' % dr)
for rule in rules_for_cif:
# ignore default rules
if if_n == 0 and rule['proto'] == 'tcp' and rule['port'] in open_ports:
running_config_firewall_rule(cconfig, rule)
if len(cconfig) > 0 or cif[cif_key] != 'localhost|Ethernet|0':
# mi.obj_type_config_fields() doesn't work, since
# these fields aren't directly editable.
c_config.append(' interface %s %s\n' %
(fields[1], fields[2]))
c_config += cconfig
if len(c_config) != 0 or c[key] != 'localhost':
config.append('!\ncontroller-node %s\n' % c[key])
controller_node_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'controller-node',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for controller nodes',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-controller-node',
'field' : 'word',
'type' : 'identifier',
'completion' : 'complete-from-another',
'other' : 'controller-node|id',
'parent-field' : None,
'action' : 'legacy-cli',
'optional' : True,
register_running_config('controller-node', 2000, None,
running_config_controller_node, controller_node_running_config_tuple)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_switch(context, config, words):
Switch running-config
switches = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("switch-config")
flow_table_entries = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('flow-entry')
switch_interface_configs_dict = create_obj_type_dict('switch-interface-config',
switch_interface_alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict('switch-interface-alias',
key ='switch-config')
if len(words) > 0:
if not words[0] in [s[key] for s in switches]:
return sdnsh.error_msg('No such switch "%s"' % words[0])
for s in switches:
if len(words) > 0 and s[key] != words[0]:
sw_config = []
sw_config.append('!\nswitch %s\n' % s[key])
# add any alias for this id if it exists
running_config_include_alias(sw_config, 1, 'switch-config', s[key])
if mi.not_default_value('switch-config', 'core-switch', s.get('core-switch','')):
sw_config.append(" core-switch\n") # default is not enabled
if mi.not_default_value('switch-config', 'tunnel-termination', s.get('tunnel-termination','')):
sw_config.append(" tunnel termination %s\n" %
# Look for matching switch interface config's
sic_key ='switch-interface-config')
for sic in switch_interface_configs_dict.get(s[key], []):
fields = sic[sic_key].split('|')
if len(fields) > 1:
sic_config = []
# XXX perhaps mi.obj_type_config_fields() here?
sic['mode'], 2,
'switchport ')
if sic[sic_key] in switch_interface_alias_dict:
sic_config.append(' interface-alias %s\n' %
if len(sic_config) > 0:
sw_config.append(' interface %s\n' % fields[1])
sw_config += sic_config
for fte in flow_table_entries: #
# how to handle defaults?
if fte['switch'] == s[key]:
sw_config.append(' flow-entry %s\n' % fte['name'])
fields_to_print = mi.cli_model_info.get_fields_to_print('flow-entry')
for f in fields_to_print:
v = fte.get(f, "")
if v != "" and f != 'name' and f != 'switch':
field_info = mi.cli_model_info.get_field_info('flow-entry', f)
if v == field_info.get('default', None) and f != 'active':
pass # literally, don't print this one
sw_config.append(' %s %s\n' % (f, v))
config += sw_config
switch_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'switch',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for switches',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-switch',
'field' : 'word',
'type' : 'dpid',
'completion' : 'complete-from-another',
'other' : 'switch|dpid',
'parent-field' : None,
'action' : 'legacy-cli',
'data-handler' : 'alias-to-value',
'optional' : True,
register_running_config('switch', 3000, None, running_config_switch, switch_running_config_tuple)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def running_config_host(context, config, words):
Add host details, including tags.
# When there are no tags, and no host-aliases, the hosts don't need
# to be read. If it were possible to determine the number of entries
# without querying, then it would make sense to consider enumerating
# the host-aliases and tags if they were substantially smaller than
# the number of hosts.
host_alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict("host-alias", 'host')
host_security_ip = create_obj_type_dict("host-security-ip-address", 'host')
host_security_ap = create_obj_type_dict("host-security-attachment-point", 'host')
switch_config = create_obj_type_dict('switch-interface-config', 'id')
# Notice that only hosts configured are enumerated here, since
# discovered hosts can't have configuration. All configuration
# is attached to configured hosts, which are joined after discovered
# hosts for show commands.
hosts = sdnsh.get_table_from_store("host-config")
key ='host-config')
if len(words) > 0:
if not words[0] in [h[key] for h in hosts]:
return sdnsh.error_msg('No such host "%s"' % words[0])
for h in hosts:
if len(words) > 0 and words[0] != h[key]:
# host_config holds 'config' only for host.
host_config = []
a_s = ''
if h.get('address-space','') != 'default':
a_s = 'address-space %s ' % h['address-space']
vlan = ''
if h.get('vlan', '') != '':
vlan = 'vlan %s ' % h['vlan']
host_config.append('!\nhost %s%s%s\n' % (a_s, vlan, h['mac']))
# add the host alias for this id if it exists
if h[key] in host_alias_dict:
host_config.append(" host-alias %s\n" %
# check for security policies
if h[key] in host_security_ip:
for ip in host_security_ip[h[key]]:
host_config.append(" security policy bind ip-address %s\n" % ip['ip-address'])
if h[key] in host_security_ap:
for ap in host_security_ap[h[key]]:
host_config.append(" security policy bind attachment-point %s %s\n" %
(ap.get('dpid', 'all'),
config += host_config
host_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'host',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for hosts',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-host',
'field' : 'word',
'type' : 'host',
'completion' : 'complete-from-another',
'other' : 'host|mac',
'parent-field' : None,
'data-handler' : 'alias-to-value',
'action' : 'legacy-cli',
'optional' : True,
register_running_config('host', 5000, None, running_config_host, host_running_config_tuple)
def running_config_vns(context, config, words):
Add the VNS configuration detils
this command will only generate vns under default tenant
other vnss will be generated under running_config_tenant
#generate specific vns configuration, used in tenant config generation too
if len(words) > 0:
# XXX should the vns-definiiton also be included?
sdnsh.show_vns_definition_running_config(config, words[0])
config += sdnsh.show_vns_running_config(words[0])
#generate all VNSs for default tenant, this is used backward compatible as "show running-config vns"
vns_def = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('vns-definition')
except Exception:
vns_def = []
vns_rules = create_obj_type_dict('vns-interface-rule', 'vns')
except Exception:
vns_rules = {}
vns_acls = create_obj_type_dict('vns-access-list', 'vns')
except Exception:
vns_acls = {}
vns_acl_entries = create_obj_type_dict('vns-access-list-entry',
except Exception:
vns_acl_entries = {}
vns_interface = create_obj_type_dict('vns-interface-config', 'vns')
except Exception:
vns_interface = {}
vns_interface_acl = create_obj_type_dict('vns-interface-access-list',
except Exception:
vns_interface_acl = {}
# vns-definition
for vns in vns_def:
if vns['tenant']=='default':
vns_name = vns['id']
config.append('!\nvns-definition %s\n' % vns['vnsname'])
running_config_vns_details(config, vns)
if vns_name in vns_rules:
# vns
acl_key ='vns-access-list')
if_key ='vns-interface-config')
for vns in vns_def:
if vns['tenant'] =='default':
vns_name = vns['id']
vns_config = []
for acl in vns_acls.get(vns_name, []):
acl_id = acl[acl_key] # compound primary key value
running_config_vns_acl(vns_config, vns_name, acl, vns_acl_entries[acl_id],indent=1)
for vns_if in vns_interface.get(vns_name, []):
vns_if_acl_config = []
vns_if_id = vns_if[if_key] # compound primary key value
if vns_if_id in vns_interface_acl:
if vns_if_acl_config:
vns_config.append(" interface %s\n" % vns_if['interface'])
vns_config += vns_if_acl_config
if len(vns_config) > 0:
config.append('!\nvns %s\n' % vns['vnsname'])
config += vns_config
vns_config = []
def is_vns_enabled(context):
return context.netvirt_feature_enabled()
vns_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'vns',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for network virtualization',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-vns',
'field' : 'word',
'type' : 'identifier',
'completion' : 'complete-from-another',
'other' : 'vns-definition|vnsname',
'parent-field' : None,
'action' : 'legacy-cli',
'optional' : True,
register_running_config('vns', 7000, is_vns_enabled, running_config_vns, vns_running_config_tuple)
#tenant running config
def running_config_tenant(context, config, words):
if len(words) > 0:
# XXX should the vns-definiiton also be included?
sdnsh.show_tenant_running_config(config, words[0])
tenants = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('tenant')
except Exception:
tenants = []
for tenant in tenants:
sdnsh.show_tenant_running_config(config, tenant['name'])
tenant_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'tenant',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for Tenant',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-tenant',
'field' : 'word',
'type' : 'identifier',
'completion' : 'complete-from-another',
'other' : 'tenant|name',
'parent-field' : None,
'action' : 'legacy-cli',
'optional' : True,
register_running_config('tenant', 7000, is_vns_enabled, running_config_tenant, tenant_running_config_tuple)
def running_config_static_arp(context, config, words):
staticARPs = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('static-arp')
except Exception:
staticARPs = []
for arp in staticARPs:
if first:
config.append('!\narp %s %s\n' % (arp['ip'], arp['mac']))
config.append('arp %s %s\n' % (arp['ip'], arp['mac']))
staticARP_running_config_tuple = (
'optional' : False,
'field' : 'running-config',
'type' : 'enum',
'values' : 'static-arp',
'short-help' : 'Configuration for static ARP entry',
'doc' : 'running-config|show-static-arp',
register_running_config('static-arp', 6000, None, running_config_static_arp, staticARP_running_config_tuple)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def implement_show_running_config(words):
Manager for the 'show running-config' command, which calls the
specific detail functions for any of the parameters.
# LOOK! hardwired - need to use the obj_type_info and the field_list
# LOOK! how are these sorted?
config = []
if len(words) > 0:
# pick the word
choice = utif.full_word_from_choices(words[0],
if sdnsh.netvirt_feature_enabled() and 'vns'.startswith(words[0]):
if choice:
return sdnsh.error_msg("%s and %s ambiguous" % (choice, 'vns'))
choice = 'vns'
if choice:
perform_running_config(choice, sdnsh, config, words)
return sdnsh.error_msg("unknown running-config item: %s" % words[0])
# config[:-1] removes the last trailing newline
return ''.join(config)[:-1]
# Create the order based on the registration value
running_config_order = sorted(registry_items_enabled(),
key=lambda item: running_config_registry[item]['order'])
for rc in running_config_order:
if rc not in exclude_list:
perform_running_config(rc, sdnsh, config, words)
prefix = []
if len(config) > 0:
date_string ="%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S %Z")
prefix.append("!\n! ")
prefix.append("\n! Current Time: ")
prefix.append("version 1.0\n") # need a better determination of command syntax version
# config[:-1] removes the last trailing newline
return ''.join(prefix) + ''.join(config)[:-1]