blob: edc39b2b1478bb924ce3cb1622e918bfe80562a7 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.slf4j.helpers.FormattingTuple;
import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter;
* Utility class used for formatting Rest Error descriptions.
public final class RestErrorFormatter {
* Hide default constructor for utility classes.
private RestErrorFormatter() { }
* Takes a RestError template and formats the description using a supplied
* list of replacement parameters.
* @param error the RestError to format
* @param parameters parameter list to use as positional parameters in the
* result string
* @return the String object for the formatted message.
static String formatErrorMessage(final RestError error,
final Object... parameters) {
final FormattingTuple formattingResult =
MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(error.getDescription(), parameters);
return formattingResult.getMessage();