| function startFlowAnimation(flow) { |
| if (flow.select('animate').empty()) { |
| flow.append('svg:animate') |
| .attr('attributeName', 'stroke-dashoffset') |
| .attr('attributeType', 'xml') |
| .attr('from', '500') |
| .attr('to', '-500') |
| .attr('dur', '20s') |
| .attr('repeatCount', 'indefinite'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function stopFlowAnimation(flow) { |
| flow.select('animate').remove(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| function updateSelectedFlowsTopology() { |
| var topologyFlows = []; |
| selectedFlows.forEach(function (flow) { |
| if (flow) { |
| topologyFlows.push(flow); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| var flows = flowLayer.selectAll('.flow').data(topologyFlows); |
| |
| flows.enter().append("svg:path").attr('class', 'flow') |
| .attr('stroke-dasharray', '4, 10') |
| |
| flows.exit().remove(); |
| |
| flows.attr('d', function (d) { |
| if (!d) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var pts = []; |
| if (d.createPending) { |
| // create a temporary vector to indicate the pending flow |
| var s1 = d3.select(document.getElementById(d.srcDpid)); |
| var s2 = d3.select(document.getElementById(d.dstDpid)); |
| |
| var pt1 = document.querySelector('svg').createSVGPoint(); |
| pt1.x = s1.attr('x'); |
| pt1.y = s1.attr('y'); |
| if (drawingRings) { |
| pt1 = pt1.matrixTransform(s1[0][0].getCTM()); |
| } |
| pts.push(pt1); |
| |
| var pt2 = document.querySelector('svg').createSVGPoint(); |
| pt2.x = s2.attr('x'); |
| pt2.y = s2.attr('y'); |
| if (drawingRings) { |
| pt2 = pt2.matrixTransform(s2[0][0].getCTM()); |
| } |
| pts.push(pt2); |
| |
| } else if (d.dataPath && d.dataPath.flowEntries) { |
| d.dataPath.flowEntries.forEach(function (flowEntry) { |
| var s = d3.select(document.getElementById(flowEntry.dpid.value)); |
| // s[0] is null if the flow entry refers to a non-existent switch |
| if (s[0][0]) { |
| var pt = document.querySelector('svg').createSVGPoint(); |
| pt.x = s.attr('x'); |
| pt.y = s.attr('y'); |
| if (drawingRings) { |
| pt = pt.matrixTransform(s[0][0].getCTM()); |
| } |
| pts.push(pt); |
| } else { |
| console.log('flow refers to non-existent switch: ' + flowEntry.dpid.value); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| if (pts.length) { |
| return line(pts); |
| } else { |
| return "M0,0"; |
| } |
| }) |
| .attr('id', function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| return makeFlowKey(d); |
| } |
| }) |
| .classed('pending', function (d) { |
| return d && (d.createPending || d.deletePending); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function updateSelectedFlowsTable() { |
| function rowEnter(d) { |
| var row = d3.select(this); |
| row.append('div').classed('deleteFlow', true); |
| row.append('div').classed('flowId', true); |
| row.append('div').classed('srcDPID', true); |
| row.append('div').classed('dstDPID', true); |
| row.append('div').classed('iperf', true); |
| |
| row.select('.iperf') |
| .append('div') |
| .attr('class', 'iperf-container') |
| .append('svg:svg') |
| .attr('viewBox', '0 0 1000 32') |
| .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'none') |
| .append('svg:g') |
| .append('svg:path') |
| .attr('class', 'iperfdata'); |
| |
| row.on('mouseover', function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| var path = document.getElementById(makeFlowKey(d)); |
| d3.select(path).classed('highlight', true); |
| } |
| }); |
| row.on('mouseout', function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| var path = document.getElementById(makeFlowKey(d)); |
| d3.select(path).classed('highlight', false); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function rowUpdate(d) { |
| var row = d3.select(this); |
| row.attr('id', function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| return makeSelectedFlowKey(d); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| if (!d || !hasIPerf(d)) { |
| row.select('.iperfdata') |
| .attr('d', 'M0,0'); |
| } |
| |
| row.select('.deleteFlow').on('click', function () { |
| deselectFlow(d); |
| }); |
| row.on('dblclick', function () { |
| if (d) { |
| var prompt = 'Delete flow ' + d.flowId + '?'; |
| doConfirm(prompt, function (result) { |
| if (result) { |
| deleteFlow(d); |
| d.deletePending = true; |
| updateSelectedFlows(); |
| |
| setTimeout(function () { |
| d.deletePending = false; |
| updateSelectedFlows(); |
| }, pendingTimeout) |
| }; |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| row.select('.flowId') |
| .text(function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| if (d.flowId) { |
| return d.flowId; |
| } else { |
| return '0x--'; |
| } |
| } |
| }) |
| .classed('pending', function (d) { |
| return d && (d.createPending || d.deletePending); |
| }); |
| |
| row.select('.srcDPID') |
| .text(function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| return d.srcDpid; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| row.select('.dstDPID') |
| .text(function (d) { |
| if (d) { |
| return d.dstDpid; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| var flows = d3.select('#selectedFlows') |
| .selectAll('.selectedFlow') |
| .data(selectedFlows); |
| |
| flows.enter() |
| .append('div') |
| .classed('selectedFlow', true) |
| .each(rowEnter); |
| |
| flows.each(rowUpdate); |
| |
| flows.exit().remove(); |
| } |
| |
| function startIPerfForFlow(flow) { |
| var duration = 10000; // seconds |
| var interval = 100; // ms. this is defined by the server |
| var updateRate = 2000; // ms |
| var pointsToDisplay = 1000; |
| |
| function makeGraph(iperfData) { |
| var d = 'M0,0'; |
| |
| if (iperfData.samples && iperfData.samples.length) { |
| |
| var lastX; |
| var i = iperfData.samples.length - 1; |
| while (i) { |
| var sample = iperfData.samples[i]; |
| |
| var x = (1000 - (iperfData.now - sample.time)*10); |
| var y = 28 * sample.value/1000000; |
| if (y > 28) { |
| y = 28; |
| } |
| if (i == iperfData.samples.length - 1) { |
| d = 'M' + x + ',30'; |
| } |
| |
| // handle gaps |
| // 1.5 for rounding error |
| if (lastX && lastX - x > 1.5) { |
| d += 'L' + lastX + ',30'; |
| d += 'M' + x + ',30' |
| } |
| lastX = x; |
| |
| d += 'L' + x + ',' + (30-y); |
| |
| i -= 1; |
| |
| if (!i) { |
| d += 'L' + x + ',30'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return d; |
| } |
| |
| if (flow.flowId) { |
| console.log('starting iperf for: ' + flow.flowId); |
| startIPerf(flow, duration, updateRate/interval); |
| flow.iperfDisplayInterval = setInterval(function () { |
| if (flow.iperfData) { |
| var iperfPath = d3.select(document.getElementById(makeSelectedFlowKey(flow))).select('path'); |
| iperfPath.attr('d', makeGraph(flow.iperfData)); |
| flow.iperfData.now += interval/1000; |
| } |
| |
| |
| }, interval); |
| |
| var animationTimeout; |
| flow.iperfData = { |
| samples: [] |
| } |
| |
| var lastTime; |
| flow.iperfFetchInterval = setInterval(function () { |
| console.log('Requesting iperf data'); |
| getIPerfData(flow, function (data) { |
| try { |
| var iperfData = JSON.parse(data); |
| |
| // console.log(iperfData.timestamp); |
| |
| // if the data is fresh |
| if (flow.iperfData.timestamp && iperfData.timestamp != flow.iperfData.timestamp) { |
| |
| var flowSelection = d3.select(document.getElementById(makeFlowKey(flow))); |
| startFlowAnimation(flowSelection); |
| clearTimeout(animationTimeout); |
| // kill the animation if iperfdata stops flowing |
| animationTimeout = setTimeout(function () { |
| stopFlowAnimation(flowSelection); |
| }, updateRate*1.5); |
| |
| var endTime = Math.floor(iperfData['end-time']*10)/10; |
| |
| var startTime = endTime - (iperfData.samples.length * interval/1000); |
| // set now on the first buffer |
| if (!flow.iperfData.now) { |
| flow.iperfData.now = startTime; |
| } |
| |
| console.log('iperf buffer start time: ' + startTime); |
| if (lastTime && (startTime - lastTime) > updateRate/1000) { |
| console.log('iperf buffer gap: ' + startTime + ',' + lastTime); |
| } |
| lastTime = startTime; |
| |
| // clear out the old data |
| while (flow.iperfData.samples.length > pointsToDisplay + iperfData.samples.length) { |
| flow.iperfData.samples.shift(); |
| } |
| |
| // if the client gets too out of sync, resynchronize |
| if (Math.abs(flow.iperfData.now - startTime) > (updateRate/1000) * 1.25) { |
| flow.iperfData.now = startTime; |
| } |
| |
| var time = startTime; |
| iperfData.samples.forEach(function (s) { |
| var sample = { |
| time: time, |
| value: s |
| }; |
| flow.iperfData.samples.push(sample); |
| time += interval/1000; |
| }); |
| } |
| flow.iperfData.timestamp = iperfData.timestamp; |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.log('bad iperf data: ' + data); |
| } |
| // console.log(data); |
| }); |
| }, updateRate*.5); // over sample to avoid gaps |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function updateSelectedFlows() { |
| // make sure that all of the selected flows are either |
| // 1) valid (meaning they are in the latest list of flows) |
| // 2) pending |
| if (model) { |
| var flowMap = {}; |
| model.flows.forEach(function (flow) { |
| flowMap[makeFlowKey(flow)] = flow; |
| }); |
| |
| var newSelectedFlows = []; |
| selectedFlows.forEach(function (flow) { |
| if (flow) { |
| var liveFlow = flowMap[makeFlowKey(flow)]; |
| if (liveFlow) { |
| newSelectedFlows.push(liveFlow); |
| liveFlow.deletePending = flow.deletePending; |
| liveFlow.iperfFetchInterval = flow.iperfFetchInterval; |
| liveFlow.iperfDisplayInterval = flow.iperfDisplayInterval; |
| } else if (flow.createPending) { |
| newSelectedFlows.push(flow); |
| } else if (hasIPerf(flow)) { |
| clearIPerf(flow); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| selectedFlows = newSelectedFlows; |
| } |
| selectedFlows.forEach(function (flow) { |
| if (!hasIPerf(flow)) { |
| startIPerfForFlow(flow); |
| } |
| }); |
| while (selectedFlows.length < 3) { |
| selectedFlows.push(null); |
| } |
| |
| updateSelectedFlowsTable(); |
| // on app init, the table is updated before the svg is constructed |
| if (flowLayer) { |
| updateSelectedFlowsTopology(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function selectFlow(flow) { |
| var flowKey = makeFlowKey(flow); |
| var alreadySelected = false; |
| selectedFlows.forEach(function (f) { |
| if (f && makeFlowKey(f) === flowKey) { |
| alreadySelected = true; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| if (!alreadySelected) { |
| selectedFlows.unshift(flow); |
| selectedFlows = selectedFlows.slice(0, 3); |
| updateSelectedFlows(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function hasIPerf(flow) { |
| return flow && flow.iperfFetchInterval; |
| } |
| |
| function clearIPerf(flow) { |
| console.log('clearing iperf interval for: ' + flow.flowId); |
| clearInterval(flow.iperfFetchInterval); |
| delete flow.iperfFetchInterval; |
| clearInterval(flow.iperfDisplayInterval); |
| delete flow.iperfDisplayInterval; |
| delete flow.iperfData; |
| } |
| |
| function deselectFlow(flow, ifCreatePending) { |
| if (!flow) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var flowKey = makeFlowKey(flow); |
| var newSelectedFlows = []; |
| selectedFlows.forEach(function (flow) { |
| if (!flow || |
| flowKey !== makeFlowKey(flow) || |
| flowKey === makeFlowKey(flow) && ifCreatePending && !flow.createPending ) { |
| newSelectedFlows.push(flow); |
| } else { |
| if (hasIPerf(flow)) { |
| clearIPerf(flow); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| selectedFlows = newSelectedFlows; |
| while (selectedFlows.length < 3) { |
| selectedFlows.push(null); |
| } |
| |
| updateSelectedFlows(); |
| } |
| |
| function deselectFlowIfCreatePending(flow) { |
| deselectFlow(flow, true); |
| } |
| |
| function showFlowChooser() { |
| function rowEnter(d) { |
| var row = d3.select(this); |
| |
| row.append('div') |
| .classed('black-eye', true). |
| on('click', function () { |
| selectFlow(d); |
| }); |
| |
| row.append('div') |
| .classed('flowId', true) |
| .text(function (d) { |
| return d.flowId; |
| }); |
| |
| row.append('div') |
| .classed('srcDPID', true) |
| .text(function (d) { |
| return d.srcDpid; |
| }); |
| |
| |
| row.append('div') |
| .classed('dstDPID', true) |
| .text(function (d) { |
| return d.dstDpid; |
| }); |
| |
| } |
| |
| var flowChooser = d3.select(document.getElementById('flowChooser')); |
| flowChooser.html(''); |
| flowChooser.style('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)') |
| .style('-webkit-transition'); |
| |
| var flows = flowChooser |
| .append('div') |
| .style('pointer-events', 'auto') |
| .selectAll('.selectedFlow') |
| .data(model.flows) |
| .enter() |
| .append('div') |
| .classed('selectedFlow', true) |
| .each(rowEnter); |
| |
| |
| setTimeout(function () { |
| flowChooser.style('-webkit-transition', '-webkit-transform .25s'); |
| setTimeout(function () { |
| flowChooser.style('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d(0,0,0)'); |
| }, 0); |
| |
| |
| d3.select(document.body).on('click', function () { |
| flowChooser.style('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)') |
| d3.select(document.body).on('click', null); |
| }); |
| }, 0); |
| } |