blob: dbde1854e9c6f7707e983eedf5bfe6fef299d7ec [file] [log] [blame]
package net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter;
public interface IDebugCounter {
* Increments the counter by 1 thread-locally, and immediately flushes to
* the global counter storage. This method should be used for counters that
* are updated outside the OF message processing pipeline.
void updateCounterWithFlush();
* Increments the counter by 1 thread-locally. Flushing to the global
* counter storage is delayed (happens with flushCounters() in IDebugCounterService),
* resulting in higher performance. This method should be used for counters
* updated in the OF message processing pipeline.
void updateCounterNoFlush();
* Increments the counter thread-locally by the 'incr' specified, and immediately
* flushes to the global counter storage. This method should be used for counters
* that are updated outside the OF message processing pipeline.
void updateCounterWithFlush(int incr);
* Increments the counter thread-locally by the 'incr' specified. Flushing to the global
* counter storage is delayed (happens with flushCounters() in IDebugCounterService),
* resulting in higher performance. This method should be used for counters
* updated in the OF message processing pipeline.
void updateCounterNoFlush(int incr);
* Retrieve the value of the counter from the global counter store
long getCounterValue();