blob: d3129bce2cd41ba25ab482cf6726e579b9db9616 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.core.datastore;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import net.onrc.onos.core.datastore.IKVTable.IKVEntry;
* Interface for a client class used to access the Key-Value store.
public interface IKVClient {
* Gets a table for name {@code tableName}.
* Table will be created, if it does not exist.
* @param tableName name of the table
* @return {@link IKVTable} for {@code tableName}
public IKVTable getTable(final String tableName);
* Drop table.
* <p/>
* Behavior of IKVTable instances accessing dropped table is undefined.
* @param table IKVTable to drop.
public void dropTable(IKVTable table);
* Create a Key-Value entry on table.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param value
* @return version of the created entry
* @throws ObjectExistsException
public long create(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value) throws ObjectExistsException;
* Create a Key-Value entry on table, without existence checking.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param value
* @return version of the created entry
public long forceCreate(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value);
* Read a Key-Value entry from table.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @return Corresponding {@link IKVEntry}
* @throws ObjectDoesntExistException
public IKVEntry read(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key) throws ObjectDoesntExistException;
* Update an existing Key-Value entry in table.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param value
* @param version expected version in the data store
* @return version after update
* @throws ObjectDoesntExistException
* @throws WrongVersionException
public long update(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value, long version)
throws ObjectDoesntExistException, WrongVersionException;
* Update an existing Key-Value entry in table, without checking version.
* <p/>
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param value
* @return version after update
* @throws ObjectDoesntExistException
public long update(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value)
throws ObjectDoesntExistException;
// TODO Adding serialized value as parameter to this interface may
// give an option to improve performance on some backends.
* Remove an existing Key-Value entry in table.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param version expected version in the data store
* @return version of removed object
* @throws ObjectDoesntExistException
* @throws WrongVersionException
public long delete(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, long version)
throws ObjectDoesntExistException, WrongVersionException;
* Remove a Key-Value entry in table.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @return version of removed object or -1, if it did not exist.
public long forceDelete(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key);
* Get all the entries in table.
* @param tableId
* @return entries in this table.
public Iterable<IKVEntry> getAllEntries(IKVTableID tableId);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #create(IKVTableID, byte[], byte[])
public IMultiEntryOperation createOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #forceCreate(IKVTableID, byte[], byte[])
public IMultiEntryOperation forceCreateOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key,
byte[] value);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #read(IKVTableID, byte[])
public IMultiEntryOperation readOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #update(IKVTableID, byte[], byte[], long)
public IMultiEntryOperation updateOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value,
long version);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #delete(IKVTableID, byte[], long)
public IMultiEntryOperation deleteOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key, byte[] value,
long version);
* Creates a {@code IMultiEntryOperation}.
* @return IMultiOpEntry for this operation
* @see #forceDelete(IKVTableID, byte[])
public IMultiEntryOperation forceDeleteOp(IKVTableID tableId, byte[] key);
* Batch delete operation.
* @param ops delete operations
* @return true if failed operation exists
public boolean multiDelete(final Collection<IMultiEntryOperation> ops);
* Batch write operation.
* @param ops write operations
* @return true if failed operation exists
public boolean multiWrite(final List<IMultiEntryOperation> ops);
* Batch read operation.
* @param ops read operations
* @return true if failed operation exists
public boolean multiRead(final Collection<IMultiEntryOperation> ops);
* Create atomic 64bit integer counter in data store.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param initialValue
* @throws ObjectExistsException
public void createCounter(final IKVTableID tableId, final byte[] key,
final long initialValue) throws ObjectExistsException;
* Set atomic 64bit integer counter in data store to specified value.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @param value
* @throws ObjectExistsException
public void setCounter(final IKVTableID tableId, final byte[] key, final long value);
* Atomically increment 64bit integer counter in data store.
* @param tableId
* @param key key where 64bit integer is stored
* @param incrementValue
* @return value after incrementing
public long incrementCounter(final IKVTableID tableId, final byte[] key, final long incrementValue);
* Get atomic 64bit integer counter value in data store.
* @param tableId
* @param key
* @return current value
* @throws ObjectDoesntExistException
public long getCounter(final IKVTableID tableId, final byte[] key)
throws ObjectDoesntExistException;
* Destroy atomic 64bit integer counter in data store.
* @param tableId
* @param key
public void destroyCounter(final IKVTableID tableId, final byte[] key);
* Version number which represents that the object does not exist, or has
* never been read the DB before.
* @return Version number which represents that the object does not exist
public long getVersionNonexistant();