blob: 28d962167538b92443b8e09e95ce47af97e989d3 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.floodlightcontroller.bgproute;
import org.restlet.resource.Get;
import org.restlet.resource.Post;
import org.restlet.resource.Delete;
import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import net.floodlightcontroller.restclient.RestClient;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class BgpRouteResource extends ServerResource {
protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory
private String addrToString(byte [] addr) {
String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int val = (addr[i] & 0xff);
str += val;
if (i != 3)
str += ".";
return str;
public String get(String fmJson) {
String linpp=fmJson;
String dest = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("dest");
String output = "";
IBgpRouteService bgpRoute = (IBgpRouteService)getContext().getAttributes().
if (dest != null) {
Prefix p = new Prefix(dest, 32);
if (p == null) {
return "[GET]: dest address format is wrong";
// the dest here refers to router-id
//BGPdRestIp includes port number, such as
String BGPdRestIp = bgpRoute.getBGPdRestIp();
String url="http://"+BGPdRestIp+"/wm/bgp/"+dest;
output="Get rib from bgpd finished!\n";
return output;
} else {
Ptree ptree = bgpRoute.getPtree();
output += "{\n \"rib\": [\n";
boolean printed = false;
for (PtreeNode node = ptree.begin(); node != null; node = {
if (node.rib == null) {
if (printed == true) {
output += ",\n";
output += " {\"prefix\": \"" + addrToString(node.key) + "/" + node.keyBits +"\", ";
output += "\"nexthop\": \"" + addrToString(node.rib.nextHop.getAddress()) +"\"}";
printed = true;
//output += "{\"router_id\": \"" + addrToString(node.rib.routerId.getAddress()) +"\"}\n";
output += "\n ]\n}\n";
return output;
public static ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
return ByteBuffer.wrap(value.getBytes("UTF-8"));
public static String toString(ByteBuffer buffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
return new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
public String store(String fmJson) {
IBgpRouteService bgpRoute = (IBgpRouteService)getContext().getAttributes().
Ptree ptree = bgpRoute.getPtree();
String router_id = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("routerid");
String prefix = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("prefix");
String mask = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("mask");
String nexthop = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("nexthop");
String capability = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("capability");
String reply = "";
if (capability == null) {
// this is a prefix add
Prefix p = new Prefix(prefix, Integer.valueOf(mask));
PtreeNode node = ptree.acquire(p.getAddress(), p.masklen);
Rib rib = new Rib(router_id, nexthop, p.masklen);
if (node.rib != null) {
node.rib = null;
node.rib = rib;
reply = "[POST: " + prefix + "/" + mask + ":" + nexthop + "]";;
}else if(capability.equals("1")){
reply = "[POST-capability: " + capability + "]\n";;
// to store the number in the top node of the Ptree
reply = "[POST-capability: " + capability + "]\n";;
// to store the number in the top node of the Ptree
return reply + "\n";
public String delete(String fmJson) {
IBgpRouteService bgpRoute = (IBgpRouteService)getContext().getAttributes().
Ptree ptree = bgpRoute.getPtree();
String routerId = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("routerid");
String prefix = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("prefix");
String mask = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("mask");
String nextHop = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("nexthop");
String capability = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("capability");
String reply = "";
if (capability == null) {
// this is a prefix delete
Prefix p = new Prefix(prefix, Integer.valueOf(mask));
PtreeNode node = ptree.lookup(p.getAddress(), p.masklen);
Rib r = new Rib(routerId, nextHop, p.masklen);
if (node != null && node.rib != null) {
if (r.equals(node.rib)) {
node.rib = null;
reply =reply + "[DELE: " + prefix + "/" + mask + ":" + nextHop + "]";
}else {
// clear the local rib: Ptree
reply = "[DELE-capability: " + capability + "; The local Rib is cleared!]\n";
// to store the number in the top node of the Ptree
return reply + "\n";