blob: f613e7b4eb54d5ff6c4694aba420ac9c31a6f4f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter.DebugCounter.DebugCounterInfo;
import java.util.List;
public interface IDebugCounterService extends IFloodlightService {
* Different counter types. Counters that are meant to be counted-on-demand
* need to be separately enabled/disabled.
public enum CounterType {
* Debug Counter Qualifiers
public static final String CTR_MDATA_WARN = "warn";
public static final String CTR_MDATA_ERROR = "error";
public static final String CTR_MDATA_DROP = "drop";
* A limit on the maximum number of counters that can be created
public static final int MAX_COUNTERS = 5000;
* Exception thrown when MAX_COUNTERS have been registered
public class MaxCountersRegistered extends CounterException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3173747663719376745L;
String errormsg;
public MaxCountersRegistered(String errormsg) {
this.errormsg = errormsg;
public String getMessage() {
return this.errormsg;
* Exception thrown when MAX_HIERARCHY has been reached
public class MaxHierarchyRegistered extends CounterException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 967431358683523871L;
String errormsg;
public MaxHierarchyRegistered(String errormsg) {
this.errormsg = errormsg;
public String getMessage() {
return this.errormsg;
* Exception thrown when attempting to register a hierarchical counter
* where higher levels of the hierarchy have not been pre-registered
public class MissingHierarchicalLevel extends CounterException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 517315311533995739L;
String errormsg;
public MissingHierarchicalLevel(String errormsg) {
this.errormsg = errormsg;
public String getMessage() {
return this.errormsg;
public class CounterException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2219781500857866035L;
* maximum levels of hierarchy
* Example of moduleName/counterHierarchy:
* switch/00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops where
* moduleName ==> "switch" and
* counterHierarchy of 3 ==> "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops"
public static final int MAX_HIERARCHY = 3;
* All modules that wish to have the DebugCounterService count for them, must
* register their counters by making this call (typically from that module's
* 'startUp' method). The counter can then be updated, displayed, reset etc.
* using the registered moduleName and counterHierarchy.
* @param moduleName the name of the module which is registering the
* counter eg. linkdiscovery or controller or switch
* @param counterHierarchy the hierarchical counter name specifying all
* the hierarchical levels that come above it.
* For example: to register a drop counter for
* packet-ins from a switch, the counterHierarchy
* can be "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops"
* It is necessary that counters in hierarchical levels
* above have already been pre-registered - in this
* example: "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin" and
* "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04"
* @param counterDescription a descriptive string that gives more information
* of what the counter is measuring. For example,
* "Measures the number of incoming packets seen by
* this module".
* @param counterType One of CounterType. On-demand counter types
* need to be explicitly enabled/disabled using other
* methods in this API -- i.e. registering them is
* not enough to start counting.
* @param metaData variable arguments that qualify a counter
* eg. warn, error etc.
* @return IDebugCounter with update methods that can be
* used to update a counter.
* @throws MaxCountersRegistered
* @throws MaxHierarchyRegistered
* @throws MissingHierarchicalLevel
public IDebugCounter registerCounter(String moduleName, String counterHierarchy,
String counterDescription, CounterType counterType,
String... metaData)
throws MaxCountersRegistered, MaxHierarchyRegistered,
* Flush all thread-local counter values (from the current thread)
* to the global counter store. This method is not intended for use by any
* module. It's typical usage is from floodlight core and it is meant
* to flush those counters that are updated in the packet-processing pipeline,
* typically with the 'updateCounterNoFlush" methods in IDebugCounter.
public void flushCounters();
* Resets the value of counters in the hierarchy to zero. Note that the reset
* applies to the level of counter hierarchy specified AND ALL LEVELS BELOW it
* in the hierarchy.
* For example: If a hierarchy exists like "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops"
* specifying a reset hierarchy: "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04"
* will reset all counters for the switch dpid specified;
* while specifying a reset hierarchy: ""00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin"
* will reset the pktin counter and all levels below it (like drops)
* for the switch dpid specified.
void resetCounterHierarchy(String moduleName, String counterHierarchy);
* Resets the values of all counters in the system.
public void resetAllCounters();
* Resets the values of all counters belonging
* to a module with the given 'moduleName'.
public void resetAllModuleCounters(String moduleName);
* This method applies only to CounterType.COUNT_ON_DEMAND. It is used to
* enable counting on the counter. Note that this step is necessary to start
* counting for these counter types - merely registering the counter is not
* enough (as is the case for CounterType.ALWAYS_COUNT). Newly
* enabled counters start from an initial value of zero.
* Enabling a counter in a counterHierarchy enables only THAT counter. It
* does not enable any other part of the counterHierarchy. For example, if
* a hierarchy exists like "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops", where the
* 'pktin' and 'drops' counters are CounterType.COUNT_ON_DEMAND, then enabling
* the 'pktin' counter by specifying the counterHierarchy as
* "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin" does NOT enable the 'drops' counter.
public void enableCtrOnDemand(String moduleName, String counterHierarchy);
* This method applies only to CounterType.COUNT_ON_DEMAND. It is used to
* enable counting on the counter. Note that disabling a counter results in a loss
* of the counter value. When re-enabled the counter will restart from zero.
* Disabling a counter in a counterHierarchy disables only THAT counter. It
* does not disable any other part of the counterHierarchy. For example, if
* a hierarchy exists like "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops", where the
* 'pktin' and 'drops' counters are CounterType.COUNT_ON_DEMAND, then disabling
* the 'pktin' counter by specifying the counterHierarchy as
* "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin" does NOT disable the 'drops' counter.
public void disableCtrOnDemand(String moduleName, String counterHierarchy);
* Get counter value and associated information for the specified counterHierarchy.
* Note that information on the level of counter hierarchy specified
* AND ALL LEVELS BELOW it in the hierarchy will be returned.
* For example,
* if a hierarchy exists like "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops", then
* specifying a counterHierarchy of "00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin" in the
* get call will return information on the 'pktin' as well as the 'drops'
* counters for the switch dpid specified.
* @return A list of DebugCounterInfo or an empty list if the counter
* could not be found
public List<DebugCounterInfo> getCounterHierarchy(String moduleName,
String counterHierarchy);
* Get counter values and associated information for all counters in the
* system
* @return the list of values/info or an empty list
public List<DebugCounterInfo> getAllCounterValues();
* Get counter values and associated information for all counters associated
* with a module.
* @param moduleName
* @return the list of values/info or an empty list
public List<DebugCounterInfo> getModuleCounterValues(String moduleName);
* Convenience method to figure out if the the given 'counterHierarchy' corresponds
* to a registered counterHierarchy for 'moduleName'. Note that the counter may or
* may not be enabled for counting, but if it is registered the method will
* return true.
* @param param
* @return false if moduleCounterHierarchy is not a registered counter
public boolean containsModuleCounterHierarchy(String moduleName,
String counterHierarchy);
* Convenience method to figure out if the the given 'moduleName' corresponds
* to a registered moduleName or not. Note that the module may or may not have
* a counter enabled for counting, but if it is registered the method will
* return true.
* @param param
* @return false if moduleName is not a registered counter
public boolean containsModuleName(String moduleName);
* Returns a list of moduleNames registered for debug counters or an empty
* list if no counters have been registered in the system
public List<String> getModuleList();
* Returns a list of all counters registered for a specific moduleName
* or a empty list
public List<String> getModuleCounterList(String moduleName);