blob: 5df8fc3a4147644b624a54a3774d01c1cd13d9f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.core.datastore.hazelcast;
import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance;
import com.hazelcast.core.IAtomicLong;
import net.onrc.onos.core.util.distributed.DistributedAtomicLong;
* Hazelcast implementation of DistributedAtomicLong.
public class HZDistributedAtomicLong implements DistributedAtomicLong {
private final IAtomicLong hzAtomicLong;
// TODO remove dependency HZClient if possible
* Creates or Gets the DistributedAtomicLong instance.
* @param client client to use
* @param name the name of the DistributedAtomicLong instance
public HZDistributedAtomicLong(HZClient client, String name) {
this(client.getHZInstance(), name);
* Creates or Gets the DistributedAtomicLong instance.
* @param instance HazelcastInstance to use
* @param name the name of the DistributedAtomicLong instance.
public HZDistributedAtomicLong(HazelcastInstance instance, String name) {
hzAtomicLong = instance.getAtomicLong(name);
public long get() {
return hzAtomicLong.get();
public long addAndGet(long delta) {
return hzAtomicLong.addAndGet(delta);
public void set(long newValue) {
public long incrementAndGet() {
return hzAtomicLong.incrementAndGet();