blob: 5d1b1a9dea7b2f6d4c97c11cb1ed120df5bbc047 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.floodlightcontroller.flowcache;
public interface IFlowQueryHandler {
* This callback function is called in response to a flow query request
* submitted to the flow cache service. The module handling this callback
* can be different from the one that submitted the query. In the flow
* query object used for submitting the flow query, the identity of the
* callback handler is passed. When flow cache service has all or some
* of the flows that needs to be returned then this callback is called
* for the appropriate module. The respone contains a boolean more flag
* that indicates if there are additional flows that may be returned
* via additional callback calls.
* @param resp the response object containing the original flow query
* object, partial or complete list of flows that we queried and some
* metadata such as the more flag described aboce.
public void flowQueryRespHandler(FlowCacheQueryResp resp);