blob: 2ea27aea5b8809feb332f3a2d2c2c7269dc86005 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.intent;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.networkgraph.Link;
import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.networkgraph.Path;
import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.networkgraph.Switch;
* This class creates bandwidth constrained breadth first tree
* and returns paths from root switch to leaf switches
* which satisfies the bandwidth condition.
* If bandwidth parameter is not specified, the normal breadth first tree will be calculated.
* The paths are snapshot paths at the point of the class instantiation.
* @author Toshio Koide (
public class ConstrainedBFSTree {
LinkedList<Switch> switchQueue = new LinkedList<Switch>();
HashSet<Switch> switchSearched = new HashSet<Switch>();
HashMap<Switch, Link> upstreamLinks = new HashMap<Switch, Link>();
HashMap<Switch, Path> paths = new HashMap<Switch, Path>();
Switch rootSwitch;
PathIntents intents = null;
Double bandwidth = null;
public ConstrainedBFSTree(Switch rootSwitch) {
this.rootSwitch = rootSwitch;
this.intents = new PathIntents();
public ConstrainedBFSTree(Switch rootSwitch, PathIntents intents, Double bandwidth) {
this.rootSwitch = rootSwitch;
this.intents = intents;
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
protected void calcTree() {
while (!switchQueue.isEmpty()) {
Switch sw = switchQueue.poll();
for (Link link: sw.getOutgoingLinks()) {
Switch reachedSwitch = link.getDestinationPort().getSwitch();
if (switchSearched.contains(reachedSwitch)) continue;
if (bandwidth != null && intents.getAvailableBandwidth(link) < bandwidth) continue;
upstreamLinks.put(reachedSwitch, link);
public Path getPath(Switch leafSwitch) {
Path path = paths.get(leafSwitch);
if (path == null && switchSearched.contains(leafSwitch)) {
path = new Path();
Switch sw = leafSwitch;
while (sw != rootSwitch) {
Link upstreamLink = upstreamLinks.get(sw);
path.add(0, upstreamLink);
sw = upstreamLink.getSourcePort().getSwitch();
paths.put(leafSwitch, path);
return path;