blob: 0a66cdda642487fd77d3f4d7d7ec634bd566d626 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.apps.segmentrouting;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import net.onrc.onos.core.intent.Path;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Link;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.LinkData;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Switch;
import net.onrc.onos.core.util.Dpid;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.util.HexString;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class creates bandwidth constrained breadth first tree and returns paths
* from root switch to leaf switches which satisfies the bandwidth condition. If
* bandwidth parameter is not specified, the normal breadth first tree will be
* calculated. The paths are snapshot paths at the point of the class
* instantiation.
public class ECMPShortestPathGraph {
LinkedList<Switch> switchQueue = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<Integer> distanceQueue = new LinkedList<>();
HashMap<Dpid, Integer> switchSearched = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Dpid, ArrayList<LinkData>> upstreamLinks = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Dpid, ArrayList<Path>> paths = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Switch>> distanceSwitchMap = new HashMap<>();
Switch rootSwitch;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
* Constructor
* @param rootSwitch root of the BFS tree
public ECMPShortestPathGraph(Switch rootSwitch) {
this.rootSwitch = rootSwitch;
* Calculates the BFS tree using any provided constraints and Intents.
private void calcECMPShortestPathGraph() {
int currDistance = 0;
switchSearched.put(rootSwitch.getDpid(), currDistance);
while (!switchQueue.isEmpty()) {
Switch sw = switchQueue.poll();
Switch prevSw = null;
currDistance = distanceQueue.poll();
for (Link link : sw.getOutgoingLinks()) {
Switch reachedSwitch = link.getDstPort().getSwitch();
if ((prevSw != null)
&& (prevSw.getDpid().equals(reachedSwitch.getDpid())))
/* Ignore LAG links between the same set of switches */
prevSw = reachedSwitch;
Integer distance = switchSearched.get(reachedSwitch.getDpid());
if ((distance != null) && (distance.intValue() < (currDistance + 1))) {
if (distance == null) {
/* First time visiting this switch node */
distanceQueue.add(currDistance + 1);
switchSearched.put(reachedSwitch.getDpid(), currDistance + 1);
ArrayList<Switch> distanceSwArray = distanceSwitchMap
.get(currDistance + 1);
if (distanceSwArray == null)
distanceSwArray = new ArrayList<Switch>();
distanceSwitchMap.put(currDistance + 1, distanceSwArray);
ArrayList<LinkData> upstreamLinkArray =
if (upstreamLinkArray == null)
upstreamLinkArray = new ArrayList<LinkData>();
upstreamLinkArray.add(new LinkData(link));
upstreamLinks.put(reachedSwitch.getDpid(), upstreamLinkArray);
/* ECMP links */
upstreamLinkArray.add(new LinkData(link));
log.debug("ECMPShortestPathGraph:switchSearched for switch {} is {}",
HexString.toHexString(rootSwitch.getDpid().value()), switchSearched);
log.debug("ECMPShortestPathGraph:upstreamLinks for switch {} is {}",
HexString.toHexString(rootSwitch.getDpid().value()), upstreamLinks);
log.debug("ECMPShortestPathGraph:distanceSwitchMap for switch {} is {}",
HexString.toHexString(rootSwitch.getDpid().value()), distanceSwitchMap);
for (Integer distance: distanceSwitchMap.keySet()){
for (Switch sw: distanceSwitchMap.get(distance)){
ArrayList<Path> path = getPath(sw);
log.debug("ECMPShortestPathGraph:Paths in Pass{} from switch {} to switch {} is {}",
HexString.toHexString(sw.getDpid().value()), path);
private void getDFSPaths(Dpid dstSwitchDpid, Path path, ArrayList<Path> paths) {
Dpid rootSwitchDpid = rootSwitch.getDpid();
for (LinkData upstreamLink : upstreamLinks.get(dstSwitchDpid)) {
/* Deep clone the path object */
Path sofarPath = new Path();
if (!path.isEmpty())
sofarPath.addAll(path.subList(0, path.size()));
if (upstreamLink.getSrc().getDpid().equals(rootSwitchDpid))
getDFSPaths(upstreamLink.getSrc().getDpid(), sofarPath, paths);
* Return the computed ECMP paths from the root switch to a given switch in
* the network
* @param targetSwitch the target switch
* @return the list of ECMP Paths from the root switch to the target switch
public ArrayList<Path> getECMPPaths(Switch targetSwitch) {
ArrayList<Path> pathArray = paths.get(targetSwitch.getDpid());
if (pathArray == null && switchSearched.containsKey(
targetSwitch.getDpid())) {
pathArray = new ArrayList<>();
Path path = new Path();
Dpid sw = targetSwitch.getDpid();
getDFSPaths(sw, path, pathArray);
paths.put(targetSwitch.getDpid(), pathArray);
return pathArray;
* Return the complete info of the computed ECMP paths for each switch
* learned in multiple iterations from the root switch
* @return the hash table of Switches learned in multiple Dijkstra
* iterations and corresponding ECMP paths to it from the root
* switch
public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch,
ArrayList<Path>>> getCompleteLearnedSwitchesAndPaths() {
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<Path>>> pathGraph = new
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<Path>>>();
for (Integer itrIndx : distanceSwitchMap.keySet()) {
HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<Path>> swMap = new
HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<Path>>();
for (Switch sw : distanceSwitchMap.get(itrIndx)) {
swMap.put(sw, getECMPPaths(sw));
pathGraph.put(itrIndx, swMap);
return pathGraph;
* Return the complete info of the computed ECMP paths for each switch
* learned in multiple iterations from the root switch in the form of {
* Iteration1, Switch<> via {Switch<>, Switch<>} Switch<> via {Switch<>,
* Switch<>} Iteration2, Switch<> via {Switch<>, Switch<>, Switch<>}
* {Switch<>, Switch<>, Switch<>} Switch<> via {Switch<>, Switch<>,
* Switch<>} }
* @return the hash table of Switches learned in multiple Dijkstra
* iterations and corresponding ECMP paths in terms of Switches to
* be traversed to it from the root switch
public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch,
ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>>>> getAllLearnedSwitchesAndVia() {
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>>>> switchViaMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>>>>();
for (Integer itrIndx : distanceSwitchMap.keySet()) {
HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>>> swMap =
new HashMap<Switch, ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>>>();
for (Switch sw : distanceSwitchMap.get(itrIndx)) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<Dpid>> swViaArray = new ArrayList<>();
for (Path path : getECMPPaths(sw)) {
ArrayList<Dpid> swVia = new ArrayList<>();
for (LinkData link : path.subList(0, path.size())) {
if (link.getSrc().getDpid().equals(rootSwitch.getDpid())) {
/* No need to add the root switch again in
* the Via list
swMap.put(sw, swViaArray);
switchViaMap.put(itrIndx, swMap);
return switchViaMap;