blob: 9801302a121b059a4fca439ca26d7c63b8f47bef [file] [log] [blame]
functions for creating and interacting with the topology view of the webui
flow related topology is in flows.js
(function () {
updateTopology = function() {
/* currently rings.js and map.js can be included to define the topology display */
// setup the mouseover behaviors
var allSwitches = d3.selectAll('.edge, .core, .aggregation');
allSwitches.on('mouseover', mouseOverSwitch);
allSwitches.on('mouseout', mouseOutSwitch);
allSwitches.on('mouseup', mouseUpSwitch);
allSwitches.on('mousedown', mouseDownSwitch);
// only do switch up/down for core switches
d3.selectAll('.core').on('dblclick', doubleClickSwitch);