blob: 15f97e1cee5555d5301630e9da0902ff1c0534d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
echo "==== Reset Demo to the initial State ==="
start=`date +"%s"`
echo "all link up.."
echo "link up done"
echo "cleanup excess flows"
$DIR/web/ 201 300
echo "cleanup excess flows done"
echo "Adding 200 flows"
$DIR/web/ -m onos -f $DIR/web/flowdef_demo_start.txt
echo "done"
echo "killing iperf"
dsh -g onos 'sudo pkill -KILL iperf'
echo "done"
echo "kill onos at 5 and 7"
onos stop 5
onos stop 7
echo "done"
echo "bringup 1 2 3 4 6 8 if dead"
for i in 1 2 3 4 6 8; do
status=`onos status $i | grep instance | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "onos $i status $status"
if [ x$status == "x0" ]; then
onos start $i
echo "done"
sleep 2
switch local
endt=`date +"%s"`
(( delta = endt -start ))
echo "finish: took $delta sec"