blob: ccabeda4c8b15637adc06020f08873f4ec1beb28 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" : Mininet topology builder for multiple controller.
This script reads config file and creates a Mininet topology.
$ sudo -E [filename]
filename: Config filename to specify topology.
If omitted, "topo.`hostname`.py" or "" in current
directory will be used.
import platform
import time
import os.path
import getpass
from sys import argv
from time import sleep
from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, RemoteController
from import Mininet
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, warn
usage = """
Usage: Create Mininet topology.
$ sudo -E %s [filename]
filename: config file (topo.`hostname`.py by default)
""" % os.path.basename( argv[0] )
# Mininet must be run by root user
if ( getpass.getuser() != 'root' ):
print usage
exit( 0 )
argc = len( argv )
if ( argc > 2 ):
print usage
exit( 0 )
if ( argc == 2 and ( argv[ 1 ] == "-h" or argv[ 1 ] == "--help" ) ):
print usage
exit( 0 )
if ( argc == 2 ):
topofile = argv[1]
hostname = platform.node()
default_topo = '' % hostname
fallback_topo = ''
topofile = default_topo if os.path.exists(default_topo) else fallback_topo
if not os.path.exists( topofile ):
print( 'Config file %s not found' % default_topo )
exit( 1 )
execfile( topofile )
conf = createTopo()
print conf
class ConfigTopo( Topo ):
"Topology created from config."
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
"Create custom topo."
Topo.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
# Add hosts and switches
nmap = {}
for s, prop in conf[ 'switches' ].iteritems():
# make sure encoding is ASCII (if not, virtual eth creation fails)
s = s.strip().encode( 'ascii' )
dpid = prop[ 'dpid' ].strip().encode( 'ascii' )
nmap[ s ] = self.addSwitch( s, dpid=dpid )
for h, prop in conf[ 'hosts' ].iteritems():
h = h.strip().encode( 'ascii' )
nmap[ h ] =self.addHost( h )
# Add links
for l in conf[ 'links' ]:
node1 = nmap[ l[ 'node1' ] ].strip().encode( 'ascii' )
node2 = nmap[ l[ 'node2' ] ].strip().encode( 'ascii' )
self.addLink( node1, node2 )
class ClusterConnectedSwitch( OVSSwitch ):
"OVSSwitch connected to controller cluster."
def start( self, controllers ):
# make sure controllers contains only a ControllerCluster
assert len( controllers ) == 1
ccluster = controllers[ 0 ]
assert type( ccluster ) == ControllerCluster
controller_list = ccluster.clist( )
# TODO: manage order of controllers to control mastership
OVSSwitch.start( self, controllers=controller_list )
class ControllerCluster( Controller ):
"Cluster of controllers. Relationship between controllers and switches is defined by config file"
def __init__( self, name, **params ):
self.sw_clist_map = {}
self.cmap = {}
Controller.__init__( self, name, **params )
for cname, addr in conf[ 'controllers' ].iteritems():
cname = cname.strip().encode( 'ascii' )
addr = addr.strip().encode( 'ascii' )
ip, port = addr.split( ':' )
self.cmap[ cname ] = RemoteController( cname, ip=ip, port=int( port ) )
for sw, params in conf[ 'switches' ].iteritems():
clist = []
for c in params[ 'controllers' ]:
assert not self.cmap[ c ] is None
clist.append( self.cmap[ c ] )
self.sw_clist_map[ sw ] = clist
def start( self ):
# do nothing
def stop( self ):
# do nothing
def checkListening( self ):
for c in self.cmap.values():
def clist( self, sw ):
return self.sw_clist_map[ sw ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'info' )
net = Mininet( topo=ConfigTopo(),
switch=ClusterConnectedSwitch )
CLI( net )