blob: 2c470abb285cc2b56277ec9add60f90c871a3b62 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.core.util.distributed.sharedlog;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import net.onrc.onos.core.util.distributed.sharedlog.internal.LogValue;
import net.onrc.onos.core.util.distributed.sharedlog.internal.SnapShotValue;
// TODO Should this be abstract class instead, to hide apply/isApplicable?
// MEMO: Something SharedObject implementor defines
* Shared object backed by shared log structure.
* Object state must be updated only by {@link #apply(SeqNum, LogValue)}
@NotThreadSafe // FIXME remove when we make these objects thread safe.
public interface SharedLogObject {
* ID of this Shared Object.
* @return SharedLogObjectID
// @ThreadSafe // TODO find annotation for method or add javadoc
public SharedLogObjectID getObjectID();
* Gets the current log sequence number this instance is on.
* @return Log version of this object.
// @ThreadSafe
public SeqNum getSeqNum();
// FIXME Is there a good way to ensure this will be called only by Runtime
* Apply changes to the shared object.
* <p/>
* Developer implementing shared object must implement this method to:
* <ul>
* <li>update local instance based on given logValue if ByteValue.</li>
* <li>update SeqNum to given seq.</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* Developer must also ensure that this method will never fail.
* Any potential error check should be checked beforehand on
* {@link #isApplicable(SeqNum, ByteValue)} call.
* <p/>
* Modification to this shared object instance should only happen
* inside this method.
* <p/>
* This method should only be called by the runtime.
* This method will be called as a side-effect of calling
* {@link net.onrc.onos.core.util.distributed.sharedlog.runtime
* .LogBasedRuntime#queryHelper(SharedLogObject)
* LogBasedRuntime#queryHelper(SharedLogObject)}.
* @param seq sequence number of the LogValue
* @param logValue {@link ByteValue} to apply or NoOp
void apply(final SeqNum seq, final LogValue logValue);
* Tests if given LogValue is applicable to this instance.
* <p/>
* This method will be called before {@link #apply(SeqNum, LogValue)} call.
* This method should be implemented to be side-effect free.
* @param seq sequence number of the LogValue
* @param logValue LogValue to test
* @return true if {@code data} is applicable
public boolean isApplicable(final SeqNum seq, final ByteValue logValue);
// TODO give me better name for SharedLogObject#reset
* Resets the object to specified snapshot value.
* @param seq Log version of this snapshot
* @param ssValue snapshot {@link ByteValue} to apply or NoOp representing initial state.
void reset(final SeqNum seq, final SnapShotValue ssValue);
* Creates a snapshot value of current object.
* @return (current log version, snapshot value)
ImmutablePair<SeqNum, ? extends SnapShotValue> createSnapshot();
* Acquires read lock for this object.
* <p/>
* Note: Lock implementation must be reentrant.
public void acquireReadLock();
* Releases read lock for this object.
* <p/>
* Note: Lock implementation must be reentrant.
public void releaseReadLock();
* Acquires write lock for this object.
* <p/>
* Note: Lock implementation must be reentrant.
public void acquireWriteLock();
* Releases write lock for this object.
* <p/>
* Note: Lock implementation must be reentrant.
public void releaseWriteLock();