blob: fa548b2a8dd2c007713321083d903ca9a88df532 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.apps.sdnip;
import java.util.Iterator;
* A PATRICIA tree is data structure for storing data where entries aggregate
* based on shared prefixes. They provide lookups in O(k) where k is the
* maximum length of the strings in the tree. They work well for storing IP
* addresses.
* <p/>
* SDN-IP uses a patricia tree to store routes learnt from BGPd. BGPd sends
* route updates in the form:
* {@code <prefix, next_hop>},
* e.g. {@code <,>}
* <p/>
* These updates are stored in the patricia tree, which acts as a map from
* {@code prefix} to {@code next_hop}. {@code next_hop} values can be looked up
* by prefix.
* @param <V> The class of the data to stored in the patricia tree
* @see <a href="">Patricia tree</a>
public interface IPatriciaTree<V> {
* Puts a new mapping into the patricia tree.
* @param prefix the Prefix which is the key for this entry
* @param value the value that maps to the Prefix
* @return the old value that was mapped to the Prefix, or null if there
* was no such mapping
public V put(Prefix prefix, V value);
* Searches the tree for a prefix that exactly matches the argument. If an
* exact match for the prefix is found in the tree, the value it maps to is
* returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
* @param prefix the prefix to look up in the tree
* @return the value if the prefix was found, otherwise null
public V lookup(Prefix prefix);
* Searches the tree for the closest containing prefix of the supplied
* argument. If an exact match is found, that will be returned. Otherwise,
* the value of the most specific prefix that contains the argument prefix
* will be returned. If no such prefix is found, null is returned.
* @param prefix the prefix to find the closest containing match for in the
* tree
* @return the value of the match if one was found, otherwise null
public V match(Prefix prefix);
* Removes a prefix to value mapping from the tree. The prefix argument is
* first looked up in the same way as the {@link #lookup(Prefix)} method.
* If an exact match to the prefix is found in the tree, its value is
* is checked to see if it matches the supplied argument value. The prefix
* and value will be removed only if both the prefix and value arguments
* match a mapping in the tree.
* @param prefix the prefix to remove from the tree
* @param value the value that must be mapped to the prefix for it to be
* removed
* @return true if a mapping was removed, otherwise false
public boolean remove(Prefix prefix, V value);
* Gets an iterator over all mappings in the tree.
* @return an iterator that will iterate over all entries in the tree
public Iterator<Entry<V>> iterator();
* Represents an entry in the patricia tree. The {@code Entry} is a mapping
* from {@link Prefix} to a {@link V} value object.
* @param <V> the class of objects stored in the tree
interface Entry<V> {
* Gets the {@link Prefix} object for this entry.
* @return the prefix for this entry
public Prefix getPrefix();
* Gets the value of this entry.
* @return the value object of this entry
public V getValue();