blob: b8bbc994ad289cc12b3c655f19f1ab98a385839e [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.apps.segmentrouting;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IFloodlightProviderService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
import net.onrc.onos.api.packet.IPacketListener;
import net.onrc.onos.api.packet.IPacketService;
import net.onrc.onos.core.flowprogrammer.IFlowPusherService;
import net.onrc.onos.core.packet.Ethernet;
import net.onrc.onos.core.packet.ICMP;
import net.onrc.onos.core.packet.IPv4;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Host;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.ITopologyService;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.MutableTopology;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Port;
import net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Switch;
import net.onrc.onos.core.util.SwitchPort;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFactory;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMatchV3;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFOxmList;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPacketOut;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.action.OFAction;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstruction;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxm.OFOxmInPort;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxm.OFOxmMplsLabel;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxm.OFOxmVlanVid;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.EthType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv4Address;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFBufferId;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFPort;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFVlanVidMatch;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.TableId;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U32;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class IcmpHandler implements IPacketListener {
private SegmentRoutingManager srManager;
private IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider;
private MutableTopology mutableTopology;
private IPacketService packetService;
private ITopologyService topologyService;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
private IFlowPusherService flowPusher;
private boolean controllerPortAllowed = false;
private static final int TABLE_VLAN = 0;
private static final int TABLE_TMAC = 1;
private static final int TABLE_IPv4_UNICAST = 2;
private static final int TABLE_MPLS = 3;
private static final int TABLE_META = 4;
private static final int TABLE_ACL = 5;
private static final short MAX_PRIORITY = (short) 0xffff;
private static final short SLASH_24_PRIORITY = (short) 0xfff0;
private static final short SLASH_16_PRIORITY = (short) 0xff00;
private static final short SLASH_8_PRIORITY = (short) 0xf000;
private static final short MIN_PRIORITY = 0x0;
private static final int ICMP_TYPE_ECHO = 0x08;
private static final int ICMP_TYPE_REPLY = 0x00;
public IcmpHandler(FloodlightModuleContext context, SegmentRoutingManager manager) {
this.floodlightProvider = context.getServiceImpl(IFloodlightProviderService.class);
this.flowPusher = context.getServiceImpl(IFlowPusherService.class);
this.packetService = context.getServiceImpl(IPacketService.class);
this.topologyService = context.getServiceImpl(ITopologyService.class);
this.mutableTopology = topologyService.getTopology();
this.srManager = manager;
public void receive(Switch sw, Port inPort, Ethernet payload) {
if (payload.getEtherType() == Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4) {
IPv4 ipv4 = (IPv4)payload.getPayload();
if (ipv4.getProtocol() == IPv4.PROTOCOL_ICMP) {
log.debug("ICMPHandler: Received a ICMP packet {} from sw {} ",
payload.toString(), sw.getDpid());
int destinationAddress = ipv4.getDestinationAddress();
String destAddressStr = IPv4Address.of(destinationAddress).toString();
// Check if it is ICMP request to the switch
String switchIpAddressSlash = sw.getStringAttribute("routerIp");
if (switchIpAddressSlash != null) {
String switchIpAddressStr
= switchIpAddressSlash.substring(0, switchIpAddressSlash.indexOf('/'));
IPv4Address switchIpAddress = IPv4Address.of(switchIpAddressStr);
List<String> gatewayIps = getSubnetGatewayIps(sw);
if (((ICMP)ipv4.getPayload()).getIcmpType() == ICMP_TYPE_ECHO &&
(destinationAddress == switchIpAddress.getInt() ||
gatewayIps.contains(destAddressStr))) {
log.debug("ICMPHandler: ICMP packet for sw {} and "
+ "sending ICMP response ", sw.getDpid());
sendICMPResponse(sw, inPort, payload);
/* Check if ICMP is for any switch known host */
for (Host host: sw.getHosts()) {
IPv4Address hostIpAddress =
if (hostIpAddress != null &&
hostIpAddress.equals(destinationAddress)) {
/* TODO: We should not have come here as ARP itself
* would have installed a Route to the host. See if
* we can remove this code
log.debug("ICMPHandler: ICMP request for known host {}",
byte[] destinationMacAddress = host.getMacAddress().toBytes();
destinationAddress, destinationMacAddress);
/* ICMP for an unknown host */
log.debug("ICMPHandler: ICMP request for unknown host {}"
+ " and sending ARP request", destinationAddress);
srManager.sendArpRequest(sw, destinationAddress, inPort);
* Retrieve Gateway IP address of all subnets defined in net config file
* @param sw Switch to retrieve subnet GW IPs for
* @return list of GW IP addresses for all subnets
private List<String> getSubnetGatewayIps(Switch sw) {
List<String> gatewayIps = new ArrayList<String>();
String subnets = sw.getStringAttribute("subnets");
try {
JSONArray arry = new JSONArray(subnets);
for (int i = 0; i < arry.length(); i++) {
String subnetIpSlash = (String) arry.getJSONObject(i).get("subnetIp");
if (subnetIpSlash != null) {
String subnetIp = subnetIpSlash.substring(0, subnetIpSlash.indexOf('/'));
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return gatewayIps;
* Send ICMP reply back
* @param sw Switch
* @param inPort Port the ICMP packet is forwarded from
* @param icmpRequest the ICMP request to handle
* @param destinationAddress destination address to send ICMP response to
private void sendICMPResponse(Switch sw, Port inPort, Ethernet icmpRequest) {
Ethernet icmpReplyEth = new Ethernet();
IPv4 icmpRequestIpv4 = (IPv4) icmpRequest.getPayload();
IPv4 icmpReplyIpv4 = new IPv4();
int destAddress = icmpRequestIpv4.getDestinationAddress();
ICMP icmpReply = (ICMP)icmpRequestIpv4.getPayload().clone();
icmpReply.setIcmpType((byte) ICMP_TYPE_REPLY);
sendPacketOut(sw, icmpReplyEth, new SwitchPort(sw.getDpid(), inPort.getPortNumber()), false);
log.debug("Send an ICMP response {}", icmpReplyIpv4.toString());
* Send PACKET_OUT message with actions
* If switches support OFPP_TABLE action, it sends out packet to TABLE port
* Otherwise, it sends the packet to the port the packet came from
* (in this case, MPLS label is added if the packet needs go through transit switches)
* @param sw Switch the packet came from
* @param packet Ethernet packet to send
* @param switchPort port to send the packet
private void sendPacketOut(Switch sw, Ethernet packet, SwitchPort switchPort, boolean supportOfppTable) {
boolean sameSubnet = false;
IOFSwitch ofSwitch = floodlightProvider.getMasterSwitch(sw.getDpid().value());
OFFactory factory = ofSwitch.getFactory();
List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<>();
// If OFPP_TABLE action is not supported in the switch, MPLS label needs to be set
// if the packet needs to be delivered crossing switches
if (!supportOfppTable) {
// Check if the destination is the host attached to the switch
int destinationAddress = ((IPv4)packet.getPayload()).getDestinationAddress();
for (net.onrc.onos.core.topology.Host host: mutableTopology.getHosts(switchPort)) {
IPv4Address hostIpAddress = IPv4Address.of(host.getIpAddress());
if (hostIpAddress != null && hostIpAddress.getInt() == destinationAddress) {
sameSubnet = true;
// If the destination host is not attached in the switch, add MPLS label
if (!sameSubnet) {
IPv4Address targetAddress = IPv4Address.of(((IPv4)packet.getPayload()).getDestinationAddress());
int mplsLabel = getMplsLabelFromConfig(targetAddress);
if (mplsLabel > 0) {
OFAction pushlabel = factory.actions().pushMpls(EthType.MPLS_UNICAST);
OFOxmMplsLabel l = factory.oxms()
OFAction setlabelid = factory.actions().buildSetField()
OFAction copyTtlOut = factory.actions().copyTtlOut();
OFAction outport = factory.actions().output(OFPort.of(switchPort.getPortNumber().shortValue()), Short.MAX_VALUE);
// If OFPP_TABLE action is supported, first set a rule to allow packet from CONTROLLER port.
// Then, send the packet to the table port
else {
if (!controllerPortAllowed) {
controllerPortAllowed = true;
OFAction outport = factory.actions().output(OFPort.TABLE, Short.MAX_VALUE);
OFPacketOut po = factory.buildPacketOut()
flowPusher.add(sw.getDpid(), po);
* Get MPLS label for the target address from the network config file
* @param targetAddress - IP address of the target host
* @return MPLS label of the switch to send packets to the target address
private int getMplsLabelFromConfig(IPv4Address targetAddress) {
int mplsLabel = -1;
for (Switch sw: mutableTopology.getSwitches()) {
String subnets = sw.getStringAttribute("subnets");
try {
JSONArray arry = new JSONArray(subnets);
for (int i = 0; i < arry.length(); i++) {
String subnetIp = (String) arry.getJSONObject(i).get("subnetIp");
if (srManager.netMatch(subnetIp, targetAddress.toString())) {
String mplsLabelStr = sw.getStringAttribute("nodeSid");
if (mplsLabelStr != null)
mplsLabel = Integer.parseInt(mplsLabelStr);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return mplsLabel;
* Add a new rule to VLAN table to forward packets from any port to the next table
* It is required to forward packets from controller to pipeline
* @param sw Switch the packet came from
private void addControlPortInVlanTable(Switch sw) {
IOFSwitch ofSwitch = floodlightProvider.getMasterSwitch(sw.getDpid().value());
OFFactory factory = ofSwitch.getFactory();
OFOxmInPort oxp = factory.oxms().inPort(OFPort.CONTROLLER);
OFOxmVlanVid oxv = factory.oxms()
OFOxmList oxmList = OFOxmList.of(oxv);
/* Cqpd switch does not seems to support CONTROLLER port as in_port match rule */
//OFOxmList oxmList = OFOxmList.of(oxp, oxv);
OFMatchV3 match = factory.buildMatchV3()
OFInstruction gotoTbl = factory.instructions().buildGotoTable()
List<OFInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<OFInstruction>();
OFMessage flowEntry = factory.buildFlowAdd()
.setPriority(1000) // does not matter - all rules
// exclusive
flowPusher.add(sw.getDpid(), flowEntry);;
log.debug("Adding a new vlan-rules in sw {}", sw.getDpid());