blob: 637ab3eac5a23330681560d379a2e1190c0db229 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*-
import copy
import pprint
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import json
import argparse
import io
import time
from flask import Flask, json, Response, render_template, make_response, request
## Global Var ##
ControllerIP = ""
ControllerPort = 8080
ReadFromFile = ""
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
app = Flask(__name__)
## Worker Functions ##
def log_error(txt):
print '%s' % (txt)
def debug(txt):
print '%s' % (txt)
def measurement_store_path_flow(flow_path):
flow_path_json = json.dumps(flow_path)
command = "curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '%s' http://%s:%s/wm/flow/measurement-store-path/json" % (flow_path_json, ControllerIP, ControllerPort)
debug("measurement_store_path_flow %s" % command)
result = os.popen(command).read()
debug("result %s" % result)
# parsedResult = json.loads(result)
# debug("parsed %s" % parsedResult)
log_error("Controller IF has issue")
def extract_flow_args(my_args):
# Check the arguments
if len(my_args) < 6:
# Extract the mandatory arguments
my_flow_id = my_args[0]
my_installer_id = my_args[1]
my_src_dpid = my_args[2]
my_src_port = my_args[3]
my_dst_dpid = my_args[4]
my_dst_port = my_args[5]
# Extract the "match" and "action" arguments
match = {}
matchInPortEnabled = True # NOTE: Enabled by default
actions = []
actionOutputEnabled = True # NOTE: Enabled by default
idx = 6
while idx < len(my_args):
action = {}
arg1 = my_args[idx]
idx = idx + 1
# Extract the second argument
if idx >= len(my_args):
error_arg = "ERROR: Missing or invalid '" + arg1 + "' argument"
arg2 = my_args[idx]
idx = idx + 1
if arg1 == "matchInPort":
# Just mark whether inPort matching is enabled
matchInPortEnabled = arg2 in ['True', 'true']
# inPort = {}
# inPort['value'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['inPort'] = inPort
## match['matchInPort'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchSrcMac":
srcMac = {}
srcMac['value'] = arg2
match['srcMac'] = srcMac
# match['matchSrcMac'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchDstMac":
dstMac = {}
dstMac['value'] = arg2
match['dstMac'] = dstMac
# match['matchDstMac'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchVlanId":
match['vlanId'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchVlanId'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchVlanPriority":
match['vlanPriority'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchVlanPriority'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchEthernetFrameType":
match['ethernetFrameType'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchEthernetFrameType'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchIpToS":
match['ipToS'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchIpToS'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchIpProto":
match['ipProto'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchIpProto'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchSrcIPv4Net":
srcIPv4Net = {}
srcIPv4Net['value'] = arg2
match['srcIPv4Net'] = srcIPv4Net
# match['matchSrcIPv4Net'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchDstIPv4Net":
dstIPv4Net = {}
dstIPv4Net['value'] = arg2
match['dstIPv4Net'] = dstIPv4Net
# match['matchDstIPv4Net'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchSrcTcpUdpPort":
match['srcTcpUdpPort'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchSrcTcpUdpPort'] = True
elif arg1 == "matchDstTcpUdpPort":
match['dstTcpUdpPort'] = int(arg2, 0)
# match['matchDstTcpUdpPort'] = True
elif arg1 == "actionOutput":
# Just mark whether ACTION_OUTPUT action is enabled
actionOutputEnabled = arg2 in ['True', 'true']
# TODO: Complete the implementation for ACTION_OUTPUT
# actionOutput = {}
# outPort = {}
# outPort['value'] = int(arg2, 0)
# actionOutput['port'] = outPort
# actionOutput['maxLen'] = int(arg3, 0)
# action['actionOutput'] = actionOutput
# # action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_OUTPUT'
# actions.append(action)
elif arg1 == "actionSetVlanId":
vlanId = {}
vlanId['vlanId'] = int(arg2, 0)
action['actionSetVlanId'] = vlanId
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_VLAN_VID'
elif arg1 == "actionSetVlanPriority":
vlanPriority = {}
vlanPriority['vlanPriority'] = int(arg2, 0)
action['actionSetVlanPriority'] = vlanPriority
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_VLAN_PCP'
elif arg1 == "actionSetIpToS":
ipToS = {}
ipToS['ipToS'] = int(arg2, 0)
action['actionSetIpToS'] = ipToS
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_NW_TOS'
elif arg1 == "actionSetTcpUdpSrcPort":
tcpUdpSrcPort = {}
tcpUdpSrcPort['port'] = int(arg2, 0)
action['actionSetTcpUdpSrcPort'] = tcpUdpSrcPort
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_TP_SRC'
elif arg1 == "actionSetTcpUdpDstPort":
tcpUdpDstPort = {}
tcpUdpDstPort['port'] = int(arg2, 0)
action['actionSetTcpUdpDstPort'] = tcpUdpDstPort
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_TP_DST'
elif arg1 == "actionStripVlan":
stripVlan = {}
stripVlan['stripVlan'] = arg2 in ['True', 'true']
action['actionStripVlan'] = stripVlan
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_STRIP_VLAN'
elif arg1 == "actionSetEthernetSrcAddr":
ethernetSrcAddr = {}
ethernetSrcAddr['value'] = arg2
setEthernetSrcAddr = {}
setEthernetSrcAddr['addr'] = ethernetSrcAddr
action['actionSetEthernetSrcAddr'] = setEthernetSrcAddr
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_DL_SRC'
elif arg1 == "actionSetEthernetDstAddr":
ethernetDstAddr = {}
ethernetDstAddr['value'] = arg2
setEthernetDstAddr = {}
setEthernetDstAddr['addr'] = ethernetDstAddr
action['actionSetEthernetDstAddr'] = setEthernetDstAddr
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_DL_DST'
elif arg1 == "actionSetIPv4SrcAddr":
IPv4SrcAddr = {}
IPv4SrcAddr['value'] = arg2
setIPv4SrcAddr = {}
setIPv4SrcAddr['addr'] = IPv4SrcAddr
action['actionSetIPv4SrcAddr'] = setIPv4SrcAddr
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_NW_SRC'
elif arg1 == "actionSetIPv4DstAddr":
IPv4DstAddr = {}
IPv4DstAddr['value'] = arg2
setIPv4DstAddr = {}
setIPv4DstAddr['addr'] = IPv4DstAddr
action['actionSetIPv4DstAddr'] = setIPv4DstAddr
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_SET_NW_DST'
elif arg1 == "actionEnqueue":
actionEnqueue = {}
# actionEnqueue['queueId'] = int(arg2, 0)
# enqueuePort = {}
# enqueuePort['value'] = int(arg3, 0)
# actionEnqueue['port'] = enqueuePort
# action['actionEnqueue'] = actionEnqueue
# # action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_ENQUEUE'
# actions.append(copy.deepcopy(action))
log_error("ERROR: Unknown argument '%s'" % (arg1))
return {
'my_flow_id' : my_flow_id,
'my_installer_id' : my_installer_id,
'my_src_dpid' : my_src_dpid,
'my_src_port' : my_src_port,
'my_dst_dpid' : my_dst_dpid,
'my_dst_port' : my_dst_port,
'match' : match,
'matchInPortEnabled' : matchInPortEnabled,
'actions' : actions,
'actionOutputEnabled' : actionOutputEnabled
def compute_flow_path(parsed_args, data_path):
my_flow_id = parsed_args['my_flow_id']
my_installer_id = parsed_args['my_installer_id']
match = parsed_args['match']
matchInPortEnabled = parsed_args['matchInPortEnabled']
actions = parsed_args['actions']
actionOutputEnabled = parsed_args['actionOutputEnabled']
my_data_path = copy.deepcopy(data_path)
flow_id = {}
flow_id['value'] = my_flow_id
installer_id = {}
installer_id['value'] = my_installer_id
flow_path = {}
flow_path['flowId'] = flow_id
flow_path['installerId'] = installer_id
if (len(match) > 0):
flow_path['flowEntryMatch'] = copy.deepcopy(match)
# Add the match conditions to each flow entry
if (len(match) > 0) or matchInPortEnabled:
idx = 0
while idx < len(my_data_path['flowEntries']):
if matchInPortEnabled:
inPort = my_data_path['flowEntries'][idx]['inPort']
match['inPort'] = copy.deepcopy(inPort)
# match['matchInPort'] = True
my_data_path['flowEntries'][idx]['flowEntryMatch'] = copy.deepcopy(match)
idx = idx + 1
# Set the actions for each flow entry
# NOTE: The actions from the command line are aplied
# ONLY to the first flow entry.
# If ACTION_OUTPUT action is enabled, then apply it
# to each flow entry.
if (len(actions) > 0) or actionOutputEnabled:
idx = 0
while idx < len(my_data_path['flowEntries']):
if idx > 0:
actions = [] # Reset the actions for all but first entry
action = {}
outPort = my_data_path['flowEntries'][idx]['outPort']
actionOutput = {}
actionOutput['port'] = copy.deepcopy(outPort)
# actionOutput['maxLen'] = 0 # TODO: not used for now
action['actionOutput'] = copy.deepcopy(actionOutput)
# action['actionType'] = 'ACTION_OUTPUT'
my_data_path['flowEntries'][idx]['flowEntryActions'] = copy.deepcopy(actions)
idx = idx + 1
flow_path['dataPath'] = my_data_path
debug("Flow Path: %s" % flow_path)
return flow_path
def measurement_store_paths(parsed_args):
idx = 0
while idx < len(parsed_args):
data_path = {}
src_dpid = {}
src_port = {}
dst_dpid = {}
dst_port = {}
src_switch_port = {}
dst_switch_port = {}
flow_entries = []
src_dpid['value'] = parsed_args[idx]['my_src_dpid']
src_port['value'] = parsed_args[idx]['my_src_port']
dst_dpid['value'] = parsed_args[idx]['my_dst_dpid']
dst_port['value'] = parsed_args[idx]['my_dst_port']
src_switch_port['dpid'] = src_dpid
src_switch_port['port'] = src_port
dst_switch_port['dpid'] = dst_dpid
dst_switch_port['port'] = dst_port
data_path['srcPort'] = copy.deepcopy(src_switch_port)
data_path['dstPort'] = copy.deepcopy(dst_switch_port)
data_path['flowEntries'] = copy.deepcopy(flow_entries)
# XXX: Explicitly disable the InPort matching, and
# the Output action, because they get in the way
# during the compute_flow_path() processing.
parsed_args[idx]['matchInPortEnabled'] = False
parsed_args[idx]['actionOutputEnabled'] = False
flow_path = compute_flow_path(parsed_args[idx], data_path)
idx = idx + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
usage_msg = "Store Flow Paths into ONOS for measurement purpose.\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "Usage: %s [Flags] <flow-id> <installer-id> <src-dpid> <src-port> <dest-dpid> <dest-port> [Match Conditions] [Actions]\n" % (sys.argv[0])
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " Flags:\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " -f <filename> Read the flow(s) to install from a file\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " File format: one line per flow starting with <flow-id>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " Match Conditions:\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchInPort <True|False> (default to True)\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchSrcMac <source MAC address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchDstMac <destination MAC address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchSrcIPv4Net <source IPv4 network address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchDstIPv4Net <destination IPv4 network address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchEthernetFrameType <Ethernet frame type>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " Match Conditions (not implemented yet):\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchVlanId <VLAN ID>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchVlanPriority <VLAN priority>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchIpToS <IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits)>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchIpProto <IP protocol>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchSrcTcpUdpPort <source TCP/UDP port>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " matchDstTcpUdpPort <destination TCP/UDP port>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " Actions:\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionOutput <True|False> (default to True)\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetEthernetSrcAddr <source MAC address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetEthernetDstAddr <destination MAC address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetIPv4SrcAddr <source IPv4 address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetIPv4DstAddr <destination IPv4 address>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + "\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " Actions (not implemented yet):\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetVlanId <VLAN ID>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetVlanPriority <VLAN priority>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetIpToS <IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits)>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetTcpUdpSrcPort <source TCP/UDP port>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionSetTcpUdpDstPort <destination TCP/UDP port>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionStripVlan <True|False>\n"
usage_msg = usage_msg + " actionEnqueue <dummy argument>\n"
# app.debug = False;
# Usage info
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and (sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
# Check the flags
start_argv_index = 1
idx = 1
while idx < len(sys.argv):
arg1 = sys.argv[idx]
idx = idx + 1
if arg1 == "-f":
if idx >= len(sys.argv):
error_arg = "ERROR: Missing or invalid '" + arg1 + "' argument"
ReadFromFile = sys.argv[idx]
idx = idx + 1
start_argv_index = idx
# Read the arguments from a file or from the remaining command line options
my_lines = []
if len(ReadFromFile) > 0:
f = open(ReadFromFile, "rt")
my_line = f.readline()
while my_line:
if len(my_line.rstrip()) > 0 and my_line[0] != "#":
my_token_line = my_line.rstrip().split()
my_line = f.readline()
# Initialization
last_data_paths = []
parsed_args = []
idx = 0
while idx < len(my_lines):
last_data_path = []
# Parse the flow arguments
my_args = my_lines[idx]
idx = idx + 1