blob: f1100ede0b68b2f584ccb4d04081f4182b01b4c7 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.floodlightcontroller.flowcache;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IListener;
import org.openflow.protocol.OFType;
* The Interface IFlowReconciler.
* @author subrata
public interface IFlowReconcileListener extends IListener<OFType> {
* Given an input OFMatch, this method applies the policy of the reconciler
* and returns a the same input OFMatch structure modified. Additional
* OFMatches, if needed, are returned in OFMatch-list. All the OFMatches
* are assumed to have "PERMIT" action.
* @param ofmRcList input flow matches, to be updated to be consistent with
* the policies of this reconciler
* Additional OFMatch-es can be added to the "list" as
* needed.
* For example after a new ACL application, one flow-match
* may result in multiple flow-matches
* The method must also update the ReconcileAction
* member in ofmRcList entries to indicate if the
* flow needs to be modified, deleted or left unchanged
* OR of a new entry is to be added after flow
* reconciliation
* @return Command.CONTINUE if the OFMatch should be sent to the
* next flow reconciler.
* Command.STOP if the OFMatch shouldn't be processed
* further. In this case the no reconciled flow-mods would
* be programmed
public Command reconcileFlows(ArrayList<OFMatchReconcile> ofmRcList);