blob: 5c967ed65b5a6078a80511f45e5258679c560955 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.core.drivermanager;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.OFSwitchImplBase;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFDescStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFVersion;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A simple implementation of a driver manager that differentiates between
* connected switches using the OF Description Statistics Reply message.
public final class DriverManager {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DriverManager.class);
// Whether to use an OF 1.3 configured TTP, or to use an OF 1.0-style
// single table with packet-ins.
private static boolean cpqdUsePipeline13 = false;
// This flag can be set to prevent the driver manager from classifying
// switches as OVS switches (and thereby the default switch implementation
// will be used).
private static boolean disableOvsClassification = false;
* Return an IOFSwitch object based on switch's manufacturer description
* from OFDescStatsReply.
* @param desc DescriptionStatistics reply from the switch
* @return A IOFSwitch instance if the driver found an implementation for
* the given description. Otherwise it returns OFSwitchImplBase
public static IOFSwitch getOFSwitchImpl(OFDescStatsReply desc, OFVersion ofv) {
String vendor = desc.getMfrDesc();
String hw = desc.getHwDesc();
if (vendor.startsWith("Stanford University, Ericsson Research and CPqD Research")
hw.startsWith("OpenFlow 1.3 Reference Userspace Switch")) {
return new OFSwitchImplCPqD13(desc, cpqdUsePipeline13);
if (!disableOvsClassification && vendor.startsWith("Nicira") &&
hw.startsWith("Open vSwitch")) {
if (ofv == OFVersion.OF_10) {
return new OFSwitchImplOVS10(desc);
} else if (ofv == OFVersion.OF_13) {
return new OFSwitchImplOVS13(desc);
log.warn("DriverManager could not identify switch desc: {}. "
+ "Assigning OFSwitchImplBase", desc);
OFSwitchImplBase base = new OFSwitchImplBase();
// XXX S must set counter here - unidentified switch
return base;
* Private constructor to avoid instantiation.
private DriverManager() {
* Sets the configuration parameter which determines how the CPqD switch
* is set up. If usePipeline13 is true, a 1.3 pipeline will be set up on
* the switch. Otherwise, the switch will be set up in a 1.0 style with
* a single table where missed packets are sent to the controller.
* @param usePipeline13 whether to use a 1.3 pipeline or not
public static void setConfigForCpqd(boolean usePipeline13) {
cpqdUsePipeline13 = usePipeline13;
* Sets the configuration parameter which determines whether switches can
* be classified as OVS switches or as the default switch implementation.
* Our use case for this is when running OVS under the Flow Space Firewall
* (FSFW). The FSFW relays the switch desc reply (containing OVS
* description) from the switch to the controller. This causes us to
* classify the fake FSFW switch as OVS, however the FSFW switch doesn't
* support Nicira role requests and it breaks if we try to send them.
* Our workaround is to disable classifying switches as OVS.
* @param disableOvsClassificationFlag whether to use OVS switches or not
public static void setDisableOvsClassification(
boolean disableOvsClassificationFlag) {
disableOvsClassification = disableOvsClassificationFlag;