blob: 7a5d04a06e1ead6a7740ae325278e76471ed06c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.core.intent;
* This class is instantiated by Run-times to express intent calculation error.
public class ErrorIntent extends Intent {
public enum ErrorType {
* Intent not supported by runtime.
* One or more of the switches refereneced by this Intent not found.
* Path specified by Intent is not in the topology.
public ErrorType errorType;
public String message;
public Intent parentIntent;
* Default constructor for Kryo deserialization.
protected ErrorIntent() {
* Constructor.
* @param errorType error type
* @param message human-readable error string
* @param parentIntent related parent Intent
public ErrorIntent(ErrorType errorType, String message, Intent parentIntent) {
this.errorType = errorType;
this.message = message;
this.parentIntent = parentIntent;
* Generates a hash code using the Intent ID.
* @return hashcode
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
* Compares two intent object by type (class) and Intent ID.
* @param obj other Intent
* @return true if equal, false otherwise
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);