blob: 630000e75e2b7e08900e9169cf5aebb677ece866 [file] [log] [blame]
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleException;
import net.onrc.onos.core.intent.runtime.IPathCalcRuntimeService;
import net.onrc.onos.core.intent.runtime.IntentTestMocks;
import net.onrc.onos.core.intent.runtime.PathCalcRuntimeModule;
import net.onrc.onos.core.intent.runtime.web.IntentWebRoutable;
import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* Base class for Intents REST API tests.
* Maintains the web server and restlets used for the REST calls
* Maintains whatever mocks are required to interact with the Intents framework
* Provides JSON related utility routines for processing Intents APIs return values
public class TestRestIntent extends TestRest {
private PathCalcRuntimeModule runtime;
private IntentTestMocks mocks;
* Fetch the Path Calc Runtime.
* @return path calc runtime.
PathCalcRuntimeModule getRuntime() {
return runtime;
* Fetch the Intent mocking object.
* @return intent mocking object
IntentTestMocks getMocks() {
return mocks;
* Create the web server, PathCalcRuntime, and mocks required for
* all of the tests.
public void setUp() {
mocks = new IntentTestMocks();
addRestlet(new IntentWebRoutable());
runtime = new PathCalcRuntimeModule();
final FloodlightModuleContext moduleContext = getMocks().getModuleContext();
try {
} catch (FloodlightModuleException floodlightEx) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(floodlightEx);
* Remove anything that will interfere with the next test running correctly.
* Shuts down the test REST web server and removes the mocks.
public void tearDown() {
* Fetch the base URL for Intents REST APIs.
* @return base URL
String getBaseRestIntentUrl() {
return getBaseRestUrl() + "/intent";
* Fetch the URL to use for High Level Intents REST API calls.
* @return high level intents REST API URL
String getHighRestIntentUrl() {
return getBaseRestIntentUrl() + "/high";
* Utility function to locate an intent in a JSON collection
* that has the given id.
* The JSON collection of intents looks like:
* {@code
* MAP =
* [0] =
* MAP =
* id = "1"
* ...
* [1]
* MAP =
* id = "2"
* ...
* [2]
* MAP =
* id = "3"
* ...
* ...
* }
* @param intents collection map to search
* @param id id of the intent to look for
* @return map for the intent if one was found, null otherwise
Map<String, String> findIntentWithId(final Collection<Map<String, String>> intents,
final String id) {
for (final Map<String, String> intentMap : intents) {
if (id.equals(intentMap.get("id"))) {
return intentMap;
return null;
* Convenience function to fetch a collection of Intents from the JSON
* result of a REST call. Hides the ugliness of the unchecked conversion
* to the proper Collection of Map type.
* @param client ClientResource that was used to make the REST call
* @return Collection of Maps that hold the Intent data
Collection<Map<String, String>> getIntentsCollection(final ClientResource client) {
return client.get(Collection.class);
* Convenience function to fetch a single Intent from the JSON
* result of a REST call. Hides the ugliness of the unchecked conversion
* to the proper Map type.
* @param client ClientResource that was used to make the REST call
* @return Map that hold the Intent data
Map<String, String> getIntent(final ClientResource client) {
return client.get(Map.class);