blob: 65310eecfcc50f470f722c2dbfebdb79e18f3894 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.api.newintent;
* This class represents the states of an intent.
* <p>
* Note: The state is expressed as enum, but there is possibility
* in the future that we define specific class instead of enum to improve
* the extensibility of state definition.
* </p>
public enum IntentState {
// FIXME: requires discussion on State vs. EventType and a solid state-transition diagram
// TODO: consider the impact of conflict detection
// TODO: consider the impact that external events affect an installed intent
* The beginning state.
* All intent in the runtime take this state first.
* The intent compilation has been completed.
* An intent translation graph (tree) is completely created.
* Leaves of the graph are installable intent type.
* The intent has been successfully installed.
* The intent is being withdrawn.
* When {@link IntentService#withdraw(Intent)} is called,
* the intent takes this state first.
* The intent has been successfully withdrawn.
* The intent has failed to be compiled, installed, or withdrawn.
* When the intent failed to be withdrawn, it is still, at least partially installed.