blob: ac66a79ab939440015b3729f290bfc21cf8e2f1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011,2012,2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import os
import re
import modi
import error
import command
import collections
import utif
from midw import *
def check_rest_result(result, message=None):
if isinstance(result, collections.Mapping):
error_type = result.get('error_type')
if error_type:
raise error.CommandRestError(result, message)
def pretty(text):
For object-type's, remove dashes, capitalize first character
return text.replace('-', ' ').capitalize()
# 'completions' is a dictionary, where the keys are the actual text
# of the completion, while the value is the reason why this text
# was added. The 'reason' provides the text for the two-column
# help printed for the '?' character.
def collect_object_fields(obj_type, field, data, mode, completions,
prefix = None, other = None,
parent_field = None, parent_id = None, scoped = None):
Returns the list of possible completions for a particular obj-type.
data = dict(data)
if parent_field:
data[parent_field] = parent_id
if prefix:
data[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
key =
if scoped:
obj_id = sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj()
if sdnsh.current_mode() != mode:
# XXX needs to be covered, shouldn't reach in like this
for x in sdnsh.mode_stack:
if x['mode_name'] == mode:
obj_id = x['obj']
obj_d = { key : obj_id }
if obj_type in mi.alias_obj_types:
# the submode ought to identify the foreign key
data[mi.alias_obj_type_field(obj_type)] = obj_id
mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, obj_d, is_prefix = True)
for (k,v) in obj_d.items():
if k != key and not k in data:
data[k] = v
# if this is one of the obj_type's associated with aliases, should
# the list of values be back-transformed into alias names?
# yes, because if the current value has an inverse alias, the existing
# inverse for the type implies that during a previous insert of this
# value, it was converted from its alias name to the current name.
# collect the complete collection of aliases, since its likely
# more than one back-to-alias conversion will be required, and query
# its value before obj_type in the hope that it was recently cached.
alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(obj_type)
if other and other in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[other][0]
elif field !=
if mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
(alias_obj_type, fk_name) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(alias_obj_type)
if alias_obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[alias_obj_type][0]
alias_obj_type = None
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print 'collect_object_fields: no alias for %s ' \
'field %s not pk, and not fk' % (obj_type, field)
alias_obj_type = None
elif obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[obj_type][0]
alias_obj_type = None
alias_dict = {}
if alias_obj_type:
foreign_field = mi.alias_obj_type_field(alias_obj_type)
alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict(alias_obj_type, foreign_field)
alias_key =
# Remove any data fields which have values of None, these are fields
# which are getting reset.
for reset_fields in [x for x in data.keys() if data[x] == None]:
del data[reset_fields]
# collect complete obj_type
if not mi.obj_type_has_model(obj_type):
result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(obj_type, data)
result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(obj_type, data)
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "collect_object_fields:", obj_type, field, data, result
is_compound = mi.is_compound_key(obj_type, key)
d = {}
for item in result:
if is_compound:
mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, item)
value = item.get(field)
# XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
if obj_type == 'tag' and field == 'id':
value = '%s.%s=%s' % tuple(value.split('|'))
# remember to only add new items
if value:
if type(value) == list:
# Need a mechanism to select values from the list, field's not enough
for item in value:
if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
if str(item) in alias_dict:
alias_item = alias_dict[str(item)][0][alias_key]
if alias_item.startswith(prefix):
item = alias_item
d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None
elif utif.quote_string(str(value)) not in completions:
if str(value) in alias_dict:
alias_value = alias_dict[str(value)][0][alias_key]
if alias_value.startswith(prefix):
value = alias_value
d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None
# if there's an alias for this object, and a prefix is included,
# then the alias'es which match also need to be directly included,
# since its not clear whether the prefix applies to the actual
# id or the alias. since alias_dict is already the complete
# collection of aliases for this obj-type, use it for matching names
if alias_obj_type and prefix and prefix != '':
alias_pk =
for (n,v) in alias_dict.items():
# 'n' here is the foreign key reference to this obj-type
for item in [x[alias_pk] for x in v if x[alias_pk].startswith(prefix)]:
if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None
return utif.add_delim(list(d), ' ')
def complete_object_field(obj_type, field, data, completions,
mode = None,
prefix = None, other = None, parent_field = None, parent_id = None, scoped = None):
Populate 'completions' with the values of the primary key for
the particular obj_type
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "complete_object_field: ", obj_type, mode, field, data, scoped, other
if not mi.obj_type_exists(obj_type):
raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type: %s" % obj_type)
result = collect_object_fields(obj_type, field, data, mode, completions,
prefix, other, parent_field, parent_id, scoped)
completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(obj_type)]
for x in result]))
def complete_tag_mapping(obj_type, field, data, completions,
prefix = None, other = None, mode = None,
parent_field = None, parent_id = None, scoped = None):
Translate the completion results from complete_object_field into
tag values of syntax <>=<value
if not mi.obj_type_exists(obj_type):
raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type: %s" % obj_type)
# since the prefix can contrict the search, and its not clear
# what the prefix applies to, collect all the possible values,
# compute wht the item would look like then match the prefix.
collection = collect_object_fields(obj_type, field, data, mode, completions,
'', other, parent_field, parent_id, scoped)
if prefix != "":
collection = [x for x in collection if x.startswith(prefix)]
completions.update(dict([[x, "tag selection"] for x in collection]))
def complete_from_another(other, obj_type, field, data, completions, no_command,
prefix = None,
parent_field = None, parent_id = None, scoped = None,explicit=None):
Completion function used when another obj_type is used to populate
values for the current obj_type
the 'other' field identifies the obj_type to use to collect choices from,
it can consist of two parts other|field. When field isn't described here,
it comes from the description parameter, however, the 'field' value there may
be in use to describe the value of the associated action.
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, parent_field, parent_id, scoped
# complete_from_another is intended to include other fields, which
# shouldn't apply for a no command.
if no_command:
if other.find('|') >= 0:
parts = other.split('|')
other = parts[0]
field = parts[1]
if not mi.obj_type_exists(other):
raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type/other: %s" % other)
id =
data = dict(data)
if parent_field and parent_id:
data[parent_field] = parent_id
if prefix:
data[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
key =
if scoped:
key =
if type(scoped) == str and scoped in data:
obj_d = { key : data[scoped] }
obj_d = { key : sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj() }
mi.split_compound_into_dict(other, key, obj_d, is_prefix = True)
for (k,v) in obj_d.items():
if k != key and not k in data:
data[k] = v
if mi.is_primitive_compound_key(other, key):
# try to use the field values to populate the primary key...
value = ""
s = mi.compound_key_separator(other, key)
missing = None
for kf in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
if kf in data:
value += data[kf] + s
# the fields must appear in order
missing = kf
# For prefix extention to work here, the other field must have
# named the field, for example switch's interface completion,
# uses "other : 'port|number'"
post_prefix_match = False
if prefix:
post_prefix_match = True
if missing == field:
value += prefix
post_prefix_match = False
if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(other, key, value)
result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, { key : value } )
if post_prefix_match:
# try to match the missing field, more work ought to be done
# to identify whether the 'missing' field is the correect to match against
result = [x for x in result
if field in x and str(x[field]).startswith(prefix)]
elif mi.is_compound_key(other, key):
search = {}
if parent_id:
from_id = { : parent_id}
is_prefix = True)
# the field name used to collapse the result is the last
# field in the compound key (id of 'other'), this may need
# improvement for other commands
for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
if deep_field in from_id:
search[deep_field] = from_id[deep_field]
if deep_field in data:
search[deep_field] = data[deep_field]
if scoped:
# move known compound fields from obj_d into search.
for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
if deep_field in obj_d:
search[deep_field] = obj_d[deep_field]
# possibly other search keys?
if prefix:
search[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
if explicit:
if prefix:
search[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, search)
result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, search )
elif mi.obj_type_has_field(other, field) and mi.is_primary_key(other, field):
result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), ' ')
completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)]
for x in result]))
elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and \
mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
# look up the values of the foreign key's from the other table
(fk_obj_type, fk_fn) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(fk_obj_type, fk_fn, prefix)
field = fk_fn
elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and field == other:
# In this situation, this obj_type has a field, which seems to be named
# based on the other model's name, which seems to be requesting to
# search the other model.
field =
result += utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), ' ')
completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)]
for x in result]))
if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, data)
result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, data)
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, len(result)
d = {}
for item in result:
value = item.get(field)
# XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
if other == 'tag':
value = '%s.%s=%s' % tuple(value.split('|'))
# assume that 'values' are 'unique' within results
if value and utif.quote_string(value) not in completions:
d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "complete_from_another: final", other, field, data, d.keys()
result = utif.add_delim(list(d), ' ')
completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)]
for x in result]))
def complete_alias_choice(obj_type, field, data, prefix, completions, no_command,
other = None, scoped = None):
Complete selections from an external object (unlreated to this
object stack's details), only returning unique keys, either
aliases for the obj_type, or primary keys.
This ought to be improved, objects_starting_with() in
the, is primarily intended to be use within
if not mi.obj_type_exists(obj_type):
raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type: %s" % obj_type)
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "complete_alias_choice:", obj_type, field, other, data, prefix, scoped
if other and no_command == False:
parts = other.split('|')
obj_type = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1:
# what to do with more parts?
field = parts[1]
if not mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field):
raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown field %s for obj-type: %s"
% (field, obj_type))
# quote string? alias choices ought to never have special characters
result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(obj_type, prefix, field), ' ')
completions.update(dict([[x, "%s alias selection" % pretty(obj_type)]
for x in result]))
def complete_config(prefix, data, completions, copy = False):
Complete selections for the 'copy' command.
configs ='', "latest")
# exclude source if its in the data
source = data.get('source','')
src_dst = 'source' if source == '' else 'destination'
any = False
any_config = False
if copy:
if 'running-config'.startswith(prefix):
if source != 'running-config':
completions['running-config '] = 'running-config %s' % src_dst
for c in configs:
if ('config://' + c['name']).startswith(prefix):
if source != "config://" + c['name']:
completions["config://" + c['name'] + ' '] = \
'Saved Configuration %s' % src_dst
any_config = True
if source != '' and 'config://'.startswith(prefix):
completions['config://'] = 'config prefix %s' % src_dst
if copy:
for additions in ["http://", "file://", "ftp://", "tftp://", 'config://' ]:
if additions.startswith(prefix):
completions[additions] = 'other %s' % src_dst
def complete_interface_list(prefix, data, completions):
Interface lists are comma separated interfaces or range
of interfaces.
The prefix here plays an important role in determining what
ought to appear nest.
if not 'switch' in data:
def switch_interfaces_startingwith(interfaces, intf, prefix, completions):
result = [prefix + x for x in interfaces.keys() if x.startswith(intf)]
completions.update(dict([[x, "known interface"] for x in result]))
def higher_interfaces(interfaces, intf, prefix, completions):
# depend on having an integer as the last component
last_digits = re.compile(r'(.*)(\d+)$')
match =
if match:
if_name =
first = int(
for i in interfaces:
match =
if match and == if_name and int( > first:
completions[prefix +] = 'inteface choice.'
ports = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url('interfaces', data)
interfaces = dict([[x['name'], x] for x in ports])
sic = sdnsh.get_table_from_store('switch-interface-config',
'switch', data['switch'])
interfaces.update(dict([[x['name'], x] for x in sic]))
# peek at the last character in the prefix:
# if it's a dash, then choose interfaces with the same prefix,
# if its a comma, then chose another interface
front_item = ''
if len(prefix) > 0:
if prefix[-1] == '-':
# complete more choices
previous = prefix[:-1]
if len(previous):
last_item = previous.split(',')[-1]
if last_item in interfaces:
higher_interfaces(interfaces, last_item, prefix, completions)
if prefix[-1] != ',':
if len(prefix) > 2:
parts = prefix.split(',')
last_item = parts[-1]
# see if the last_item of prefix is a known interface.
if last_item in interfaces:
completions[prefix + ','] = 'List of interfaces'
completions[prefix + '-'] = 'Range of interfaces'
completions[prefix + ' <cr>'] = 'Current interfaces selection'
# see if the last item is a range (intf in front, then a dash)
c = [y for y in [x for x in interfaces if last_item.startswith(x)]
if len(last_item) > len(y) and last_item[len(y)] == '-']
if len(c):
# found interface with a dash afterwards
# could actually check that everything after '-' is digits
completions[prefix + ','] = 'List of interfaces'
completions[prefix + ' <cr>'] = 'Current interfaces selection'
first_items = ''.join(['%s,' % x for x in parts[:-1]])
# single token prefix
switch_interfaces_startingwith(interfaces, prefix, '', completions)
# last character is a comma
if len(prefix) == 1:
return # just a comma
# crack into parts, see if the last is a range, if so, then
# the choices are a comma or a <cr>
parts = prefix.split(',')
front_item = ','.join(parts[:-1]) + ','
prefix = parts[-1]
# fall through
switch_interfaces_startingwith(interfaces, prefix, front_item, completions)
def complete_staticflow_actions(prefix, data, completions):
# peek at the last character in the prefix:
# if it's a comma, then choose all the possible actions
# if its a equal, then display the choices for this option
prefix_parts = []
actions = {
'output=' : 'Describe packet forwarding',
'enqueue=' : 'Enqueue packet',
'strip-vlan=' : 'Strip Vlan',
'set-vlan-id=' : 'Set Vlan',
'set-vlan-priority=' : 'Set Priority',
'set-src-mac=' : 'Set Src Mac',
'set-dst-mac=' : 'Set Dst Mac',
'set-tos-bits=' : 'Set TOS Bits',
'set-src-ip=' : 'Set IP Src',
'set-dst-ip=' : 'Set IP Dst',
'set-src-port=' : 'Set Src IP Port',
'set-dst-port=' : 'Set dst IP Port',
action_choices = {
('output=', 'all') : 'Forward to all ports',
('output=', 'controller') : 'Forward to controller',
('output=', 'local') : 'Forward to local',
('output=', 'ingress-port') : 'Forward to ingress port',
('output=', 'normal') : 'Forward to ingress port',
('output=', 'flood') : 'Forward, flood ports',
('output=', ('<number>', '<number>')) : 'Forward, to a specific port',
('enqueue=', ('<portNumber>.<queueID>', '<portNumber>.<queueID>')) : 'Enqueue to port, queue id',
('set-vlan-id=',('<vlan number>','<vlan number>')) : 'Set vlan to <vlan number>',
('set-vlan-priority=',('<vlan prio>','<vlan prio>')) : 'Set vlan priority to <prio>',
('set-tos-bits=',('<number>',)) : 'Set TOS bits',
('set-src-mac=',('<src-mac-address>',)) : 'Set src mac address',
('set-dst-mac=',('<dst-mac-address>',)) : 'Set dst mac address',
('set-src-ip=',('<src-ip-address>',)) : 'Set src mac address',
('set-dst-ip=',('<src-ip-address>',)) : 'Set dst ip address',
for ps in prefix.split(','):
ps_parts = ps.split('=')
if len(ps_parts) == 1 and ps_parts[0] != '':
# possibly incomplete item before the '='
for choice in [x for x in actions.keys() if x.startswith(ps_parts[0])]:
completions[choice] = actions[choice]
elif len(ps_parts) == 2:
if len(ps_parts[0]) and len(ps_parts[1]):
prefix_parts.append((ps_parts[0], ps_parts[1]))
elif len(ps_parts[0]) and len(ps_parts[1]) == 0:
prefix_parts.append((ps_parts[0], ))
if prefix == '' or prefix.endswith(','):
elif prefix.endswith('='):
last = prefix_parts[-1]
for ((match, next), desc) in action_choices.items():
if match[:-1] != last[0]:
if type(next) == str:
completions[match + next] = desc
elif type(next) == tuple:
completions[(match + next[0], match + next[0])] = desc
# else? display error?
elif len(prefix_parts):
last = prefix_parts[-1]
if len(last) == 1:
elif len(last) == 2:
# try to find the left item
for ((match, next), desc) in action_choices.items():
if match[:-1] != last[0]:
if type(next) == str and next == last[1]:
eol = prefix + ' <cr>'
completions[(eol, eol)] = 'Complete Choice'
another = prefix + ','
completions[(another, another)] = 'Add another action'
elif type(next) == str and next.startswith(last[1]):
base_part = ''.join(prefix.rpartition(',')[:-1])
completions[base_part + last[0] + '=' + next] = 'Complete selection'
elif len(last[1]):
# hard to say what choices can be added here,
# there are some characters after '=', but none
# which match some prefix.
# how to match the values?
def complete_description_versions(prefix, completions):
for element in os.listdir(sdnsh.command_packages_path()):
if element == '':
elif element.startswith('version'):
# len('element') -> 7
version = "%2.2f" % (float(element[7:]) / 100)
if version[-2:] == '00':
version = version[:2] + '0'
if version.startswith(prefix):
completions[version] = 'VERSION'
if version == '2.0': # currently if 2.0 exists, so does 1.0
if '1.0'.startswith(prefix):
completions['1.0'] = 'VERSION'
if element.startswith(prefix):
completions[element] = 'VERSION'
def complete_log_names(prefix, data, completions):
Enumerate all the log file choices based on replies from the REST API.
controller = data.get('controller')
for ip_port in controller_ip_and_port(controller):
url = log_url(ip_and_port = ip_port)
log_names = command.sdnsh.rest_simple_request_to_dict(url)
for log in log_names:
log_name = log['log']
if log_name.startswith(prefix):
completions[log_name + ' '] = 'Log Selection'
def init_completions(bs, modi):
global sdnsh, mi
sdnsh = bs
mi = modi
command.add_completion('complete-object-field', complete_object_field,
{'kwargs': {'obj_type' : '$obj-type',
'parent_field' : '$parent-field',
'parent_id' : '$current-mode-obj-id',
'field' : '$field',
'prefix' : '$text',
'data' : '$data',
'scoped' : '$scoped',
'other' : '$other',
'mode' : '$mode',
'completions' : '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('complete-tag-mapping', complete_tag_mapping,
{'kwargs': {'obj_type' : '$obj-type',
'parent_field' : '$parent-field',
'parent_id' : '$current-mode-obj-id',
'field' : '$field',
'prefix' : '$text',
'data' : '$data',
'scoped' : '$scoped',
'other' : '$other',
'mode' : '$mode',
'completions' : '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('complete-from-another', complete_from_another,
{'kwargs': {'other' : '$other',
'obj_type' : '$obj-type',
'parent_field' : '$parent-field',
'parent_id' : '$current-mode-obj-id',
'field' : '$field',
'prefix' : '$text',
'data' : '$data',
'scoped' : '$scoped',
'completions' : '$completions',
'no_command' : '$is-no-command',
'explicit' : '$explicit', }})
command.add_completion('complete-alias-choice', complete_alias_choice,
{'kwargs': {'obj_type' : '$obj-type',
'field' : '$field',
'other' : '$other',
'prefix' : '$text',
'data' : '$data',
'scoped' : '$scoped',
'completions' : '$completions',
'no_command' : '$is-no-command', }})
command.add_completion('complete-config', complete_config,
{'kwargs': {'prefix': '$text',
'data': '$data',
'completions': '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('complete-config-copy', complete_config,
{'kwargs': {'prefix': '$text',
'data': '$data',
'completions': '$completions',
'copy' : True }})
command.add_completion('complete-interface-list', complete_interface_list,
{'kwargs': {'prefix': '$text',
'data': '$data',
'completions': '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('complete-staticflow-actions', complete_staticflow_actions,
{'kwargs': {'prefix': '$text',
'data': '$data',
'completions': '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('description-versions', complete_description_versions,
{'kwargs': {'prefix': '$text',
'completions': '$completions'}})
command.add_completion('complete-log-names', complete_log_names,
{'kwargs': {'prefix' : '$text',
'data' : '$data',
'completions': '$completions'}})