blob: 9af9dc9685054ad72bb5e74001d1ef04d1159c08 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import storeclient
import json
import utif
# don't use the python type of the string, use the
# schema's type description
# associate the complex type with the schema so that
# during leaf generation, the complex schema type
# can be used to display the value
def string_type(value):
if type(value) == str or type(value) == unicode:
return True
def integer_type(value):
if type(value) == int or type(value) == long:
return True
def numeric_type(value):
if (integer_type(value) or
type(value) == float or type(value) == complex):
return True
def atomic_type(value):
if (string_type(value) or
numeric_type(value) or
type(value) == bool):
return True
def path_adder(prefix, nextfix):
if prefix == '':
return nextfix
return '%s/%s' % (prefix, nextfix)
class SDNDB():
# Notes:
# The item order of the dictionary-like structures in the schema
# is actually not order-ed. The columns of these items, then
# can't be derived from the schema.
def __init__(self, modi, sdnsh, pp):
self.modi = modi
self.sdnsh = sdnsh # access to rest apu, needs help
self.pp = pp # access to formats, needs help
self.known_types = [
'BOOLEAN', # True/False
'BINARY', # bit array
self.known_data_sources = [
self.controller = 'localhost'
self.sdndb_port = 8082
self.int64max = 2**63 - 1
self.int64min = -2**63
def mm(self, v):
Quick converter for those values which are some
variation of int_max for a 64 bit java signed integer,
and int_min for a 64 bit java signed integer
if v == self.int64max:
return '' # '2^63'
if v == self.int64min:
return '' # '-2^63'
return v
# isolate references to outside entities, ie:
# sdnsh and pp references need to be collected here
# in preparation for better times.
def controller(self):
return self.sdnsh.controller
def schema_request(self):
self.sdndb_port = 8082
url = ('http://%s:%s/api/v1/schema/controller' %
(self.controller, self.sdndb_port))
self.schema = {}
print url
self.schema =
except Exception, e:
print self.schema.keys()
# for types: /api/v1/module/controller
def data_rest_request(self, item):
url = ('http://%s:%s/api/v1/data/controller/%s' %
(self.controller, self.sdndb_port, item))
rest_result =
except Exception, e:
print 'URL', url
print 'Exception: ', item, e
result = json.loads(rest_result)
# print result
# print self.format_table(result, rest_item)
return result
def crack_field(self, model, field, field_desc):
print model, field
(name, type, base_type_name, base_typedef, module) = \
(None, None, None, None, None)
(attributes, child_nodes, data_sources, description) = \
(None, None, None, None)
(key_node_nanmes, validator, defaultValueString) = (None, None, None)
(leaf_type, leaf_schema_node, type_schema_node) = (None, None, None)
(list_schema_node, mandatory) = (None, None)
# three fields seem to identify type:
# 'nodeType', 'baseTypeName', 'baseTypedef'
for (attr, attr_value) in field_desc.items():
if attr == 'name':
if attr_value != field:
print 'Warning: schema %s "name" %s ' \
'doesn\'t match field name %s' % \
(model, attr_value, field)
elif attr == 'nodeType':
type = attr_value
if type not in self.known_types:
print 'Warning: schema: %s:%s unknown type %s' % \
(model, field, type)
print model, field, type
elif attr == 'dataSources':
data_sources = attr_value
for source in data_sources:
if source not in self.known_data_sources:
print 'Warning: schema: %s:%s unknown data source %s' % \
(model, field, source)
elif attr == 'mandatory':
mandatory = attr_value
elif attr == 'childNodes':
child_nodes = attr_value
elif attr == 'leafType':
leaf_type = attr_value
elif attr == 'typeSchemaNode':
type_schema_node = attr_value
elif attr == 'keyNodeNames':
key_node_names = attr_value
elif attr == 'listElementSchemaNode':
list_schema_node = attr_value
elif attr == 'leafSchemaNode':
leaf_schema_node = attr_value
elif attr == 'validator':
validator = attr_value
print model, field, 'VALIDATOR', validator
elif attr == 'defaultValueString':
defaultValueString = attr_value
elif attr == 'baseTypeName':
base_type_name = attr_value
elif attr == 'baseTypedef':
base_typedef = attr_value
elif attr == 'attributes':
attributes = attr_value
elif attr == 'description':
description = attr_value
elif attr == 'module':
module = attr_value
print 'Warning: schema: %s:%s unknown attribute %s' % \
(model, field, attr)
print " --", attr, attr_value
def crack_container(self, container):
for (model, model_details) in container.items():
print 'Model', model, model_details.keys()
type = model_details['nodeType']
name = model_details['name']
module = model_details['module']
if type == 'LIST':
child_nodes = model_details['listElementSchemaNode']
child_nodes = child_nodes['childNodes']
print '-- ', name, type, module, child_nodes.keys()
for (field, field_value) in child_nodes.items():
self.crack_field(name, field, field_value)
#print field, field_value.items()
elif type == 'CONTAINER':
child_nodes = model_details['childNodes']
for (field, field_value) in child_nodes.items():
self.crack_field(name, field, field_value)
#print field, field_value.items()
def crack_type(self, item):
type = item.get('nodeType')
if type == None:
if type == 'CONTAINER':
# REST API envelope.
container = item.get('childNodes')
for (envelope_name, envelope_value) in container.items():
envelope_type = envelope_value.get('nodeType')
print 'ENVELOPE', container.keys(), envelope_type
if envelope_type == 'CONTAINER':
def post_leaf_node_to_row(self, path, schema, results, row_dict, name = None):
leaf_type = schema.get('leafType')
if name == None:
name = schema.get('name')
if leaf_type == 'ENUMERATION':
type_node = schema.get('typeSchemaNode')
print 'LEAF ENUM', type_node, type_node != None
enum_result = results
if type_node:
if type_node.get('leafType'):
enum_values = type_node.get('enumerationSpecifications')
if enum_values:
for name in enum_values:
if name['value'] == enum_result:
enum_result = name
print path, 'LEAF ENUM %s <- %s from %s' % (name, enum_result, results)
row_dict[name] = str(enum_result)
elif leaf_type == 'UNION':
row_dict[name] = str(results)
elif atomic_type(results):
print path, 'LEAF %s <- %s' % (name, results)
row_dict[name] = str(results)
print path, 'LEAF MORE DETAILS', schema, type(results), results
def schema_to_results(self, path, schema, results, row_dict = None, indices = None):
Generator (iterator) for items in the results, associated with the
schema passed in.
'index' is a list of dictionary of items which are intended to be columns in the
table which must appear for every interior table.
node_type = schema.get('nodeType')
name = schema.get('name')
print path, name, 'TYPE', node_type
if row_dict == None:
row_dict = dict()
if indices == None:
indices = list()
if node_type in ['LEAF']:
self.post_leaf_node_to_row(path, schema, results, row_dict)
elif node_type == 'LIST':
row = {} if row_dict == None else dict(row_dict)
daughter = schema.get('listElementSchemaNode')
index = daughter.get('keyNodeNames')
# verify index in list_fields
list_items = daughter.get('childNodes')
print path, 'LIST', name, index, list_items.keys()
yield ('LIST-BEGIN', name, path, indices, row)
# spath = '%s/%s/%s' % (path, name, index_value)
# add_fields(depth+1, list_fields)
for (index_value, result) in results.items():
print '[]', '%s:%s' % (index, index_value)
new_row = dict(row)
new_row['|'.join(index)] = index_value
new_indices = list(indices) + [{name : index_value}]
spath = '%s/%s' % (path_adder(path, name), index_value)
for (item_name, item_value) in list_items.items():
if item_name in result:
for item in self.schema_to_results(spath,
item_value, result[item_name],
new_row, new_indices):
yield item
print 'HERE', new_row
yield ('LIST-ITEM', name, path, indices, row, new_row)
yield ('LIST-END', name, path, indices + [{'|'.join(index) : None}], row)
elif node_type == 'LEAF_LIST':
#row = {} if row_dict == None else dict(row_dict)
row = {}
# verify index in list_fields
daughter = schema.get('leafSchemaNode')
last_index = indices[-1]
if len(last_index.keys()) == 1:
parent_name = last_index[last_index.keys()[0]]
print path, 'LEAF-LIST', parent_name, indices, daughter.keys(), last_index
yield ('LIST-BEGIN', parent_name, path, indices, row)
# spath = '%s/%s/%s' % (path, name, index_value)
# add_fields(depth+1, list_fields)
new_row = dict(row)
item_schema = daughter.get('typeSchemaNode')
leaf_node_type = item_schema.get('nodeType')
if leaf_node_type != 'TYPE':
print 'LEAF-LIST without interior TYPE node: %s' % leaf_node_type
leaf_type = item_schema.get('leafType')
print 'XXX', results, name
for item in results:
new_indices = list(indices) + [{name : item}]
self.post_leaf_node_to_row(path, item_schema, item, row, name)
yield ('LIST-ITEM', parent_name, path, new_indices, row, new_row)
new_indices = list(indices) + [{name : None}]
print 'XYZ', name, new_indices
yield ('LIST-END', parent_name, path, new_indices, row)
elif node_type == 'CONTAINER':
# should abstract name types be added?
child_nodes = schema.get('childNodes')
print path, 'CONTAINER', name, child_nodes.keys()
yield ('CONTAINER-BEGIN', name, path, indices, row_dict)
spath = path_adder(path, name)
# add_fields(spath, child_nodes)
base_dict = dict(row_dict)
for (child_name, child_value) in child_nodes.items():
print path, 'CONTAINER PART', child_name, child_name in results
if child_name in results:
for item in self.schema_to_results(spath, child_value, results[child_name],
row_dict, indices):
yield item
print path, 'CONTAINER DONE', name, row_dict
yield ('CONTAINER-END', name, path, indices, base_dict, row_dict)
print 'TYPE %s NEEDS HELP' % node_type
print schema
print results
def format_table(self, result, name):
# format a table: paint a table as if generating some
# table output format from a hierarchial object.
# columns are the names of any path members down to the
# most interior entry.
def add_fields(depth, fields):
for (field_name, field_details) in fields.items():
# if the column is a list, all the entries underneath need to be added.
node_type = field_details.get('nodeType')
type_schema = field_details.get('typeSchemaNode')
print depth, 'FIELD', field_name, node_type, type_schema
if node_type in ['LEAF']:
if not field_name in columns:
print 'XXXX IN THERE', field_name
if type_schema and field_name not in column_type:
column_type[field_name] = type_schema
elif node_type == 'LIST':
daughter = field_details.get('listElementSchemaNode')
index = daughter.get('keyNodeNames')
# verify index in list_fields
list_fields = daughter.get('childNodes')
print depth, 'LIST', field_name, index, list_fields.keys()
add_fields(depth+1, list_fields)
elif node_type == 'CONTAINER':
# should abstract name types be added?
name = field_details.get('name')
child_nodes = field_details.get('childNodes')
print depth, 'CONTAINER', field_name, child_nodes.keys()
add_fields(depth+1, child_nodes)
schema = self.schemas.get(name)
if schema == None:
print 'Missing Schema', name
print 'Known:', ','.join(self.schemas.keys())
print schema.keys()
description = schema.get('description')
daughter = schema.get
if schema.get('nodeType') == 'LIST':
daughter = schema.get('listElementSchemaNode')
index = daughter.get('keyNodeNames')
fields = daughter.get('childNodes')
columns = ['|'.join(index)]
elif schema.get('nodeType') == 'CONTAINER':
index = schema.get('keyNodeNames')
fields = schema.get('childNodes')
columns = [] # no index for CONTAINER
print 'Schema %s, NodeType %s needs root' % (name, schema.get('nodeType'))
print name, schema.get('nodeType')
if description:
print 'Model %s "%s", key: %s, fields: %s' % (name, description, index, fields.keys())
print 'Model %s, key %s, fields %s' % (name, index, fields.keys())
if index:
# verify the the index items are
found_index = [x for x in index if x in fields]
print 'Verified index', found_index
column_type = {}
add_fields(1, fields)
print columns
print 'COLUMN TYPE', len(column_type)
for (column, schema_type) in column_type.items():
print 'COLUMN TYPE', column, schema_type
# second verse, same as the first.
def table_maker(depth, schema, results, a_row):
node_type = schema.get('nodeType')
name = schema.get('name')
print depth, name, 'TYPE', node_type
if node_type in ['LEAF']:
leaf_type = schema.get('leafType')
if leaf_type == 'ENUMERATION':
type_mode = schema.get('typeSchemaNode')
print 'LEAF ENUM', type_mode != None
enum_result = results
if type_node:
if type_node.get('leafType'):
enum_values = type_node.get('enumerationSpecifications')
if enum_values:
for name in enum_values:
if name['value'] == enum_result:
enum_result = name
print depth, 'LEAF ENUM %s <- %s from %s' % (name, enum_result, results)
a_row[name] = str(enum_result)
elif atomic_type(results):
print depth, 'LEAF %s <- %s' % (name, results)
a_row[name] = str(results)
print depth, 'LEAF MORE DETAILS', schema, type(results), results
elif node_type == 'LIST':
row = {} if a_row == None else dict(a_row)
daughter = schema.get('listElementSchemaNode')
index = daughter.get('keyNodeNames')
# verify index in list_fields
list_items = daughter.get('childNodes')
print depth, 'LIST', name, index, list_items.keys()
# add_fields(depth+1, list_fields)
for (index_value, result) in results.items():
print '[]', '%s:%s' % (index, index_value)
row['|'.join(index)] = index_value
for (item_name, item_value) in list_items.items():
if item_name in result:
table_maker(depth+1, item_value, result[item_name], row)
print 'AROW', row
elif node_type == 'CONTAINER':
# should abstract name types be added?
child_nodes = schema.get('childNodes')
print depth, 'CONTAINER', name, child_nodes.keys()
# add_fields(depth+1, child_nodes)
for (child_name, child_value) in child_nodes.items():
print depth, 'CONTAINER PART', child_name
if child_name in results:
table_maker(depth+1, child_value, results[child_name], a_row)
table = []
cols_width = {}
if type(result) == list and len(result) == 1:
print 'PRUNE LIST'
result = result[0]
table_maker(1, schema, result, {})
print '+++++++++++++'
print table
print '+++++++++++++'
for column in columns:
cols_width[column] = len(column)
for row in table:
for (item, value) in row.items():
if item not in cols_width:
cols_width[item] = len(value)
elif len(value) > cols_width[item]:
cols_width[item] = len(value)
print 'COLUMNS->', columns
print 'COLS_WIDTH->', cols_width
# column header
line = ''
for column in columns:
if column in cols_width:
line += '%-*s ' % (cols_width[column], column)
print line
print '=' * len(line)
line = ''
for column in columns:
type_info = ' ' * cols_width[column]
if column in column_type:
ct = column_type[column]
print column, ct
if type(ct) == str or type(ct) == unicode:
type_info = '%*s' % (cols_width[column], ct)
elif ct.get('leafType'):
leaf_type = ct.get('leafType')
if type(leaf_type) == unicode or type(leaf_type) == str:
type_info = '%*s' % (cols_width[column], leaf_type)
print 'CT LEAF_TYPE', ct
if ct.get('nodeType'):
node_type = ct.get('nodeType')
if type(node_type) == str or type(node_type) == unicode:
if node_type != 'LEAF':
type_info = '%*s' % (cols_width[column], node_type)
type_info = '%*s' % (cols_width[column], node_type['name'])
if ct.get('name'):
type_info = '%*s' % (cols_width[column], ct['name'])
line += type_info
print line
line = ''
for column in columns:
if column in cols_width:
line += '%s|' % ('-' * cols_width[column],)
print line
for row in table:
line = ''
for column in columns:
line += '%*s ' % (cols_width[column], row.get(column, ''))
print line
return table
def name_is_compound_key(self, name):
if name.find('|') != -1:
return True
return False
def table_body_sorter(self, table, sort_columns):
def sort_cmp(x,y):
for f in sort_columns:
if f in x:
c = utif.trailing_integer_cmp(x.get(f), y.get(f))
if c:
return c
return 0
return sorted(table, cmp=sort_cmp)
def table_columns_width(self, table, columns):
Table is a list of dictionaries.
Columns is a list of column header names.
cols_width = {}
for column in columns:
cols_width[column] = len(column)
for row in table:
for (item, value) in row.items():
if item not in cols_width:
cols_width[item] = len(value)
elif len(value) > cols_width[item]:
cols_width[item] = len(value)
return cols_width
def table_header(self, cols_width, title = None, columns = None):
Print the table headers.
# column header
line = ''
for column in columns:
if self.name_is_compound_key(column):
if column in cols_width:
line += '%-*s ' % (cols_width[column], column)
# table title
if title:
len_dash_left = (len(line) - len(title) - 2)
half_left = len_dash_left / 2
slop = ''
if len_dash_left & 1:
slop = ' '
yield '=' * half_left + ' %s%s ' % (title, slop) + '=' * half_left
# finally print the column header
if line == '':
yield '--cols empty--'
yield line
line = ''
for column in columns:
if self.name_is_compound_key(column):
if column in cols_width:
line += '%s|' % ('-' * cols_width[column],)
yield line
def all_columns_except(self, table, except_columns = None):
all_columns = []
if except_columns == None:
except_columns = []
# now ensure all columns are represented
for row in table:
for field in row.keys():
if self.name_is_compound_key(field):
if field not in except_columns and field not in all_columns:
return sorted(all_columns)
def table_body(self, table, title = None, columns = None):
The input table is a list of dictionaries. From the
name:value pairs, build a simple output formatter.
if columns == None:
columns = []
else: # use the columns passed in as a basis for sorting
table = self.table_body_sorter(table, columns)
# now ensure all columns are represented
columns += self.all_columns_except(table, columns)
cols_width = self.table_columns_width(table, columns)
# waiting for 'yield from'
# yield from table_header(cols_width, title, column
for item in self.table_header(cols_width, title, columns):
yield item
for row in table:
line = ''
for column in columns:
if not self.name_is_compound_key(column):
line += '%-*s ' % (cols_width[column], row.get(column, ''))
yield line
def table_title_builder(self, name, indices_list):
Build a title, based on the table name, then
added to that are any name:value paris in the
indices_list, in order, whose value isn't None
(None currently means the index is from the name of
a 'CONTAINER', which doesn't require an index)
title = [name]
if indices_list:
for index_dict in indices_list:
# not using a comprehension here to
# keep the text width small.
for (n,v) in index_dict.items():
if v != None:
title.append('%s:%s' % (n,v))
return ' '.join(title)
def table_index_columns(self, name, indices_list):
The 'index columns' are the columns which have been
used as 'keyNodeNames' for each of the 'LIST's. These
are handy to move towards the 'left' side of the table
columns = []
if indices_list:
for index_dict in indices_list:
columns += index_dict.keys()
return columns
def schema_of_path(self, path):
Return the child tree based on a requested path.
if type(path) == str:
path = path.split('/')
curr = self.schema
for element in path:
node_type = curr.get('nodeType')
if node_type == 'CONTAINER':
child_nodes = curr.get('childNodes')
next = child_nodes.get(element)
print 'schema_of_path: need help for ', node_type
print 'FIND', node_type, path, curr.keys()
next = None
if next == None:
return None
curr = next
return curr
def display(self, path, style = 'table'):
schema = self.schema_of_path(path)
if schema == None:
print 'Unknown Item', path
result = self.data_rest_request(path)
if result == None:
print 'No result for %s' % path
# print result
# print self.format_table(result, rest_item)
print 'SCHEMA-2-RESULT', path
#print 'SCHEMA-2-RESULT RESULT', result
tables_names = [] # table names in order.
tables = {} # dictionary of tables, indexed by name
titles = {} # dictionary of titles, indexed by name
columns = {} # dictionary of columns, indexed by name
# Apply the result to the schema.
# 'schema_to_results' is an iterator (generator), which
# returns tuples.
for row in self.schema_to_results('', schema, result):
print '^', row
# return tuple:
# (action, name, path, indices, row, new_row)
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
action = row[0]
name = row[1]
if action == 'LIST-BEGIN':
if name not in tables_names:
tables[name] = []
# ensure table is empty
# if name in tables:
# tables[name] = []
elif action == 'LIST-ITEM':
# add the items to the table.
table_row = dict(row[5])
for index in row[3]:
table_row.update(index) # indices
if name in tables:
tables[name] = [table_row]
elif action == 'LIST-END':
# display the result
if name in tables:
titles[name] = self.table_title_builder(name, row[3])
columns[name] = self.table_index_columns(name, row[3])
print 'INDEX', name, row[3], columns[name]
# validation --
for table in tables_names:
if not table in tables.keys():
print 'List of tables doesn''t match tables keys'
print tables_names, len(tables_names)
print tables.keys(), len(tables.keys())
separator = None
# select style.
if style == 'list':
prefix = ' '
for (table_name, table_details) in tables.items():
cols = 79
first_columns = columns[table_name]
last_columns = self.all_columns_except(table_details,
if separator != None:
print separator
for row in table_details:
row_lines = 0
line = table_name + ' '
for item_name in first_columns + last_columns:
item_value = row.get(item_name)
if item_value == None:
next_item = '%s: %s ' % (item_name, item_value)
if len(line) + len(next_item) > cols:
print line
line = prefix
row_lines += 1
line += next_item
if line != prefix:
print line
if row_lines:
print ''
separator = ''
elif style == 'table':
# now print the tables.
for table_name in tables_names:
if separator != None:
print separator
if len(table_name) > 1:
title = titles[table_name]
if len(tables[table_name]) == 0:
if len(table_name) > 1:
print table_name, 'None.'
print 'None.'
title = table_name
for item in self.table_body(tables[table_name],
print item
separator = ''
print 'sdndb:display unknown style %s' % style
def schema_detailer_validators(self, type_schema_node):
Result is a dictionary of validator_name:...
To display these, use somethng like:
' '.join(['%s:%s' % (n,v) for (n,v) in v_dict]
v_dict = {}
for validator in type_schema_node.get('typeValidator', []):
kind = validator.get('type')
if kind == 'RANGE_VALIDATOR':
kind = 'range'
elif kind == 'LENGTH_VALIDATOR':
kind = 'length'
kind = 'enum'
elif kind == 'PATTERN_VALIDATOR':
kind = 'pattern'
print 'Validator Kind unknown:', kind
if not kind in v_dict:
v_dict[kind] = []
if kind == 'range' or kind == 'length':
for range in validator.get('ranges', []):
v_dict[kind].append('(%s:%s)' %
elif kind == 'pattern':
elif kind == 'enum':
name_dict = validator.get('names')
v_dict[kind].append(','.join(['[%s:%s]' % (n,v) for (n,v) in name_dict.items()]))
return v_dict
def schema_detailer(self, schema, depth = None):
if depth == None:
depth = 0
indent = ' ' * depth
name = schema.get('name')
node_type = schema.get('nodeType')
if node_type == 'LEAF':
if self.sdnsh.description:
print indent, 'LEAF', schema
leaf_type = schema.get('leafType')
mandatory = schema.get('mandatory')
type_schema_node = schema.get('typeSchemaNode', {})
v_dict = self.schema_detailer_validators(type_schema_node)
yield ('%s%s LEAF type: %s mandatory: %s %s' %
(indent, name, leaf_type, mandatory,
' '.join(["%s:%s" % (n,','.join(v)) for (n,v) in v_dict.items()])))
if leaf_type == 'UNION':
nodes = type_schema_node.get('typeSchemaNodes')
for node in nodes:
v_dict = self.schema_detailer_validators(node)
yield (' %s%s TYPE %s' % (indent, node.get('name'),
' '.join(["%s:%s" % (n,','.join(v)) for (n,v) in v_dict.items()])))
elif node_type == 'LEAF_LIST':
leaf_node = schema.get('leafSchemaNode')
mandatory = schema.get('mandatory')
base_type = leaf_node.get('leafType')
type_schema_node = leaf_node.get('typeSchemaNode', {})
v_dict = self.schema_detailer_validators(type_schema_node)
yield ('%s%s: LEAF-LIST mandatory %s LIST of %s %s' %
(indent, name, mandatory, base_type,
' '.join(["%s:%s" % (n,','.join(v)) for (n,v) in v_dict.items()])))
elif node_type == 'LIST':
node = schema.get('listElementSchemaNode')
elements_key = ''
if node:
key = node.get('keyNodeNames')
if key:
elements_key = ' of %s' % ', '.join(key)
child_nodes = node.get('childNodes', [])
yield '%s%s: LIST %s ITEMS <%s>' % (indent, name, elements_key,
', '.join(child_nodes))
for (child, value) in child_nodes.items():
for item in self.schema_detailer(value, depth + 1):
yield item
elif node_type == 'CONTAINER':
child_nodes = schema.get('childNodes', [])
yield '%s%s: CONTAINER ITEMS <%s>' % (indent, name,
', '.join(child_nodes.keys()))
for (child, value) in child_nodes.items():
for item in self.schema_detailer(value, depth + 1):
yield item
print 'unknown type', node_type
def schema_detail(self, path):
print 'schema_detail:', path
schema = self.schema_of_path(path)
for item in self.schema_detailer(schema):
yield item