blob: ebaf6af1be80ec995e827e08adf83ab4722651f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.onrc.onos.api.newintent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* Fake implementation of the intent service to assist in developing tests
* of the interface contract.
public class FakeIntentManager implements TestableIntentService {
private final Map<IntentId, Intent> intents = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<IntentId, IntentState> intentStates = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<IntentId, List<InstallableIntent>> installables = new HashMap<>();
private final Set<IntentEventListener> listeners = new HashSet<>();
private final Map<Class<? extends Intent>, IntentCompiler<? extends Intent>> compilers = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Class<? extends InstallableIntent>,
IntentInstaller<? extends InstallableIntent>> installers = new HashMap<>();
private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
private final List<IntentException> exceptions = new ArrayList<>();
public List<IntentException> getExceptions() {
return exceptions;
// Provides an out-of-thread simulation of intent submit life-cycle
private void executeSubmit(final Intent intent) {
registerSubclassInstallerIfNeeded((InstallableIntent) intent);
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
List<InstallableIntent> installable = compileIntent(intent);
installIntents(intent, installable);
} catch (IntentException e) {
// Provides an out-of-thread simulation of intent withdraw life-cycle
private void executeWithdraw(final Intent intent) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
List<InstallableIntent> installable = getInstallable(intent.getId());
uninstallIntents(intent, installable);
} catch (IntentException e) {
private <T extends Intent> IntentCompiler<T> getCompiler(T intent) {
IntentCompiler<T> compiler = (IntentCompiler<T>) compilers.get(intent.getClass());
if (compiler == null) {
throw new IntentException("no compiler for class " + intent.getClass());
return compiler;
private <T extends InstallableIntent> IntentInstaller<T> getInstaller(T intent) {
IntentInstaller<T> installer = (IntentInstaller<T>) installers.get(intent.getClass());
if (installer == null) {
throw new IntentException("no installer for class " + intent.getClass());
return installer;
private <T extends Intent> List<InstallableIntent> compileIntent(T intent) {
try {
// For the fake, we compile using a single level pass
List<InstallableIntent> installable = new ArrayList<>();
for (Intent compiled : getCompiler(intent).compile(intent)) {
installable.add((InstallableIntent) compiled);
setState(intent, IntentState.COMPILED);
return installable;
} catch (IntentException e) {
setState(intent, IntentState.FAILED);
throw e;
private void installIntents(Intent intent, List<InstallableIntent> installable) {
try {
for (InstallableIntent ii : installable) {
setState(intent, IntentState.INSTALLED);
putInstallable(intent.getId(), installable);
} catch (IntentException e) {
setState(intent, IntentState.FAILED);
throw e;
private void uninstallIntents(Intent intent, List<InstallableIntent> installable) {
try {
for (InstallableIntent ii : installable) {
setState(intent, IntentState.WITHDRAWN);
} catch (IntentException e) {
setState(intent, IntentState.FAILED);
throw e;
// Sets the internal state for the given intent and dispatches an event
private void setState(Intent intent, IntentState state) {
IntentState previous = intentStates.get(intent.getId());
intentStates.put(intent.getId(), state);
dispatch(new IntentEvent(intent, state, previous, System.currentTimeMillis()));
private void putInstallable(IntentId id, List<InstallableIntent> installable) {
installables.put(id, installable);
private void removeInstallable(IntentId id) {
private List<InstallableIntent> getInstallable(IntentId id) {
List<InstallableIntent> installable = installables.get(id);
if (installable != null) {
return installable;
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
public void submit(Intent intent) {
intents.put(intent.getId(), intent);
setState(intent, IntentState.SUBMITTED);
public void withdraw(Intent intent) {
setState(intent, IntentState.WITHDRAWING);
public void execute(IntentOperations operations) {
// TODO: implement later
public Set<Intent> getIntents() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(intents.values()));
public Intent getIntent(IntentId id) {
return intents.get(id);
public IntentState getIntentState(IntentId id) {
return intentStates.get(id);
public void addListener(IntentEventListener listener) {
public void removeListener(IntentEventListener listener) {
private void dispatch(IntentEvent event) {
for (IntentEventListener listener : listeners) {
public <T extends Intent> void registerCompiler(Class<T> cls, IntentCompiler<T> compiler) {
compilers.put(cls, compiler);
public <T extends Intent> void unregisterCompiler(Class<T> cls) {
public Map<Class<? extends Intent>, IntentCompiler<? extends Intent>> getCompilers() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(compilers);
public <T extends InstallableIntent> void registerInstaller(Class<T> cls, IntentInstaller<T> installer) {
installers.put(cls, installer);
public <T extends InstallableIntent> void unregisterInstaller(Class<T> cls) {
public Map<Class<? extends InstallableIntent>,
IntentInstaller<? extends InstallableIntent>> getInstallers() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(installers);
private void registerSubclassCompilerIfNeeded(Intent intent) {
if (!compilers.containsKey(intent.getClass())) {
Class<?> cls = intent.getClass();
while (cls != Object.class) {
// As long as we're within the Intent class descendants
if (Intent.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
IntentCompiler<?> compiler = compilers.get(cls);
if (compiler != null) {
compilers.put(intent.getClass(), compiler);
cls = cls.getSuperclass();
private void registerSubclassInstallerIfNeeded(InstallableIntent intent) {
if (!installers.containsKey(intent.getClass())) {
Class<?> cls = intent.getClass();
while (cls != Object.class) {
// As long as we're within the InstallableIntent class descendants
if (InstallableIntent.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
IntentInstaller<?> installer = installers.get(cls);
if (installer != null) {
installers.put(intent.getClass(), installer);
cls = cls.getSuperclass();