blob: d061277cd2bdcccc56035b9c4cae451be13b1f1a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import collections
import urllib
import error
import json
import modi
import utif
import url_cache
# json based on non model based query
def rest_to_model_init(bs, modi):
global sdnsh, mi
sdnsh = bs
mi = modi
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def check_rest_result(result, message = None):
if isinstance(result, collections.Mapping):
error_type = result.get('error_type')
if error_type:
raise error.CommandRestError(result, message)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_model_from_url(obj_type, data):
Intended to be used as a conversion tool, to provide a way
to move model requests to specific url requests
startswith = '__startswith'
data = dict(data)
if mi.obj_type_has_model(obj_type):
print "MODEL_URL: %s not supported" % obj_type
return []
# save sort field
sort = data.get('orderby', None)
if sort:
del data['orderby']
obj_type_url = mi.obj_type_has_url(obj_type)
url = "http://%s/rest/v1/" % sdnsh.controller + obj_type_url
# for the devices query, be sensitive to the types of queries
# since the devices query doesn't understand the relationship
# between the vlan=='' for address_space == 'default'.
if obj_type_url == 'device':
if 'vlan' in data and data['vlan'] == '':
del data['vlan']
# data items need to be included into the query.
if data:
url += '?'
url += urllib.urlencode(data)
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: request ", obj_type, data, url
# cache small, short time results
entries = url_cache.get_cached_url(url)
if entries != None:
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print 'get_model_from_url: using cached result for ', url
result =
entries = json.loads(result)
except Exception, e:
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: failed request %s: '%s'" % (url, e)
entries = []
url_cache.save_url(url, entries)
key =
# convert specific types XXX need better generic mechanism
result = []
if obj_type == 'host-attachment-point':
for entry in entries:
# it is possible for multiple mac's to appear here
# as long as a single ip is associated with the device.
if len(entry['mac']) > 1:
raise error.CommandInternalError("host (attachment point): >1 mac")
mac = entry['mac'][0]
aps = entry['attachmentPoint']
lastseen = entry['lastSeen']
for ap in aps:
status = ap.get('errorStatus', '')
if status == None:
status = ''
if len(entry['vlan']) == 0:
result.append({'id' : mac + '|' + ap['switchDPID'] +
'|' + str(ap['port']),
'mac' : mac,
'switch' : ap['switchDPID'],
'ingress-port' : ap['port'],
'status' : status,
'last-seen' : lastseen,
'address-space': entry['entityClass'],
for vlan in entry['vlan']:
result.append({'id' : mac + '|' + ap['switchDPID'] +
'|' + str(ap['port']),
'mac' : mac,
'vlan' : vlan,
'switch' : ap['switchDPID'],
'ingress-port' : ap['port'],
'status' : status,
'last-seen' : lastseen,
'address-space': entry['entityClass'],
elif obj_type == 'host-network-address':
for entry in entries:
if len(entry['mac']) > 1:
raise error.CommandInternalError("host (network-address): >1 mac")
mac = entry['mac'][0]
ips = entry['ipv4']
lastseen = entry['lastSeen']
for ip in ips:
if len(entry['vlan']) == 0:
result.append({'id' : mac + '|' + ip,
'mac' : mac,
'ip-address' : ip,
'address-space' : entry['entityClass'],
'last-seen' : lastseen })
for vlan in entry['vlan']:
result.append({'id' : mac + '|' + ip,
'mac' : mac,
'vlan' : vlan,
'ip-address' : ip,
'address-space' : entry['entityClass'],
'last-seen' : lastseen })
elif obj_type == 'host':
# For host queries, the device manager returns 'devices' which
# match specific criteria, for example, if you say ipv4 == 'xxx',
# the device which matches that criteris is returned. However,
# there may be multiple ip addresses associated.
# this means that two different groups of values for these
# entities are returned. fields like 'ipv4' is the collection
# of matching values, while 'ips' is the complee list.
# 'switch', 'port' are the match values, while 'attachment-points'
# is the complete list.
ip_match = data.get('ipv4')
ip_prefix = data.get('ipv4__startswith')
dpid_match = data.get('dpid')
dpid_prefix = data.get('dpid__startswith')
port_match = data.get('port')
port_prefix = data.get('port__startswith')
address_space_match = data.get('address-space')
address_space_prefix = data.get('address-space__startswith')
for entry in entries:
if len(entry['mac']) > 1:
raise error.CommandInternalError("host: >1 mac")
mac = entry['mac'][0]
lastseen = entry['lastSeen']
if not ip_match and not ip_prefix:
ipv4 = entry['ipv4']
elif ip_match:
ipv4 = [x for x in entry['ipv4'] if x == ip_match]
elif ip_prefix:
ipv4 = [x for x in entry['ipv4'] if x.startswith(ip_prefix)]
ips = None
if len(entry['ipv4']):
ips = [{'ip-address' : x, 'last-seen' : lastseen}
for x in entry['ipv4'] ]
aps = None
switch = []
port = []
dpid_match = entry.get('dpid')
if len(entry['attachmentPoint']):
aps = [{'switch' : x['switchDPID'], 'ingress-port' : x['port'] }
for x in entry['attachmentPoint']]
if not dpid_match and not dpid_prefix:
switch = [x['switchDPID'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']]
elif dpid_match:
switch = [x['switchDPID'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']
if x['switchDPID'] == dpid_match]
elif dpid_prefix:
switch = [x['switchDPID'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']
if x['switchDPID'].startswith(dpid_prefix)]
if not port_match and not port_prefix:
port = [x['port'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']]
elif port_match:
port = [x['port'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']
if x['port'] == port_match]
elif port_prefix:
port = [x['port'] for x in entry['attachmentPoint']
if x['port'].startswith(port_prefix)]
address_space = entry['entityClass']
dhcp_client_name = entry.get('dhcpClientName', '')
if address_space_match and address_space != address_space_match:
if address_space_prefix and not address_space.startswith(address_space_prefix):
if len(entry['vlan']) == 0:
id = '%s||%s' % (address_space, mac)
result.append({'id' : id,
'mac' : mac,
'ips' : ips,
'ipv4' : ipv4,
'attachment-points' : aps,
'dpid' : switch,
'port' : port,
'address-space' : address_space,
'dhcp-client-name' : dhcp_client_name,
'last-seen' : lastseen})
for vlan in entry['vlan']:
if address_space != 'default':
id = '%s||%s' % (address_space, mac)
id = '%s|%s|%s' % (address_space, vlan, mac)
result.append({'id' : id,
'mac' : mac,
'vlan' : vlan,
'ips' : ips,
'ipv4' : ipv4,
'attachment-points' : aps,
'dpid' : switch,
'port' : port,
'address-space' : address_space,
'dhcp-client-name' : dhcp_client_name,
'last-seen' : lastseen})
# Also need to add hostConfig entries.
if not mi.obj_type_has_model('host-config'):
raise error.CommandInternalError("host-config: not served via model")
host_config = sdnsh.rest_query_objects('host-config', data)
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: adding host-config ", data, host_config
known_ids = [x['id'] for x in result]
for hc in host_config:
id = hc['id']
if id not in known_ids:
# be sensitive to search fields:
query_match = True
if len(data):
for (d, dv) in data.items():
# other ops aside from '='?
if d.endswith(startswith):
fn = d[:-len(startswith)]
if not fn in hc or not hc[fn].startswith(dv):
query_match = False
elif (not d in hc) or dv != hc[d]:
query_match = False
if query_match:
hc['attachment-points'] = None
hc['dpid'] = None
hc['ips'] = None
hc['last-seen'] = None
elif obj_type == 'vns-interface':
for entry in entries:
vns = entry['parentVNS']['name']
rule = entry['parentRule']
rule_name = 'default'
if rule and 'name' in rule:
rule_name = rule['name']
result.append({ key : vns + '|' + entry['name'],
'vns' : vns,
'address-space' : entry['parentVNS']['addressSpaceName'],
'interface' : entry['name'],
'rule' : rule_name,
'last-seen' : entry['lastSeen'],
# also need to add vns-interface-config
if not mi.obj_type_has_model('vns-interface-config'):
raise error.CommandInternalError("vns-interface-config: not service via model")
vns_intf_config = sdnsh.rest_query_objects('vns-interface-config', data)
known_vns_intfs = [x[key] for x in result]
for vns_intf in vns_intf_config:
if not vns_intf[key] in known_vns_intfs:
vns_intf['rule'] = 'default'
elif obj_type == 'host-vns-interface':
# mac matching works for the request
vns_match = data.get('vns')
vns_prefix = data.get('vns__startswith')
for entry in entries:
device = entry['device']
if len(device['mac']) > 1:
raise error.CommandInternalError("host (vns-interface): >1 mac")
device_last_seen = device['lastSeen']
address_space = device['entityClass']
mac = device['mac'][0] # currently, should only be one
ips = None
if len(device['ipv4']):
ips = [{'ip-address' : x, 'last-seen' : device_last_seen}
for x in device['ipv4'] ]
vlans = device.get('vlan', []) # currently, should only be one
if len(vlans) == 0: # iterate once when list is empty
vlans = [ '' ]
aps = None
if len(device['attachmentPoint']):
aps = [{'switch' : x['switchDPID'], 'ingress-port' : x['port'] }
for x in device['attachmentPoint']]
for iface in entry.get('iface', []):
vns = iface['parentVNS']['name']
last_seen = iface['lastSeen']
if vns_match and vns_match != vns:
if vns_prefix and not vns.startswith(vns_prefix):
for vlan in vlans: # there's supposed to only be at most one vlan.
if address_space != 'default' or type(vlan) != int:
host = '%s||%s' % (address_space, mac)
host = '%s|%s|%s' % (address_space, vlan, mac)
result.append({key : mac + '|' + vns + '|' + iface['name'],
'host' : host,
'mac' : mac,
'vlan' : vlan,
'address-space' : address_space,
'ips' : ips,
'attachment-points' : aps,
'vns' : vns,
'interface' : vns + '|' + iface['name'],
'last-seen' : device_last_seen})
elif obj_type == 'switches':
switch_match = data.get('dpid')
switch_prefix = data.get('dpid__startswith')
# this synthetic obj_type's name is 'switches' in an attempt
# to disabigutate it from 'class Switch'
for entry in entries:
if switch_match and switch_match != entry['dpid']:
if switch_prefix and not entry['dpid'].startswith(switch_prefix):
attrs = entry['attributes']
actions = entry['actions']
capabilities = entry['capabilities']
inet_address = entry.get('inetAddress')
ip_address = ''
tcp_port = ''
if inet_address:
# Current Java value looks like: /
inet_parts = inet_address.split(':')
ip_address = inet_parts[0][1:]
tcp_port = inet_parts[1]
'dpid' : entry['dpid'],
'connected-since' : entry['connectedSince'],
'ip-address' : ip_address,
'tcp-port' : tcp_port,
'actions' : actions,
'capabilities' : capabilities,
'dp-desc' : attrs.get('DescriptionData', ''),
'fast-wildcards' : attrs.get('FastWildcards', ''),
'supports-nx-role' : attrs.get('supportsNxRole', ''),
'supports-ofpp-flood' : attrs.get('supportsOfppFlood', ''),
'supports-ofpp-table' : attrs.get('supportsOfppTable', ''),
'core-switch' : False,
# now add switch-config
switch_config = sdnsh.rest_query_objects('switch-config', data)
known_dpids = dict([[x['dpid'], x] for x in result])
for sw in switch_config:
dpid = sw['dpid']
if not dpid in known_dpids:
# be sensitive to search fields:
query_match = True
if len(data):
for (d, dv) in data.items():
# other ops aside from '='?
if d.endswith(startswith):
fn = d[:-len(startswith)]
if not fn in sw or not sw[fn].startswith(dv):
query_match = False
elif (not d in sw) or dv != sw[d]:
query_match = False
if query_match:
sw['ip-address'] = ''
sw['tcp-port'] = ''
sw['connected-since'] = ''
elif obj_type == 'interfaces':
# These are called interfaces because the primary
# key is constructed with the interface name, not
# the port number.
# the 'switches' query to sdnplatform currently
# doesn't support searching for the interface
# names. its done here instead
switch_match = data.get('dpid')
switch_prefix = data.get('dpid__startswith')
name_match = data.get('portName')
if name_match:
name_match = name_match.lower()
name_prefix = data.get('portName__startswith')
if name_prefix:
name_prefix = name_prefix.lower()
# this synthetic obj_type's name is 'switches' in an attempt
# to disabigutate it from 'class Switch'
for entry in entries:
dpid = entry['dpid']
if switch_match and switch_match != dpid:
if switch_prefix and not dpid.startswith(switch_prefix):
for p in entry['ports']:
portNumber = p['portNumber']
name = p['name']
if name_match and name.lower() != name_match:
if name_prefix and not name.lower().startswith(name_prefix):
'id' : '%s|%s' % (dpid,name),
'portNumber' : portNumber,
'switch' : dpid,
'portName' : p['name'],
'config' : p['config'],
'state' : p['state'],
'advertisedFeatures' : p['advertisedFeatures'],
'currentFeatures' : p['currentFeatures'],
'hardwareAddress' : p['hardwareAddress'],
# order the result
if sort:
if sort[0] == '-':
sort = sort[1:]
# decreasing
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: order decreasing ", sort
result = sorted(result, key=lambda k:k.get(sort, ''),
cmp=lambda x,y : cmp(y,x))
# increasing
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: order increasing ", sort
result = sorted(result, key=lambda k:k.get(sort, ''),
cmp=lambda x,y : cmp(x,y))
# use tail-integer on the entries
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: pk ordering ", key
def sort_cmp(x,y):
for (idx, x_v) in enumerate(x):
c = cmp(utif.try_int(x_v), utif.try_int(y[idx]))
if c != 0:
return c
return 0
result = sorted(result, key=lambda k:k.get(key, '').split('|'),
cmp=lambda x,y : cmp(utif.try_int(x),utif.try_int(y)))
if sdnsh.description: # description debugging
print "get_model_from_url: result ", obj_type, url, len(result)
return result
def validate_switch():
If /rest/v1/switches is cached, perform some validations on it.
-- verify that the announced interfaces names are case insensitive
-- verify the names only appear once
def duplicate_port(entry, name):
dpid = entry['dpid']
print 'Warning: switch %s duplicate interface names: %s' % (dpid, name)
if sdnsh.debug_backtrace:
for port in entry['ports']:
if port['name'] == name:
print 'SWTICH %s:%s PORT %s' % (entry, name, port)
def not_case_sensitive(entry, name):
dpid = entry['dpid']
ports = {}
for port in entry['ports']:
if port['name'].lower() == name:
ports[port['name']] = port
print 'Warning: switch %s case insentive interface names: %s' % \
(dpid, ' - '.join(ports.keys()))
if sdnsh.debug_backtrace:
for port in ports:
print 'SWTICH %s PORT %s' % (dpid, port)
url = "http://%s/rest/v1/switches" % sdnsh.controller
entries = url_cache.get_cached_url(url)
if entries:
for entry in entries:
dpid = entry['dpid']
# verify that the port names are unique even when case
# sensitive
all_names = [p['name'] for p in entry['ports']]
one_case_names = utif.unique_list_from_list([x.lower() for x in all_names])
if len(all_names) != len(one_case_names):
# Something is rotten, find out what.
for (i, port_name) in enumerate(all_names):
# use enumerate to drive upper-triangle comparison
for other_name in all_names[i+1:]:
if port_name == other_name:
duplicate_port(entry, port_name)
elif port_name.lower() == other_name.lower():
not_case_sensitive(entry, port_name)