blob: 17e70feb12fa29fb37eeb07a4ee3e8857343d76f [file] [log] [blame]
** March 19, 2013 **
- aggregation switch sample data DPIDs do not match official switch config.
- switch config hacked 00:00:00:00:00:00:01:01 ==> 00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00 etc.
- layout does not dynamically adjust when window is resized
- refresh browser window after resizing to fix layout
** March 20, 2013 **
- URL parameters control functions as follows:
uses the ONOS_HOST defined in currently
uses the index.html host to proxy to ONOS_HOST (works around cross site scripting restrictions to allow the WebUI to be served from a different server than the one that hosts the controller)
uses the mock JSON responses under ons-dmo/data
- clicking a controller behavior change
1) if all controllers are selected, deselects all controllers except the one clicked
2) if only the clicked controller is selected, selects all controllers again
- Update configuration files to match test bed
- Update sample JSON files from test bed