Sean Condon | dfc6dba | 2019-11-09 11:50:23 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | // TODO Move this out of the root directory if possible - |
| 2 | { |
| 3 | |
| 4 | "compileOnSave": false, |
| 5 | "compilerOptions": { |
| 6 | "baseUrl": "./web/gui2-fw-lib/", |
| 7 | "outDir": "./web/gui2-fw-lib/dist/out-tsc", |
| 8 | "sourceMap": true, |
| 9 | "declaration": false, |
| 10 | "downlevelIteration": true, |
| 11 | "experimentalDecorators": true, |
| 12 | "module": "esnext", |
| 13 | "moduleResolution": "node", |
| 14 | "importHelpers": true, |
| 15 | "target": "es2015", |
| 16 | "typeRoots": [ |
| 17 | "node_modules/@types" |
| 18 | ], |
| 19 | "lib": [ |
| 20 | "es2018", |
| 21 | "dom" |
| 22 | ] |
| 23 | }, |
| 24 | "angularCompilerOptions": { |
| 25 | "fullTemplateTypeCheck": true, |
| 26 | "strictInjectionParameters": true |
| 27 | } |
| 28 | } |