blob: d170caae44057a96714e5b92a9a66faa8584436e [file] [log] [blame]
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -07001#!/usr/bin/python
3""" ONOS cluster and control network in Mininet
6With, you can use Mininet to create a complete
7ONOS network, including an ONOS cluster with a modeled
8control network as well as the usual data nework.
10This is intended to be useful for distributed ONOS
11development and testing in the case that you require
12a modeled control network.
14Invocation (using OVS as default switch):
16mn --custom --controller onos,3 --topo torus,4,4
18Or with the user switch (or CPqD if installed):
20mn --custom --controller onos,3 \
21 --switch onosuser --topo torus,4,4
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -070023Currently you meed to use a custom switch class
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070024because Mininet's Switch() class does't (yet?) handle
25controllers with multiple IP addresses directly.
27The classes may also be imported and used via Mininet's
28python API.
31- We need --switch onosuser for the user switch because
32 Switch() doesn't currently handle Controller objects
33 with multiple IP addresses.
34- ONOS startup and configuration is painful/undocumented.
35- Too many ONOS environment vars - do we need them all?
36- ONOS cluster startup is very, very slow. If Linux can
37 boot in 4 seconds, why can't ONOS?
38- It's a pain to mess with the control network from the
39 CLI
40- Setting a default controller for Mininet should be easier
43from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, UserSwitch
44from mininet.nodelib import LinuxBridge
45from import Mininet
46from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, Topo
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -070047from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, warn, error, debug
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070048from mininet.cli import CLI
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -070049from mininet.util import quietRun, specialClass
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070050from mininet.examples.controlnet import MininetFacade
52from os import environ
53from os.path import dirname, join, isfile
54from sys import argv
55from glob import glob
56import time
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -070057from functools import partial
Bob Lantz92d8e052016-06-17 16:03:58 -070058
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070059
60### ONOS Environment
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -070062KarafPort = 8101 # ssh port indicating karaf is running
63GUIPort = 8181 # GUI/REST port
64OpenFlowPort = 6653 # OpenFlow port
Jon Halla43d0332016-08-04 15:02:23 -070065CopycatPort = 9876 # Copycat port
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070066
67def defaultUser():
68 "Return a reasonable default user"
69 if 'SUDO_USER' in environ:
70 return environ[ 'SUDO_USER' ]
71 try:
72 user = quietRun( 'who am i' ).split()[ 0 ]
73 except:
74 user = 'nobody'
75 return user
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070077# Module vars, initialized below
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -070078HOME = ONOS_ROOT = ONOS_USER = None
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070079ONOS_APPS = ONOS_WEB_USER = ONOS_WEB_PASS = ONOS_TAR = None
81def initONOSEnv():
82 """Initialize ONOS environment (and module) variables
83 This is ugly and painful, but they have to be set correctly
84 in order for the onos-setup-karaf script to work.
85 nodes: list of ONOS nodes
86 returns: ONOS environment variable dict"""
87 # pylint: disable=global-statement
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -070088 global HOME, ONOS_ROOT, ONOS_USER
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070089 global ONOS_APPS, ONOS_WEB_USER, ONOS_WEB_PASS
90 env = {}
91 def sd( var, val ):
92 "Set default value for environment variable"
93 env[ var ] = environ.setdefault( var, val )
94 return env[ var ]
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -070095 assert environ[ 'HOME' ]
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070096 HOME = sd( 'HOME', environ[ 'HOME' ] )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070097 ONOS_ROOT = sd( 'ONOS_ROOT', join( HOME, 'onos' ) )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -070098 environ[ 'ONOS_USER' ] = defaultUser()
99 ONOS_USER = sd( 'ONOS_USER', defaultUser() )
100 ONOS_APPS = sd( 'ONOS_APPS',
101 'drivers,openflow,fwd,proxyarp,mobility' )
102 # ONOS_WEB_{USER,PASS} isn't respected by onos-karaf:
103 environ.update( ONOS_WEB_USER='karaf', ONOS_WEB_PASS='karaf' )
104 ONOS_WEB_USER = sd( 'ONOS_WEB_USER', 'karaf' )
105 ONOS_WEB_PASS = sd( 'ONOS_WEB_PASS', 'karaf' )
106 return env
109def updateNodeIPs( env, nodes ):
110 "Update env dict and environ with node IPs"
111 # Get rid of stale junk
112 for var in 'ONOS_NIC', 'ONOS_CELL', 'ONOS_INSTANCES':
113 env[ var ] = ''
114 for var in environ.keys():
115 if var.startswith( 'OC' ):
116 env[ var ] = ''
117 for index, node in enumerate( nodes, 1 ):
118 var = 'OC%d' % index
119 env[ var ] = node.IP()
120 env[ 'OCI' ] = env[ 'OCN' ] = env[ 'OC1' ]
121 env[ 'ONOS_INSTANCES' ] = '\n'.join(
122 node.IP() for node in nodes )
123 environ.update( env )
124 return env
127tarDefaultPath = 'buck-out/gen/tools/package/onos-package/onos.tar.gz'
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700129def unpackONOS( destDir='/tmp', run=quietRun ):
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700130 "Unpack ONOS and return its location"
131 global ONOS_TAR
132 environ.setdefault( 'ONOS_TAR', join( ONOS_ROOT, tarDefaultPath ) )
133 ONOS_TAR = environ[ 'ONOS_TAR' ]
134 tarPath = ONOS_TAR
135 if not isfile( tarPath ):
136 raise Exception( 'Missing ONOS tarball %s - run buck build onos?'
137 % tarPath )
138 info( '(unpacking %s)' % destDir)
Bob Lantza2ccaa52016-06-29 18:26:06 -0700139 success = '*** SUCCESS ***'
140 cmds = ( 'mkdir -p "%s" && cd "%s" && tar xzf "%s" && echo "%s"'
141 % ( destDir, destDir, tarPath, success ) )
142 result = run( cmds, shell=True, verbose=True )
143 if success not in result:
144 raise Exception( 'Failed to unpack ONOS archive %s in %s:\n%s\n' %
145 ( tarPath, destDir, result ) )
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700146 # We can use quietRun for this usually
147 tarOutput = quietRun( 'tar tzf "%s" | head -1' % tarPath, shell=True)
148 tarOutput = tarOutput.split()[ 0 ].strip()
149 assert '/' in tarOutput
150 onosDir = join( destDir, dirname( tarOutput ) )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700151 # Add symlink to log file
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700152 run( 'cd %s; ln -s onos*/apache* karaf;'
153 'ln -s karaf/data/log/karaf.log log' % destDir,
154 shell=True )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700155 return onosDir
Bob Lantz9ba19dc2016-06-13 20:22:07 -0700158def waitListening( server, port=80, callback=None, sleepSecs=.5,
159 proc='java' ):
160 "Simplified netstat version of waitListening"
161 while True:
162 lines = server.cmd( 'netstat -natp' ).strip().split( '\n' )
163 entries = [ line.split() for line in lines ]
164 portstr = ':%s' % port
165 listening = [ entry for entry in entries
166 if len( entry ) > 6 and portstr in entry[ 3 ]
167 and proc in entry[ 6 ] ]
168 if listening:
169 break
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700170 info( '.' )
171 if callback:
172 callback()
173 time.sleep( sleepSecs )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700174
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700176### Mininet classes
178def RenamedTopo( topo, *args, **kwargs ):
179 """Return specialized topo with renamed hosts
180 topo: topo class/class name to specialize
181 args, kwargs: topo args
182 sold: old switch name prefix (default 's')
183 snew: new switch name prefix
184 hold: old host name prefix (default 'h')
185 hnew: new host name prefix
186 This may be used from the mn command, e.g.
187 mn --topo renamed,single,spref=sw,hpref=host"""
188 sold = kwargs.pop( 'sold', 's' )
189 hold = kwargs.pop( 'hold', 'h' )
190 snew = kwargs.pop( 'snew', 'cs' )
191 hnew = kwargs.pop( 'hnew' ,'ch' )
192 topos = {} # TODO: use global TOPOS dict
193 if isinstance( topo, str ):
194 # Look up in topo directory - this allows us to
195 # use RenamedTopo from the command line!
196 if topo in topos:
197 topo = topos.get( topo )
198 else:
199 raise Exception( 'Unknown topo name: %s' % topo )
200 # pylint: disable=no-init
201 class RenamedTopoCls( topo ):
202 "Topo subclass with renamed nodes"
203 def addNode( self, name, *args, **kwargs ):
204 "Add a node, renaming if necessary"
205 if name.startswith( sold ):
206 name = snew + name[ len( sold ): ]
207 elif name.startswith( hold ):
208 name = hnew + name[ len( hold ): ]
209 return topo.addNode( self, name, *args, **kwargs )
210 return RenamedTopoCls( *args, **kwargs )
213class ONOSNode( Controller ):
214 "ONOS cluster node"
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700216 def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700217 "alertAction: exception|ignore|warn|exit (exception)"
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700218 kwargs.update( inNamespace=True )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700219 self.alertAction = kwargs.pop( 'alertAction', 'exception' )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700220 Controller.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
221 self.dir = '/tmp/%s' %
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700222 self.client = self.dir + '/karaf/bin/client'
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700223 self.ONOS_HOME = '/tmp'
Bob Lantz55562ea2016-06-17 18:19:03 -0700224 self.cmd( 'rm -rf', self.dir )
225 self.ONOS_HOME = unpackONOS( self.dir, run=self.ucmd )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700226
227 # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Bob Lantz569bbec2016-06-03 18:51:16 -0700229 def start( self, env, nodes=() ):
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700230 """Start ONOS on node
Bob Lantz569bbec2016-06-03 18:51:16 -0700231 env: environment var dict
232 nodes: all nodes in cluster"""
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700233 env = dict( env )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700234 env.update( ONOS_HOME=self.ONOS_HOME )
235 self.updateEnv( env )
236 karafbin = glob( '%s/apache*/bin' % self.ONOS_HOME )[ 0 ]
237 onosbin = join( ONOS_ROOT, 'tools/test/bin' )
238 self.cmd( 'export PATH=%s:%s:$PATH' % ( onosbin, karafbin ) )
239 self.cmd( 'cd', self.ONOS_HOME )
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700240 self.ucmd( 'mkdir -p config && '
Bob Lantz569bbec2016-06-03 18:51:16 -0700241 'onos-gen-partitions config/cluster.json',
242 ' '.join( node.IP() for node in nodes ) )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700243 info( '(starting %s)' % self )
244 service = join( self.ONOS_HOME, 'bin/onos-service' )
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700245 self.ucmd( service, 'server 1>../onos.log 2>../onos.log'
246 ' & echo $! >; ln -s `pwd`/ ..' )
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700247 self.onosPid = int( self.cmd( 'cat' ).strip() )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700248 self.warningCount = 0
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700249
250 # pylint: enable=arguments-differ
252 def stop( self ):
253 # XXX This will kill all karafs - too bad!
254 self.cmd( 'pkill -HUP -f karaf.jar && wait' )
255 self.cmd( 'rm -rf', self.dir )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700257 def sanityAlert( self, *args ):
258 "Alert to raise on sanityCheck failure"
259 info( '\n' )
260 if self.alertAction == 'exception':
261 raise Exception( *args )
262 if self.alertAction == 'warn':
263 warn( *args + ( '\n', ) )
264 elif self.alertAction == 'exit':
265 error( '***', *args +
266 ( '\nExiting. Run "sudo mn -c" to clean up.\n', ) )
267 exit( 1 )
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700269 def isRunning( self ):
270 "Is our ONOS process still running?"
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700271 cmd = ( 'ps -p %d >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "running" ||'
272 'echo "not running"' )
273 return self.cmd( cmd % self.onosPid ).strip() == 'running'
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700274
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700275 def checkLog( self ):
276 "Return log file errors and warnings"
277 log = join( self.dir, 'log' )
Bob Lantzc96e2582016-06-13 18:57:04 -0700278 errors, warnings = [], []
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700279 if isfile( log ):
280 lines = open( log ).read().split( '\n' )
281 errors = [ line for line in lines if 'ERROR' in line ]
282 warnings = [ line for line in lines if 'WARN'in line ]
283 return errors, warnings
285 def memAvailable( self ):
286 "Return available memory in KB (or -1 if we can't tell)"
287 lines = open( '/proc/meminfo' ).read().strip().split( '\n' )
288 entries = map( str.split, lines )
289 index = { entry[ 0 ]: entry for entry in entries }
290 # Check MemAvailable if present
291 default = ( None, '-1', 'kB' )
292 _name, count, unit = index.get( 'MemAvailable:', default )
293 if unit.lower() == 'kb':
294 return int( count )
295 return -1
297 def sanityCheck( self, lowMem=100000 ):
298 """Check whether we've quit or are running out of memory
299 lowMem: low memory threshold in KB (100000)"""
300 # Are we still running?
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700301 if not self.isRunning():
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700302 self.sanityAlert( 'ONOS node %s has died' % )
303 # Are there errors in the log file?
304 errors, warnings = self.checkLog()
305 if errors:
306 self.sanityAlert( 'ONOS startup errors:\n<<%s>>' %
307 '\n'.join( errors ) )
308 warningCount = len( warnings )
309 if warnings and warningCount > self.warningCount:
310 warn( '(%d warnings)' % len( warnings ) )
311 self.warningCount = warningCount
312 # Are we running out of memory?
313 mem = self.memAvailable()
314 if mem > 0 and mem < lowMem:
315 self.sanityAlert( 'Running out of memory (only %d KB available)'
316 % mem )
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700317
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700318 def waitStarted( self ):
319 "Wait until we've really started"
320 info( '(checking: karaf' )
321 while True:
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700322 status = self.ucmd( 'karaf status' ).lower()
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700323 if 'running' in status and 'not running' not in status:
324 break
325 info( '.' )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700326 self.sanityCheck()
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700327 time.sleep( 1 )
328 info( ' ssh-port' )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700329 waitListening( server=self, port=KarafPort, callback=self.sanityCheck )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700330 info( ' openflow-port' )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700331 waitListening( server=self, port=OpenFlowPort,
332 callback=self.sanityCheck )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700333 info( ' client' )
334 while True:
Bob Lantz9ba19dc2016-06-13 20:22:07 -0700335 result = quietRun( '%s -h %s "apps -a"' %
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700336 ( self.client, self.IP() ), shell=True )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700337 if 'openflow' in result:
338 break
339 info( '.' )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700340 self.sanityCheck()
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700341 time.sleep( 1 )
Jon Halla43d0332016-08-04 15:02:23 -0700342 info( ' node-status' )
343 while True:
344 result = quietRun( '%s -h %s "nodes"' %
345 ( self.client, self.IP() ), shell=True )
346 nodeStr = 'id=%s, address=%s:%s, state=READY, updated' %\
347 ( self.IP(), self.IP(), CopycatPort )
348 if nodeStr in result:
349 break
350 info( '.' )
351 self.sanityCheck()
352 time.sleep( 1 )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700353 info( ')\n' )
355 def updateEnv( self, envDict ):
356 "Update environment variables"
Bob Lantz569bbec2016-06-03 18:51:16 -0700357 cmd = ';'.join( ( 'export %s="%s"' % ( var, val )
358 if val else 'unset %s' % var )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700359 for var, val in envDict.iteritems() )
360 self.cmd( cmd )
Bob Lantz1451d722016-05-17 14:40:07 -0700362 def ucmd( self, *args, **_kwargs ):
363 "Run command as $ONOS_USER using sudo -E -u"
364 if ONOS_USER != 'root': # don't bother with sudo
365 args = [ "sudo -E -u $ONOS_USER PATH=$PATH "
366 "bash -c '%s'" % ' '.join( args ) ]
367 return self.cmd( *args )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700369
370class ONOSCluster( Controller ):
371 "ONOS Cluster"
372 def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
373 """name: (first parameter)
374 *args: topology class parameters
375 ipBase: IP range for ONOS nodes
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700376 forward: default port forwarding list,
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700377 topo: topology class or instance
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700378 nodeOpts: ONOSNode options
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700379 **kwargs: additional topology parameters"""
380 args = list( args )
381 name = args.pop( 0 )
382 topo = kwargs.pop( 'topo', None )
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700383 self.nat = kwargs.pop( 'nat', 'nat0' )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700384 nodeOpts = kwargs.pop( 'nodeOpts', {} )
Jon Hall9b238ae2016-08-09 13:47:43 -0700385 # Pass in kwargs to the ONOSNodes instead of the cluster
386 "alertAction: exception|ignore|warn|exit (exception)"
387 alertAction = kwargs.pop( 'alertAction', None )
388 if alertAction:
389 nodeOpts[ 'alertAction'] = alertAction
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700390 # Default: single switch with 1 ONOS node
391 if not topo:
392 topo = SingleSwitchTopo
393 if not args:
394 args = ( 1, )
395 if not isinstance( topo, Topo ):
396 topo = RenamedTopo( topo, *args, hnew='onos', **kwargs )
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700397 self.ipBase = kwargs.pop( 'ipBase', '' )
398 self.forward = kwargs.pop( 'forward',
399 [ KarafPort, GUIPort, OpenFlowPort ] )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700400 super( ONOSCluster, self ).__init__( name, inNamespace=False )
401 fixIPTables()
402 self.env = initONOSEnv()
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700403 = Mininet( topo=topo, ipBase=self.ipBase,
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700404 host=partial( ONOSNode, **nodeOpts ),
405 switch=LinuxBridge,
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700406 controller=None )
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700407 if self.nat:
408 self.nat ).configDefault()
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700409 updateNodeIPs( self.env, self.nodes() )
410 self._remoteControllers = []
412 def start( self ):
413 "Start up ONOS cluster"
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700414 info( '*** ONOS_APPS = %s\n' % ONOS_APPS )
416 for node in self.nodes():
Bob Lantz569bbec2016-06-03 18:51:16 -0700417 node.start( self.env, self.nodes() )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700418 info( '\n' )
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700419 self.configPortForwarding( ports=self.forward, action='A' )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700420 self.waitStarted()
421 return
423 def waitStarted( self ):
424 "Wait until all nodes have started"
425 startTime = time.time()
426 for node in self.nodes():
427 info( node )
428 node.waitStarted()
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700429 info( '*** Waited %.2f seconds for ONOS startup' %
430 ( time.time() - startTime ) )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700431
432 def stop( self ):
433 "Shut down ONOS cluster"
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700434 self.configPortForwarding( ports=self.forward, action='D' )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700435 for node in self.nodes():
436 node.stop()
439 def nodes( self ):
440 "Return list of ONOS nodes"
441 return [ h for h in if isinstance( h, ONOSNode ) ]
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700443 def configPortForwarding( self, ports=[], action='A' ):
444 """Start or stop port forwarding (any intf) for all nodes
445 ports: list of ports to forward
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700446 action: A=add/start, D=delete/stop (default: A)"""
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700447 self.cmd( 'iptables -' + action, 'FORWARD -d', self.ipBase,
448 '-j ACCEPT' )
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700449 for port in ports:
450 for index, node in enumerate( self.nodes() ):
451 ip, inport = node.IP(), port + index
452 # Configure a destination NAT rule
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700453 self.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -' + action,
454 'PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport', inport,
455 '-j DNAT --to-destination %s:%s' % ( ip, port ) )
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700456
Bob Lantz930138e2016-06-23 18:53:19 -0700457
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700458class ONOSSwitchMixin( object ):
459 "Mixin for switches that connect to an ONOSCluster"
460 def start( self, controllers ):
461 "Connect to ONOSCluster"
462 self.controllers = controllers
463 assert ( len( controllers ) is 1 and
464 isinstance( controllers[ 0 ], ONOSCluster ) )
465 clist = controllers[ 0 ].nodes()
466 return super( ONOSSwitchMixin, self ).start( clist )
468class ONOSOVSSwitch( ONOSSwitchMixin, OVSSwitch ):
469 "OVSSwitch that can connect to an ONOSCluster"
470 pass
472class ONOSUserSwitch( ONOSSwitchMixin, UserSwitch):
473 "UserSwitch that can connect to an ONOSCluster"
474 pass
477### Ugly utility routines
479def fixIPTables():
480 "Fix LinuxBridge warning"
481 for s in 'arp', 'ip', 'ip6':
482 quietRun( 'sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-%stables=0' % s )
485### Test code
487def test( serverCount ):
488 "Test this setup"
489 setLogLevel( 'info' )
490 net = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchTopo( 3 ),
491 controller=[ ONOSCluster( 'c0', serverCount ) ],
492 switch=ONOSOVSSwitch )
493 net.start()
494 net.waitConnected()
495 CLI( net )
496 net.stop()
499### CLI Extensions
501OldCLI = CLI
503class ONOSCLI( OldCLI ):
504 "CLI Extensions for ONOS"
506 prompt = 'mininet-onos> '
508 def __init__( self, net, **kwargs ):
509 c0 = net.controllers[ 0 ]
510 if isinstance( c0, ONOSCluster ):
511 net = MininetFacade( net, )
512 OldCLI.__init__( self, net, **kwargs )
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700514 def onos1( self ):
515 "Helper function: return default ONOS node"
516 return[ 0 ].net.hosts[ 0 ]
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700518 def do_onos( self, line ):
519 "Send command to ONOS CLI"
520 c0 =[ 0 ]
521 if isinstance( c0, ONOSCluster ):
522 # cmdLoop strips off command name 'onos'
523 if line.startswith( ':' ):
524 line = 'onos' + line
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700525 onos1 = self.onos1().name
526 if line:
527 line = '"%s"' % line
528 cmd = '%s client -h %s %s' % ( onos1, onos1, line )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700529 quietRun( 'stty -echo' )
530 self.default( cmd )
531 quietRun( 'stty echo' )
533 def do_wait( self, line ):
534 "Wait for switches to connect"
537 def do_balance( self, line ):
538 "Balance switch mastership"
539 self.do_onos( ':balance-masters' )
541 def do_log( self, line ):
Bob Lantz4b51d5c2016-05-27 14:47:38 -0700542 "Run tail -f /tmp/onos1/log; press control-C to stop"
Bob Lantz9ba19dc2016-06-13 20:22:07 -0700543 self.default( '%s tail -f /tmp/%s/log' %
544 ( self.onos1(), self.onos1() ) )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700545
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700546 def do_status( self, line ):
547 "Return status of ONOS cluster(s)"
548 for c in
549 if isinstance( c, ONOSCluster ):
550 for node in
551 if isinstance( node, ONOSNode ):
552 errors, warnings = node.checkLog()
553 running = ( 'Running' if node.isRunning()
554 else 'Exited' )
555 status = ''
556 if errors:
557 status += '%d ERRORS ' % len( errors )
558 if warnings:
559 status += '%d warnings' % len( warnings )
560 status = status if status else 'OK'
561 info( node, '\t', running, '\t', status, '\n' )
Bob Lantzc96e2582016-06-13 18:57:04 -0700563 def do_arp( self, line ):
564 "Send gratuitous arps from all data network hosts"
565 startTime = time.time()
566 try:
567 count = int( line )
568 except:
569 count = 1
570 # Technically this check should be on the host
Bob Lantzc3de5152016-06-17 17:13:57 -0700571 if '-U' not in quietRun( 'arping -h', shell=True ):
572 warn( 'Please install iputils-arping.\n' )
Bob Lantzc96e2582016-06-13 18:57:04 -0700573 return
574 # This is much faster if we do it in parallel
575 for host in
576 intf = host.defaultIntf()
577 # -b: keep using broadcasts; -f: quit after 1 reply
578 # -U: gratuitous ARP update
579 host.sendCmd( 'arping -bf -c', count, '-U -I',
580, intf.IP() )
581 for host in
582 # We could check the output here if desired
583 host.waitOutput()
584 info( '.' )
585 info( '\n' )
586 elapsed = time.time() - startTime
587 debug( 'Completed in %.2f seconds\n' % elapsed )
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700589
590# For interactive use, exit on error
591exitOnError = dict( nodeOpts={ 'alertAction': 'exit' } )
592ONOSClusterInteractive = specialClass( ONOSCluster, defaults=exitOnError )
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700594
595### Exports for bin/mn
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700598controllers = { 'onos': ONOSClusterInteractive,
599 'default': ONOSClusterInteractive }
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700600
601# XXX Hack to change default controller as above doesn't work
Bob Lantz64382422016-06-03 22:51:39 -0700602findController = lambda: controllers[ 'default' ]
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700603
604switches = { 'onos': ONOSOVSSwitch,
605 'onosovs': ONOSOVSSwitch,
606 'onosuser': ONOSUserSwitch,
607 'default': ONOSOVSSwitch }
Bob Lantzbb37d872016-05-16 16:26:13 -0700609# Null topology so we can control an external/hardware network
610topos = { 'none': Topo }
Bob Lantz087b5d92016-05-06 11:39:04 -0700612if __name__ == '__main__':
613 if len( argv ) != 2:
614 test( 3 )
615 else:
616 test( int( argv[ 1 ] ) )