blob: 90da4af81d045076989b9cf573f9bb7135ac1e17 [file] [log] [blame]
Ray Milkeya0f983b2016-06-23 19:39:55 -07001<!--
2 ~ Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
3 ~
4 ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 ~
8 ~
9 ~
10 ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 ~ limitations under the License.
15 -->
16<scenario name="netcfg"
17 description="Network configuration REST API test">
19 <group name="Netcfg">
21 <!-- Activate the DHCP app -->
22 <step name="Netcfg.Activate-Dhcp"
23 exec="onos ${OC1} app activate org.onosproject.dhcp"/>
25 <!-- Upload the first set of config changes -->
26 <step name="Netcfg.Post-1" requires="^"
27 exec=" ${OC1} ${ONOS_SCENARIOS}/netcfg-test/dhcp-cfg1.json"/>
29 <group name="Query1" requires="Netcfg.Post-1">
30 <parallel var="${OC#}" starts="Netcfg.Query-1-${#}">
31 <!-- Check that the values made it into the config for the DHCP server -->
32 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-1-${#}" exec=" ${OC#} ttl=1 lease=2 renew=3 rebind=4 delay=5 timeout=6"/>
33 </parallel>
34 </group>
36 <!-- Upload the second set of config changes -->
37 <step name="Netcfg.Post-2" requires="Query1"
38 exec=" ${OC1} ${ONOS_SCENARIOS}/netcfg-test/dhcp-cfg2.json"/>
40 <!-- Check that the values made it into the config for the DHCP server -->
41 <group name="Query2" requires="Netcfg.Post-2">
42 <parallel var="${OC#}" starts="Netcfg.Query-2-${#}">
43 <!-- Check that the values made it into the config for the DHCP server -->
44 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-2-${#}" exec=" ${OC#} ttl=21 lease=22 renew=23 rebind=24 delay=25 timeout=26"/>
45 </parallel>
46 </group>
49 <!-- Delete the DHCP server config -->
50 <step name="Netcfg.Delete" requires="Query2"
51 exec=" ${OC1} apps/org.onosproject.dhcp/dhcp"/>
53 <!-- Check that the config for the DHCP server is no longer there -->
54 <group name="Query3" requires="Netcfg.Delete">
55 <parallel var="${OC#}" starts="Netcfg.Query-3-${#}">
56 <!-- Check that the values were deleted for the config for the DHCP server -->
57 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-31-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} ttl=21"/>
58 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-32-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} lease=22"/>
59 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-33-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} renew=23"/>
60 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-34-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} rebind=24"/>
61 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-35-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} delay=25"/>
62 <step name="Netcfg.QueryDhcp-36-${#}" env="!" exec=" ${OC#} timeout=26"/>
63 </parallel>
64 </group>
66 <!-- Deactivate the DHCP app -->
67 <step name="Netcfg.Deactivate-Dhcp" requires="Query3"
68 exec="onos ${OC1} app deactivate org.onosproject.dhcp"/>
70 </group>