blob: 7ff843e7732f250aa0c6f6b69b9f83cdc66e02b8 [file] [log] [blame]
Sean Condonb0a196a2019-04-19 09:50:44 +01001{
2 "event": "uberlion",
3 "payload": {
4 "lion": {
5 "core.fw.Mast": {
6 "confirm_refresh_title": "Confirm GUI Refresh",
7 "logout": "Logout",
8 "tt_help": "Show help page for current view",
9 "ui_ok_to_update": "Press OK to update the GUI.",
10 "uicomp_added": "New GUI components were added.",
11 "uicomp_removed": "Some GUI components were removed.",
12 "unknown_user": "(no one)"
13 },
14 "core.fw.Nav": {
15 "cat_network": "Network",
16 "cat_other": "Other",
17 "cat_platform": "Platform",
18 "nav_item_app": "Applications",
19 "nav_item_cluster": "Cluster Nodes",
20 "nav_item_device": "Devices",
21 "nav_item_host": "Hosts",
22 "nav_item_intent": "Intents",
23 "nav_item_link": "Links",
24 "nav_item_partition": "Partitions",
25 "nav_item_processor": "Packet Processors",
26 "nav_item_settings": "Settings",
27 "nav_item_topo": "Topology",
28 "nav_item_topo2": "Topology 2",
29 "nav_item_tunnel": "Tunnels"
30 },
31 "core.fw.QuickHelp": {
32 "qh_hint_close_detail": "Close the details panel",
33 "qh_hint_esc": "Dismiss dialog or cancel selections",
34 "qh_hint_show_hide_qh": "Show / hide Quick Help",
35 "qh_hint_t": "Toggle theme",
36 "qh_title": "Quick Help"
37 },
38 "core.view.App": {
39 "activate": "Activate",
40 "app_id": "App ID",
41 "category": "Category",
42 "click_row": "click row",
43 "deactivate": "Deactivate",
44 "dlg_confirm_action": "Confirm Action",
45 "dlg_warn_deactivate": "Deactivating or uninstalling this component can have serious negative consequences!",
46 "dlg_warn_own_risk": "** DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK **",
47 "dp_features": "Features",
48 "dp_permissions": "Permissions",
49 "dp_required_apps": "Required Apps",
50 "icon": "Icon",
51 "nav_item_app": "Applications",
52 "origin": "Origin",
53 "qh_hint_click_row": "Select / deselect application",
54 "qh_hint_close_detail": "Close the details panel",
55 "qh_hint_esc": "Deselect application",
56 "qh_hint_scroll_down": "See more applications",
57 "role": "Role",
58 "scroll_down": "scroll down",
59 "state": "State",
60 "title": "Title",
61 "title_apps": "Applications",
62 "total": "Total",
63 "tt_ctl_activate": "Activate selected application",
64 "tt_ctl_auto_refresh": "Toggle auto refresh",
65 "tt_ctl_deactivate": "Deactivate selected application",
66 "tt_ctl_download": "Download selected application (.oar file)",
67 "tt_ctl_uninstall": "Uninstall selected application",
68 "tt_ctl_upload": "Upload an application (.oar file)",
69 "uninstall": "Uninstall",
70 "version": "Version"
71 },
72 "core.view.Cluster": {
73 "active": "Active",
74 "chassis_id": "Chassis ID",
75 "click": "click",
76 "devices": "Devices",
77 "hw_version": "H/W Version",
78 "ip_address": "IP Address",
79 "last_updated": "Last Updated",
80 "nav_item_cluster": "Cluster Nodes",
81 "node_id": "Node ID",
82 "protocol": "Protocol",
83 "qh_hint_click": "Select a row to show cluster node details",
84 "qh_hint_close_detail": "Close the details panel",
85 "qh_hint_scroll_down": "See available cluster nodes",
86 "scroll_down": "scroll down",
87 "serial_number": "Serial #",
88 "started": "Started",
89 "sw_version": "S/W Version",
90 "tcp_port": "TCP Port",
91 "title_cluster_nodes": "Cluster Nodes",
92 "total": "Total",
93 "type": "Type",
94 "uri": "URI",
95 "vendor": "Vendor"
96 },
97 "core.view.Topo": {
98 "active": "active",
99 "added": "added",
100 "btn_show_view_device": "Show Device View",
101 "btn_show_view_flow": "Show Flow View for this Device",
102 "btn_show_view_group": "Show Group View for this Device",
103 "btn_show_view_meter": "Show Meter View for this Device",
104 "btn_show_view_port": "Show Port View for this Device",
105 "click": "click",
106 "close": "Close",
107 "cmd_drag": "cmd-drag",
108 "cmd_scroll": "cmd-scroll",
109 "device": "Device",
110 "devices": "Devices",
111 "direct": "direct",
112 "disable": "Disable",
113 "drag": "drag",
114 "edge": "edge",
115 "enable": "Enable",
116 "expected": "expected",
117 "fl_background_map": "background map",
118 "fl_bad_links": "Bad Links",
119 "fl_device_labels_hide": "Hide device labels",
120 "fl_device_labels_show_friendly": "Show friendly device labels",
121 "fl_device_labels_show_id": "Show device ID labels",
122 "fl_eq_masters": "Equalizing master roles",
123 "fl_grid_display_1000": "Show XY grid",
124 "fl_grid_display_both": "Show both grids",
125 "fl_grid_display_geo": "Show Geo grid",
126 "fl_grid_display_hide": "Hide grid",
127 "fl_host_labels_hide": "Hide host labels",
128 "fl_host_labels_show_friendly": "Show friendly host labels",
129 "fl_host_labels_show_ip": "Show host IP addresses",
130 "fl_host_labels_show_mac": "Show host MAC addresses",
131 "fl_layer_all": "All Layers Shown",
132 "fl_layer_opt": "Optical Layer Shown",
133 "fl_layer_pkt": "Packet Layer Shown",
134 "fl_monitoring_canceled": "Monitoring Canceled",
135 "fl_normal_view": "Normal View",
136 "fl_oblique_view": "Oblique View",
137 "fl_offline_devices": "Offline Devices",
138 "fl_pan_zoom_reset": "Pan and zoom reset",
139 "fl_panel_details": "Details Panel",
140 "fl_panel_instances": "Instances Panel",
141 "fl_panel_summary": "Summary Panel",
142 "fl_pinned_floating_nodes": "Pinned floating nodes",
143 "fl_port_highlighting": "Port Highlighting",
144 "fl_reset_node_locations": "Reset Node Locations",
145 "fl_selecting_intent": "Selecting Intent",
146 "fl_sprite_layer": "sprite layer",
147 "fl_unpinned_floating_nodes": "Unpinned floating nodes",
148 "flows": "Flows",
149 "grid_x": "Grid X",
150 "grid_y": "Grid Y",
151 "hidden": "Hidden",
152 "hide": "Hide",
153 "host": "Host",
154 "hosts": "Hosts",
155 "hw_version": "H/W Version",
156 "inactive": "inactive",
157 "indirect": "indirect",
158 "intent": "Intent",
159 "intents": "Intents",
160 "ip": "IP",
161 "latitude": "Latitude",
162 "links": "Links",
163 "longitude": "Longitude",
164 "lp_label_a2b": "A to B",
165 "lp_label_a_friendly": "A name",
166 "lp_label_a_id": "A id",
167 "lp_label_a_port": "A port",
168 "lp_label_a_type": "A type",
169 "lp_label_b2a": "B to A",
170 "lp_label_b_friendly": "B name",
171 "lp_label_b_id": "B id",
172 "lp_label_b_port": "B port",
173 "lp_label_b_type": "B type",
174 "lp_label_friendly": "Friendly",
175 "lp_value_no_link": "[no link]",
176 "mac": "MAC",
177 "nav_item_topo": "Topology",
178 "no_devices_are_connected": "No Devices Are Connected",
179 "not_expected": "not expected",
180 "ok": "OK",
181 "optical": "optical",
182 "ov_tt_none": "No Overlay",
183 "ov_tt_protected_intents": "Protected Intents Overlay",
184 "ov_tt_traffic": "Traffic Overlay",
185 "ports": "Ports",
186 "protocol": "Protocol",
187 "purged": "purged",
188 "qh_gest_click": "Select the item and show details",
189 "qh_gest_cmd_drag": "Pan",
190 "qh_gest_cmd_scroll": "Zoom in / out",
191 "qh_gest_drag": "Reposition (and pin) device / host",
192 "qh_gest_shift_click": "Toggle selection state",
193 "qh_hint_close_detail": "Close the details panel",
194 "resubmitted": "resubmitted",
195 "select": "Select",
196 "serial_number": "Serial #",
197 "shift_click": "shift-click",
198 "show": "Show",
199 "sw_version": "S/W Version",
200 "tbtt_bad_links": "Show bad links",
201 "tbtt_cyc_dev_labs": "Cycle device labels",
202 "tbtt_cyc_grid_display": "Cycle grid display",
203 "tbtt_cyc_host_labs": "Cycle host labels",
204 "tbtt_cyc_layers": "Cycle node layers",
205 "tbtt_eq_master": "Equalize mastership roles",
206 "tbtt_reset_loc": "Reset node locations",
207 "tbtt_reset_zoom": "Reset pan / zoom",
208 "tbtt_sel_map": "Select background geo map",
209 "tbtt_tog_host": "Toggle host visibility",
210 "tbtt_tog_instances": "Toggle ONOS instances panel",
211 "tbtt_tog_map": "Toggle background geo map",
212 "tbtt_tog_oblique": "Toggle oblique view (experimental)",
213 "tbtt_tog_offline": "Toggle offline visibility",
214 "tbtt_tog_porthi": "Toggle port highlighting",
215 "tbtt_tog_sprite": "Toggle sprite layer",
216 "tbtt_tog_summary": "Toggle ONOS summary panel",
217 "tbtt_tog_toolbar": "Toggle Toolbar",
218 "tbtt_tog_use_detail": "Disable / enable details panel",
219 "tbtt_unpin_node": "Unpin node (hover mouse over)",
220 "title_edge_link": "Edge Link",
221 "title_infra_link": "Infrastructure Link",
222 "title_panel_summary": "ONOS Summary",
223 "title_select_map": "Select Map",
224 "title_selected_items": "Selected Items",
225 "topology_sccs": "Topology SCCs",
226 "tr_btn_cancel_monitoring": "Cancel traffic monitoring",
227 "tr_btn_create_h2h_flow": "Create Host-to-Host Flow",
228 "tr_btn_create_msrc_flow": "Create Multi-Source Flow",
229 "tr_btn_monitor_all": "Monitor all traffic",
230 "tr_btn_monitor_sel_intent": "Monitor traffic of selected intent",
231 "tr_btn_show_all_rel_intents": "Show all related intents",
232 "tr_btn_show_dev_link_flows": "Show device link flows",
233 "tr_btn_show_device_flows": "Show Device Flows",
234 "tr_btn_show_next_rel_intent": "Show next related intent",
235 "tr_btn_show_prev_rel_intent": "Show previous related intent",
236 "tr_btn_show_related_traffic": "Show Related Traffic",
237 "tr_fl_dev_flows": "Device Flows",
238 "tr_fl_fstats_bytes": "Flow Stats (bytes)",
239 "tr_fl_h2h_flow_added": "Host-to-Host flow added",
240 "tr_fl_multisrc_flow": "Multi-Source Flow",
241 "tr_fl_next_rel_int": "Next related intent",
242 "tr_fl_prev_rel_int": "Previous related intent",
243 "tr_fl_pstats_bits": "Port Stats (bits / second)",
244 "tr_fl_pstats_pkts": "Port Stats (packets / second)",
245 "tr_fl_rel_paths": "Related Paths",
246 "tr_fl_traf_on_path": "Traffic on Selected Path",
247 "tunnel": "tunnel",
248 "tunnels": "Tunnels",
249 "uri": "URI",
250 "vendor": "Vendor",
251 "version": "Version",
252 "virtual": "virtual",
253 "visible": "Visible",
254 "vlan": "VLAN",
255 "vlan_none": "None",
256 "withdrawn": "withdrawn"
257 },
258 "core.view.Flow": {
259 "appId": "App ID",
260 "appName": "App Name",
261 "bytes": "Bytes",
262 "duration": "Duration ",
263 "flowId": "Flow ID",
264 "groupId": "Group ID",
265 "hardTimeout": "Hard Timeout",
266 "idleTimeout": "Idle Timeout",
267 "nav_item_flow": "Flows",
268 "packets": "Packets",
269 "permanent": "Permanent",
270 "priority": "Flow Priority ",
271 "selector": "Selector",
272 "state": "State",
273 "tableName": "Table Name ",
274 "title_flows": "Flows for Device ",
275 "total": "Total",
276 "treatment": "Treatment",
277 "tt_ctl_show_device": "Show device table",
278 "tt_ctl_show_group": "Show group view for this device",
279 "tt_ctl_show_meter": "Show meter view for selected device",
280 "tt_ctl_show_pipeconf": "Show pipeconf view for selected device",
281 "tt_ctl_show_port": "Show port view for this device",
282 "tt_ctl_switcth_brief": "Switch to brief view",
283 "tt_ctl_switcth_detailed": "Switch to detailed view"
284 }
285 },
286 "locale": "en_IE"
287 }