blob: b3a5557f29a5c2058be63e8207b1b920731e71a2 [file] [log] [blame]
Sean Condon50855cf2018-12-23 15:37:42 +00001<!--
2~ Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
4~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
10~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14~ limitations under the License.
16<svg:defs xmlns:svg="">
17 <svg:filter id="glow">
18 <svg:feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 1 0" />
19 <svg:feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2.5" result="coloredBlur" />
20 <svg:feMerge>
21 <svg:feMergeNode in="coloredBlur" />
22 <svg:feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>
23 </svg:feMerge>
24 </svg:filter>
26<!-- Template explanation: Creates an SVG Line and in
27 line 1) transform end A to the position calculated by the d3 force graph engine
28 line 2) transform end B to the position calculated by the d3 force graph engine
29 line 3) Give it various CSS styles depending on attributes
30 line 4) When it is clicked, call the method that toggles the selection and
31 emits an event.
32 line 5) When the mouse is moved over call on enhance() function. This will
33 flash up the port labels, and display the link in blue for 1 second
34 Other child objects have their own description
36<svg:line xmlns:svg=""
37 [attr.x1]="link.source?.x" [attr.y1]="link.source?.y"
38 [attr.x2]="" [attr.y2]=""
39 [ngClass]="['link', selected?'selected':'', enhanced?'enhanced':'', highlighted]"
40 (click)="toggleSelected(link)"
41 (mouseover)="enhance()"
42 [attr.filter]="highlighted?'url(#glow)':'none'">
44<svg:g xmlns:svg="" [ngClass]="['linkLabel']">
45 <!-- Template explanation: Creates SVG Text and in
46 line 1) Performs the animation 'linkLabelVisible' whenever the isHighlighted
47 boolean value changes
48 line 2 & 3) Sets the text at half way between the 2 end points of the line
49 Note: we do not use an *ngIf to enable or disable this, because that would
50 cause the fade out of the text to not work
51 -->
52 <svg:text xmlns:svg=""
53 [@linkLabelVisible]="isHighlighted"
54 [attr.x]="link.source?.x + ( - link.source?.x)/2"
55 [attr.y]="link.source?.y + ( - link.source?.y)/2"
56 >{{ label }}</svg:text>
58<!-- Template explanation: Creates an SVG Group if
59 line 1) 'enhanced' is active and port text exists
60 line 2) assigns classes to it
62<svg:g xmlns:svg=""
63 *ngIf="enhanced && link.portA"
64 class="portLabel">
65 <!-- Template explanation: Creates an SVG Rectangle and in
66 line 1) transform end A to the position calculated by the d3 force graph engine
67 line 2) assigns classes to it
68 -->
69 <svg:rect
70 [attr.x]="labelPosSrc.x - 2 - textLength(link.portA)/2" [attr.y]="labelPosSrc.y - 8"
71 [attr.width]="4 + textLength(link.portA)" height="16" >
72 </svg:rect>
73 <!-- Template explanation: Creates SVG Text and in
74 line 1) transform it to the position calculated by the method labelPosSrc()
75 line 2) centre aligns it
76 line 3) ensures that the text fills the rectangle by adjusting spacing
77 -->
78 <svg:text
79 [attr.x]="labelPosSrc.x" [attr.y]="labelPosSrc.y + 6"
80 text-anchor="middle"
81 [attr.textLength]= "textLength(link.portA)" lengthAdjust="spacing"
82 >{{ link.portA }}</svg:text>
84<!-- A repeat of the above, but for the other end of the line -->
85<svg:g xmlns:svg=""
86 *ngIf="enhanced && link.portB"
87 class="portLabel">
88 <svg:rect
89 [attr.x]="labelPosTgt.x - 2 - textLength(link.portB)/2" [attr.y]="labelPosTgt.y - 8"
90 [attr.width]="4 + textLength(link.portB)" height="16">
91 </svg:rect>
92 <svg:text
93 [attr.x]="labelPosTgt.x" [attr.y]="labelPosTgt.y + 6"
94 text-anchor="middle"
95 [attr.textLength]= "textLength(link.portB)" lengthAdjust="spacing"
96 >{{ link.portB }}</svg:text>