blob: 79f6a8984989e2bd246270e4b6500cb3b7f32ea2 [file] [log] [blame]
Ray Milkeyf80bbb22016-03-11 10:16:22 -08001# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
20def define_license(name):
21 n = 'LICENSE-' + name
22 genrule(
23 name = n,
24 cmd = 'ln -s $SRCS $OUT',
25 srcs = [n],
26 out = n,
27 visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
28 )
30def maven_jar(
31 name,
32 id,
33 license,
34 exclude = [],
35 exclude_java_sources = False,
36 unsign = False,
37 deps = [],
38 exported_deps = [],
39 sha1 = '', bin_sha1 = '', src_sha1 = '',
40 repository = MAVEN_CENTRAL,
41 attach_source = True,
42 visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
43 local_license = False,
44 full_url = ''):
Brian O'Connor5f207d22016-04-08 00:31:19 -070045
46 if not full_url:
47 groupId, artifactId, version = id.split(':')
49 prebuilt_jar(
50 name = name,
51 binary_jar = ':%s-jar' % name,
52 visibility = [ 'PUBLIC' ]
53 )
55 remote_file(
56 name = name + '-jar',
57 out = '%s-%s.jar' % (artifactId, version),
58 url = 'mvn:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (groupId, artifactId, 'jar', version),
59 sha1 = sha1
60 )
61 return
Ray Milkeyf80bbb22016-03-11 10:16:22 -080063 from os import path
65 parts = id.split(':')
66 if len(parts) not in [3, 4]:
67 raise NameError('%s:\nexpected id="groupId:artifactId:version[:classifier]"'
68 % id)
69 if len(parts) == 4:
70 group, artifact, version, classifier = parts
71 else:
72 group, artifact, version = parts
73 classifier = None
75 # SNAPSHOT artifacts are handled differently on Google storage bucket:
76 # 'SNAPSHOT' is discarded from the directory name. However on other
77 # Maven repositories, most notable local repository located in
78 # ~/.m2/repository (and is supported through MAVEN_LOCAL repository)
79 # it must be preserved, otherwise the artifact wouldn't be found.
80 # Atm the SNAPSHOT part is only discarded for Google storage bucket.
81 if 'SNAPSHOT' in version and repository.startswith(GERRIT):
82 file_version = version.replace('-SNAPSHOT', '')
83 version = version.split('-SNAPSHOT')[0] + '-SNAPSHOT'
84 else:
85 file_version = version
87 if classifier is not None:
88 file_version += '-' + classifier
90 jar = path.join(name, artifact.lower() + '-' + file_version)
92 url = '/'.join([
93 repository,
94 group.replace('.', '/'), artifact, version,
95 artifact + '-' + file_version])
97 if full_url != '':
98 url = full_url
100 binjar = jar + '.jar'
101 binurl = url + '.jar'
103 srcjar = jar + '-src.jar'
104 srcurl = url + '-sources.jar'
106 cmd = ['$(exe //buck-tools:download_file)', '-o', '$OUT', '-u', binurl]
107 if sha1:
108 cmd.extend(['-v', sha1])
109 elif bin_sha1:
110 cmd.extend(['-v', bin_sha1])
111 for x in exclude:
112 cmd.extend(['-x', x])
113 if exclude_java_sources:
114 cmd.append('--exclude_java_sources')
115 if unsign:
116 cmd.append('--unsign')
118 genrule(
119 name = '%s__download_bin' % name,
120 cmd = ' '.join(cmd),
121 out = binjar,
122 )
123 license = ':LICENSE-' + license
124 if not local_license:
125 license = '//lib' + license
126 license = [license]
128 if src_sha1 or attach_source:
129 cmd = ['$(exe //buck-tools:download_file)', '-o', '$OUT', '-u', srcurl]
130 if src_sha1:
131 cmd.extend(['-v', src_sha1])
132 genrule(
133 name = '%s__download_src' % name,
134 cmd = ' '.join(cmd),
135 out = srcjar,
136 )
137 prebuilt_jar(
138 name = '%s_src' % name,
139 binary_jar = ':%s__download_src' % name,
Brian O'Connor42c38cf2016-04-05 17:05:57 -0700140 maven_coords = id,
Ray Milkeyf80bbb22016-03-11 10:16:22 -0800141 deps = license,
142 visibility = visibility,
143 )
144 else:
145 srcjar = None
146 genrule(
147 name = '%s_src' % name,
148 cmd = ':>$OUT',
149 out = '__%s__no_src' % name,
150 )
152 if exported_deps:
153 prebuilt_jar(
154 name = '%s__jar' % name,
155 deps = deps + license,
156 binary_jar = ':%s__download_bin' % name,
157 source_jar = ':%s__download_src' % name if srcjar else None,
Brian O'Connor42c38cf2016-04-05 17:05:57 -0700158 maven_coords = id,
Ray Milkeyf80bbb22016-03-11 10:16:22 -0800159 )
160 java_library(
161 name = name,
162 exported_deps = exported_deps + [':' + name + '__jar'],
163 visibility = visibility,
164 )
165 else:
166 prebuilt_jar(
167 name = name,
168 deps = deps + license,
169 binary_jar = ':%s__download_bin' % name,
170 source_jar = ':%s__download_src' % name if srcjar else None,
171 visibility = visibility,
Brian O'Connor42c38cf2016-04-05 17:05:57 -0700172 maven_coords = id,
Ray Milkeyf80bbb22016-03-11 10:16:22 -0800173 )
176def merge_maven_jars(
177 name,
178 srcs,
179 visibility = []):
181 def cmd(jars):
182 return ('$(location //buck-tools:merge_jars) $OUT '
183 + ' '.join(['$(location %s)' % j for j in jars]))
185 genrule(
186 name = '%s__merged_bin' % name,
187 cmd = cmd(['%s__download_bin' % s for s in srcs]),
188 out = '%s__merged.jar' % name,
189 )
190 genrule(
191 name = '%s__merged_src' % name,
192 cmd = cmd(['%s__download_src' % s for s in srcs]),
193 # buck-tools/eclipse/ requires -src.jar suffix.
194 out = '%s__merged-src.jar' % name,
195 )
196 prebuilt_jar(
197 name = name,
198 binary_jar = ':%s__merged_bin' % name,
199 source_jar = ':%s__merged_src' % name,
200 visibility = visibility,
201 )