blob: 03979774d1bfa17fbb2c07e39aea7de314534ebb [file] [log] [blame]
Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -07001<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 ~ Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
4 ~
5 ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 ~
9 ~
10 ~
11 ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 ~ limitations under the License.
16 -->
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27 <groupId>org.onosproject</groupId>
28 <artifactId>onos</artifactId>
Brian O'Connor880dc20d2015-12-16 22:53:14 -080029 <version>1.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
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33 <artifactId>onos-docs</artifactId>
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36 <description>ONOS Java API documentation</description>
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Brian O'Connor880dc20d2015-12-16 22:53:14 -080052 <doctitle>ONOS Java API (1.5.0-SNAPSHOT)</doctitle>
HIGUCHI Yuta15653fd2015-11-09 11:05:09 -080053 <excludePackageNames>@internal-excludes</excludePackageNames>
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Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -070058 <groups>
59 <group>
60 <title>Network Model &amp; Services</title>
61 <packages>@internal-apis</packages>
62 </group>
63 <group>
andreafaa2c4b2015-11-16 13:48:39 -080064 <title>Incubator for Network Model &amp; Services
65 </title>
Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -070066 <packages>@internal-incubator-apis</packages>
67 </group>
68 <group>
69 <title>Core Subsystems</title>
70 <packages>@internal-core</packages>
71 </group>
72 <group>
73 <title>Distributed Stores</title>
74 <packages>@internal-stores</packages>
75 </group>
76 <group>
andreafaa2c4b2015-11-16 13:48:39 -080077 <title>Incubator for Core Subsystems &amp;
78 Distributed Stores
79 </title>
Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -070080 <packages>@internal-incubator</packages>
81 </group>
82 <group>
83 <title>OpenFlow Providers &amp; Controller</title>
84 <packages>@internal-openflow</packages>
85 </group>
86 <group>
87 <title>NetConf Providers</title>
88 <packages>@internal-netconf</packages>
89 </group>
90 <group>
91 <title>OVSDB Providers</title>
92 <packages>@internal-ovsdb</packages>
93 </group>
94 <group>
95 <title>PCEP Providers</title>
96 <packages>@internal-pcep</packages>
97 </group>
98 <group>
Thomas Vachuskae3786602015-10-27 17:49:03 -070099 <title>BGP-LS Providers</title>
100 <packages>@internal-bgpls</packages>
101 </group>
102 <group>
Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -0700103 <title>Other Providers</title>
104 <packages>@internal-providers</packages>
105 </group>
106 <group>
107 <title>Built-in Device Drivers</title>
108 <packages>@internal-drivers</packages>
109 </group>
110 <group>
111 <title>Utilities</title>
112 <packages>@utils</packages>
113 </group>
114 <group>
115 <title>GUI, REST &amp; Command-Line</title>
116 <packages>@internal-gui-rest-cli</packages>
117 </group>
118 <group>
119 <title>Builtin Applications</title>
120 <packages>@internal-apps</packages>
121 </group>
122 <group>
andreafaa2c4b2015-11-16 13:48:39 -0800123 <title>Test Instrumentation &amp; Applications
124 </title>
Thomas Vachuskaf906fcf2015-08-31 13:33:07 -0700125 <packages>@internal-test-apps</packages>
126 </group>
127 </groups>
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Andrea Campanella10c4adc2015-12-03 15:27:54 -0800130 <name>onos.rsModel</name>
andreafaa2c4b2015-11-16 13:48:39 -0800131 <placement>m</placement>
132 <head>Json model for REST api:</head>
133 </tag>
134 </tags>
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138 </build>