blob: 279091ca8267e52e41d85997401550354cf22245 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.util;
import static;
import static;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
* (Somewhat) predictable ExecutorService.
* <p>
* ExecutorService which behaves similar to the one created by
* {@link Executors#newFixedThreadPool(int, ThreadFactory)},
* but assigns command to specific thread based on
* it's {@link PickyTask#hint()}, {@link Object#hashCode()}, or hint value explicitly
* specified when the command was passed to this {@link PredictableExecutor}.
public class PredictableExecutor
extends AbstractExecutorService
implements ExecutorService {
private final List<ExecutorService> backends;
* Creates {@link PredictableExecutor} instance.
* @param buckets number of buckets or 0 to match available processors
* @param threadFactory {@link ThreadFactory} to use to create threads
* @return {@link PredictableExecutor}
public static PredictableExecutor newPredictableExecutor(int buckets, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
return new PredictableExecutor(buckets, threadFactory);
* Creates {@link PredictableExecutor} instance.
* @param buckets number of buckets or 0 to match available processors
* @param threadFactory {@link ThreadFactory} to use to create threads
public PredictableExecutor(int buckets, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
this(buckets, threadFactory, false);
* Creates {@link PredictableExecutor} instance.
* Meant for testing purposes.
* @param buckets number of buckets or 0 to match available processors
* @param threadFactory {@link ThreadFactory} to use to create threads
* @param directExec direct executors
public PredictableExecutor(int buckets, ThreadFactory threadFactory, boolean directExec) {
checkArgument(buckets >= 0, "number of buckets must be non zero");
if (buckets == 0) {
buckets = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
this.backends = new ArrayList<>(buckets);
for (int i = 0; i < buckets; ++i) {
this.backends.add(backendExecutorService(threadFactory, directExec));
* Creates {@link PredictableExecutor} instance with
* bucket size set to number of available processors.
* @param threadFactory {@link ThreadFactory} to use to create threads
public PredictableExecutor(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
this(0, threadFactory);
* Creates a single thread {@link ExecutorService} to use in the backend.
* @param threadFactory {@link ThreadFactory} to use to create threads
* @param direct direct executors
* @return single thread {@link ExecutorService} or direct executor
protected ExecutorService backendExecutorService(ThreadFactory threadFactory, boolean direct) {
return direct ? MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService() : Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(threadFactory);
* Executes given command at some time in the future.
* @param command the {@link Runnable} task
* @param hint value to pick thread to run on.
public void execute(Runnable command, int hint) {
int index = Math.abs(hint) % backends.size();
* Executes given command at some time in the future.
* @param command the {@link Runnable} task
* @param hintFunction Function to compute hint value
public void execute(Runnable command, Function<Runnable, Integer> hintFunction) {
execute(command, hintFunction.apply(command));
private static int hint(Runnable command) {
if (command instanceof PickyTask) {
return ((PickyTask) command).hint();
} else {
return Objects.hashCode(command);
public void execute(Runnable command) {
execute(command, PredictableExecutor::hint);
public void shutdown() {
public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() {
public boolean isShutdown() {
public boolean isTerminated() {
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* Note: It'll try, but is not assured that the method will return by specified timeout.
public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException {
final Duration timeoutD = Duration.of(unit.toMillis(timeout), ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
final Instant start =;
return backends.parallelStream()
.filter(es -> !es.isTerminated())
.map(es -> {
long timeoutMs = timeoutD.minus(Duration.between(, start)).toMillis();
try {
return es.awaitTermination(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
.allMatch(result -> result);
protected <T> PickyFutureTask<T> newTaskFor(Callable<T> callable) {
return new PickyFutureTask<>(callable);
protected <T> PickyFutureTask<T> newTaskFor(Runnable runnable, T value) {
return new PickyFutureTask<>(runnable, value);
* {@link Runnable} also implementing {@link PickyTask}.
public static interface PickyRunnable extends PickyTask, Runnable { }
* {@link Callable} also implementing {@link PickyTask}.
* @param <T> result type
public static interface PickyCallable<T> extends PickyTask, Callable<T> { }
* Wraps the given {@link Runnable} into {@link PickyRunnable} returning supplied hint.
* @param runnable {@link Runnable}
* @param hint hint value
* @return {@link PickyRunnable}
public static PickyRunnable picky(Runnable runnable, int hint) {
return picky(runnable, (r) -> hint);
* Wraps the given {@link Runnable} into {@link PickyRunnable} returning supplied hint.
* @param runnable {@link Runnable}
* @param hint hint function
* @return {@link PickyRunnable}
public static PickyRunnable picky(Runnable runnable, Function<Runnable, Integer> hint) {
return new PickyRunnable() {
public void run() {;
public int hint() {
return hint.apply(runnable);
* Wraps the given {@link Callable} into {@link PickyCallable} returning supplied hint.
* @param callable {@link Callable}
* @param hint hint value
* @param <T> entity type
* @return {@link PickyCallable}
public static <T> PickyCallable<T> picky(Callable<T> callable, int hint) {
return picky(callable, (c) -> hint);
* Wraps the given {@link Callable} into {@link PickyCallable} returning supplied hint.
* @param callable {@link Callable}
* @param hint hint function
* @param <T> entity type
* @return {@link PickyCallable}
public static <T> PickyCallable<T> picky(Callable<T> callable, Function<Callable<T>, Integer> hint) {
return new PickyCallable<T>() {
public T call() throws Exception {
public int hint() {
return hint.apply(callable);
* Abstraction to give a task a way to express it's preference to run on
* certain thread.
public static interface PickyTask {
* Returns hint for choosing which Thread to run this task on.
* @return hint value
int hint();
* A {@link FutureTask} implementing {@link PickyTask}.
* <p>
* Note: if the wrapped {@link Callable} or {@link Runnable} was an instance of
* {@link PickyTask}, it will use {@link PickyTask#hint()} value, if not use {@link Object#hashCode()}.
* @param <T> result type.
public static class PickyFutureTask<T>
extends FutureTask<T>
implements PickyTask {
private final Object runnableOrCallable;
* Same as {@link FutureTask#FutureTask(Runnable, Object)}.
* @param runnable work to do
* @param value result
public PickyFutureTask(Runnable runnable, T value) {
super(runnable, value);
runnableOrCallable = checkNotNull(runnable);
* Same as {@link FutureTask#FutureTask(Callable)}.
* @param callable work to be done
public PickyFutureTask(Callable<T> callable) {
runnableOrCallable = checkNotNull(callable);
public int hint() {
if (runnableOrCallable instanceof PickyTask) {
return ((PickyTask) runnableOrCallable).hint();
} else {
return runnableOrCallable.hashCode();