blob: 18fc738259a033f2143d9c03ba57acb7aab3227a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.segmentrouting.config;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
import org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import org.onosproject.cli.AbstractShellCommand;
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.pwaas.DefaultL2Tunnel;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.pwaas.DefaultL2TunnelDescription;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.pwaas.DefaultL2TunnelPolicy;
import org.onosproject.segmentrouting.pwaas.L2Mode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* App configuration object for Pwaas.
public class PwaasConfig extends Config<ApplicationId> {
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
public DeviceService deviceService;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
public InterfaceService intfService;
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory
private static final String SRC_CP = "cP1";
private static final String DST_CP = "cP2";
private static final String SRC_OUTER_TAG = "cP1OuterTag";
private static final String DST_OUTER_TAG = "cP2OuterTag";
private static final String SRC_INNER_TAG = "cP1InnerTag";
private static final String DST_INNER_TAG = "cP2InnerTag";
private static final String MODE = "mode";
private static final String SD_TAG = "sdTag";
private static final String PW_LABEL = "pwLabel";
public PwaasConfig(DeviceService devS, InterfaceService intfS) {
deviceService = devS;
intfService = intfS;
public PwaasConfig() {
deviceService = AbstractShellCommand.get(DeviceService.class);
intfService = AbstractShellCommand.get(InterfaceService.class);
* Error message for missing parameters.
private static final String MISSING_PARAMS = "Missing parameters in pseudo wire description";
* Error message for invalid l2 mode.
private static final String INVALID_L2_MODE = "Invalid pseudo wire mode";
* Error message for invalid VLAN.
private static final String INVALID_VLAN = "Vlan should be either int or */-";
* Error message for invalid PW label.
private static final String INVALID_PW_LABEL = "Pseudowire label should be an integer";
* Verify if the pwaas configuration block is valid.
* Here we try to ensure that the provided pseudowires will get instantiated
* correctly in the network. We also check for any collisions with already used
* interfaces and also between different pseudowires. Most of the restrictions stem
* from the fact that all vlan matching is done in table 10 of ofdpa.
* @return true, if the configuration block is valid.
* False otherwise.
public boolean isValid() {
Set<DefaultL2TunnelDescription> pseudowires;
try {
pseudowires = getPwIds().stream()
// check semantics now and return
return configurationValidity(pseudowires);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.warn("{}", e.getMessage());
return false;
* Helper method to verify if the tunnel is whether or not
* supported.
* @param l2Tunnel the tunnel to verify
* @return the result of the verification
private void verifyTunnel(DefaultL2Tunnel l2Tunnel) {
// Service delimiting tag not supported yet.
if (!l2Tunnel.sdTag().equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Service delimiting tag not supported yet for " +
"pseudowire %d.", l2Tunnel.tunnelId()));
// Tag mode not supported yet.
if (l2Tunnel.pwMode() == L2Mode.TAGGED) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Tagged mode not supported yet for pseudowire %d.",
// Raw mode without service delimiting tag
// is the only mode supported for now.
* Helper method to verify if the policy is whether or not
* supported and if policy will be successfully instantiated in the
* network.
* @param ingressInner the ingress inner tag
* @param ingressOuter the ingress outer tag
* @param egressInner the egress inner tag
* @param egressOuter the egress outer tag
* @return the result of verification
private void verifyPolicy(ConnectPoint cP1,
ConnectPoint cP2,
VlanId ingressInner,
VlanId ingressOuter,
VlanId egressInner,
VlanId egressOuter,
Long tunnelId) {
if (cP1.deviceId().equals(cP2.deviceId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Pseudowire connection points can not reside in the " +
"same node, in pseudowire %d.", tunnelId));
// We can have multiple tags, all of them can be NONE,
// indicating untagged traffic, however, the outer tag can
// not have value if the inner tag is None
if (ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE) && !ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Inner tag should not be empty when " +
"outer tag is set for pseudowire %d for cP1.",
if (egressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE) && !egressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Inner tag should not be empty when" +
" outer tag is set for pseudowire %d " +
"for cP2.", tunnelId)));
if (ingressInner.equals(VlanId.ANY) ||
ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.ANY) ||
egressInner.equals(VlanId.ANY) ||
egressOuter.equals(VlanId.ANY)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Wildcard VLAN matching not yet " +
"supported for pseudowire %d.",
if (((!ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) && !ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE)) &&
(egressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) && egressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE)))
|| ((ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) && ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE)) &&
(!egressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) && !egressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE)))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Support for double tag <-> untag is not" +
"supported for pseudowire %d.",
if ((!ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE) &&
ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) &&
|| (!ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) &&
egressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE) &&
!ingressOuter.equals(VlanId.NONE))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Support for double-tag<->" +
"single-tag is not supported" +
" for pseudowire %d.", tunnelId)));
if ((ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE) && !egressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE))
|| (!ingressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE) && egressInner.equals(VlanId.NONE))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("single-tag <-> untag is not supported" +
" for pseudowire %d.", tunnelId)));
if (!ingressInner.equals(egressInner) && !ingressOuter.equals(egressOuter)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("We do not support changing both tags " +
"in double tagged pws, only the outer," +
" for pseudowire %d.", tunnelId)));
// check if cp1 and port of cp1 exist
if (deviceService.getDevice(cP1.deviceId()) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("cP1 device %s does not exist for" +
" pseudowire %d.", cP1.deviceId(),
if (deviceService.getPort(cP1) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Port %s for cP1 device %s does not" +
" exist for pseudowire %d.", cP1.port(),
cP1.deviceId(), tunnelId)));
// check if cp2 and port of cp2 exist
if (deviceService.getDevice(cP2.deviceId()) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("cP2 device %s does not exist for" +
" pseudowire %d.", cP2.deviceId(),
if (deviceService.getPort(cP2) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Port %s for cP2 device %s does " +
"not exist for pseudowire %d.",
cP2.port(), cP2.deviceId(), tunnelId)));
* Verifies that the pseudowires will not conflict with each other.
* Further, check if vlans for connect points are already used.
* @param tunnel Tunnel for pw
* @param policy Policy for pw
* @param labelSet Label set used so far with this configuration
* @param vlanSet Vlan set used with this configuration
* @param tunnelSet Tunnel set used with this configuration
private void verifyGlobalValidity(DefaultL2Tunnel tunnel,
DefaultL2TunnelPolicy policy,
Set<MplsLabel> labelSet,
Map<ConnectPoint, Set<VlanId>> vlanSet,
Set<Long> tunnelSet) {
if (tunnelSet.contains(tunnel.tunnelId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Tunnel Id %d already used by" +
" another pseudowire, in " +
"pseudowire %d!", tunnel.tunnelId(),
// check if tunnel id is used again
ConnectPoint cP1 = policy.cP1();
ConnectPoint cP2 = policy.cP2();
// insert cps to hashmap if this is the first time seen
if (!vlanSet.containsKey(cP1)) {
vlanSet.put(cP1, new HashSet<VlanId>());
if (!vlanSet.containsKey(cP2)) {
vlanSet.put(cP2, new HashSet<VlanId>());
// if single tagged or untagged vlan is the inner
// if double tagged vlan is the outer
VlanId vlanToCheckCP1;
if (policy.cP1OuterTag().equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
vlanToCheckCP1 = policy.cP1InnerTag();
} else {
vlanToCheckCP1 = policy.cP1OuterTag();
VlanId vlanToCheckCP2;
if (policy.cP2OuterTag().equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
vlanToCheckCP2 = policy.cP2InnerTag();
} else {
vlanToCheckCP2 = policy.cP2OuterTag();
if (labelSet.contains(tunnel.pwLabel())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Label %s already used by another" +
" pseudowire, in pseudowire %d!",
tunnel.pwLabel(), tunnel.tunnelId())));
if (vlanSet.get(cP1).contains(vlanToCheckCP1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Vlan '%s' for cP1 %s already used " +
"by another pseudowire, in pseudowire" +
" %d!", vlanToCheckCP1, cP1,
if (vlanSet.get(cP2).contains(vlanToCheckCP2)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Vlan '%s' for cP2 %s already used" +
" by another pseudowire, in" +
" pseudowire %d!", vlanToCheckCP2, cP2,
// check that vlans for the connect points are not used
.forEach(intf -> {
// check if tagged pw affects tagged interface
if (intf.vlanTagged().contains(vlanToCheckCP1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Vlan '%s' for cP1 %s already" +
" used for this interface, in" +
" pseudowire %d!",
vlanToCheckCP1, cP1,
// if vlanNative != null this interface is configured with untagged traffic also
// check if it collides with untagged interface
if ((intf.vlanNative() != null) && vlanToCheckCP1.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Untagged traffic for cP1 " +
"%s already used for this " +
"interface, in pseudowire " +
"%d!", cP1,
// if vlanUntagged != null this interface is configured only with untagged traffic
// check if it collides with untagged interface
if ((intf.vlanUntagged() != null) && vlanToCheckCP1.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Untagged traffic for " +
"cP1 %s already" +
" used for this interface," +
" in pseudowire %d!",
cP1, tunnel.tunnelId())));
.forEach(intf -> {
if (intf.vlanTagged().contains(vlanToCheckCP2)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Vlan '%s' for cP2 %s already" +
" used for this interface, " +
"in pseudowire %d!",
vlanToCheckCP2, cP2,
// if vlanNative != null this interface is configured with untagged traffic also
// check if it collides with untagged interface
if ((intf.vlanNative() != null) && vlanToCheckCP2.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Untagged traffic for cP2 %s " +
"already used for this" +
" interface, " +
"in pseudowire %d!",
cP2, tunnel.tunnelId())));
// if vlanUntagged != null this interface is configured only with untagged traffic
// check if it collides with untagged interface
if ((intf.vlanUntagged() != null) && vlanToCheckCP2.equals(VlanId.NONE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(String.format("Untagged traffic for cP2 %s" +
" already" +
" used for this interface, " +
"in pseudowire %d!",
cP2, tunnel.tunnelId())));
* Helper method to verify the integrity of the pseudo wire.
* @param l2TunnelDescription the pseudo wire description
* @return the result of the check
private void verifyPseudoWire(DefaultL2TunnelDescription l2TunnelDescription,
Set<MplsLabel> labelSet,
Map<ConnectPoint, Set<VlanId>> vlanset,
Set<Long> tunnelSet) {
DefaultL2Tunnel l2Tunnel = l2TunnelDescription.l2Tunnel();
DefaultL2TunnelPolicy l2TunnelPolicy = l2TunnelDescription.l2TunnelPolicy();
* Checks if the configured pseudowires will create problems in the network.
* If yes, then no pseudowires is deployed from this configuration.
* @param pseudowires Set of pseudowries to validate
* @return returns true if everything goes well.
public boolean configurationValidity(Set<DefaultL2TunnelDescription> pseudowires) {
// structures to keep pw information
// in order to see if instantiating them will create
// problems
Set<Long> tunIds = new HashSet<>();
Set<MplsLabel> labelsUsed = new HashSet<>();
Map<ConnectPoint, Set<VlanId>> vlanIds = new HashMap<>();
// check that pseudowires can be instantiated in the network
// we try to guarantee that all the pws will work before
// instantiating any of them
for (DefaultL2TunnelDescription pw : pseudowires) {
verifyPseudoWire(pw, labelsUsed, vlanIds, tunIds);
return true;
* Returns all pseudo wire keys.
* @return all keys (tunnels id)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if wrong format
public Set<Long> getPwIds() {
ImmutableSet.Builder<Long> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
object.fields().forEachRemaining(entry -> {
Long tunnelId = Long.parseLong(entry.getKey());
* Parses a vlan as a string. Returns the VlanId if
* provided String can be parsed as an integer or is '' / '*'
* @param vlan string as read from configuration
* @return VlanId
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if wrong format of vlan
public VlanId parseVlan(String vlan) {
if (vlan.equals("*") || vlan.equals("Any")) {
return VlanId.vlanId("Any");
} else if (vlan.equals("") || vlan.equals("None")) {
return VlanId.vlanId("None");
} else {
try {
VlanId newVlan = VlanId.vlanId(vlan);
return newVlan;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_VLAN);
* @param mode RAW or TAGGED
* @return the L2Mode if input is correct
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if not supported mode
public L2Mode parseMode(String mode) {
if (!mode.equals("RAW") && !mode.equals("TAGGED")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_L2_MODE);
return L2Mode.valueOf(mode);
* @param label the mpls label of the pseudowire
* @return the MplsLabel
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if label is invalid
public MplsLabel parsePWLabel(String label) {
try {
MplsLabel pwLabel = MplsLabel.mplsLabel(label);
return pwLabel;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_PW_LABEL);
* Returns pw description of given pseudo wire id.
* @param tunnelId pseudo wire key
* @return set of l2 tunnel descriptions
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if wrong format
public DefaultL2TunnelDescription getPwDescription(Long tunnelId) {
JsonNode pwDescription = object.get(tunnelId.toString());
if (!hasFields((ObjectNode) pwDescription,
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MISSING_PARAMS);
String tempString;
tempString = pwDescription.get(SRC_CP).asText();
ConnectPoint srcCp = ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(DST_CP).asText();
ConnectPoint dstCp = ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(SRC_INNER_TAG).asText();
VlanId srcInnerTag = parseVlan(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(SRC_OUTER_TAG).asText();
VlanId srcOuterTag = parseVlan(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(DST_INNER_TAG).asText();
VlanId dstInnerTag = parseVlan(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(DST_OUTER_TAG).asText();
VlanId dstOuterTag = parseVlan(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(MODE).asText();
L2Mode l2Mode = parseMode(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(SD_TAG).asText();
VlanId sdTag = parseVlan(tempString);
tempString = pwDescription.get(PW_LABEL).asText();
MplsLabel pwLabel = parsePWLabel(tempString);
DefaultL2Tunnel l2Tunnel = new DefaultL2Tunnel(
DefaultL2TunnelPolicy l2TunnelPolicy = new DefaultL2TunnelPolicy(
return new DefaultL2TunnelDescription(l2Tunnel, l2TunnelPolicy);
* Removes a pseudowire from the configuration tree.
* @param pwId Pseudowire id
* @return null if pwId did not exist, or the object representing the
* udpated configuration tree
public ObjectNode removePseudowire(String pwId) {
JsonNode value = object.remove(pwId);
if (value == null) {
return (ObjectNode) value;
} else {
return object;
* Adds a pseudowire to the configuration tree of pwwas. It also checks
* if the configuration is valid, if not return null and does not add the node,
* if yes return the new configuration. Caller will propagate update events.
* If the pseudowire already exists in the configuration it gets updated.
* @param tunnelId Id of tunnel
* @param pwLabel PW label of tunnel
* @param cP1 Connection point 1
* @param cP1InnerVlan Inner vlan of cp1
* @param cP1OuterVlan Outer vlan of cp2
* @param cP2 Connection point 2
* @param cP2InnerVlan Inner vlan of cp2
* @param cP2OuterVlan Outer vlan of cp2
* @param mode Mode for the pw
* @param sdTag Service delimiting tag for the pw
* @return The ObjectNode config if configuration is valid with the new pseudowire
* or null.
public ObjectNode addPseudowire(String tunnelId, String pwLabel, String cP1,
String cP1InnerVlan, String cP1OuterVlan, String cP2,
String cP2InnerVlan, String cP2OuterVlan,
String mode, String sdTag) {
ObjectNode newPw = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
// add fields for pseudowire
newPw.put(SRC_CP, cP1);
newPw.put(DST_CP, cP2);
newPw.put(PW_LABEL, pwLabel);
newPw.put(SRC_INNER_TAG, cP1InnerVlan);
newPw.put(SRC_OUTER_TAG, cP1OuterVlan);
newPw.put(DST_INNER_TAG, cP2InnerVlan);
newPw.put(DST_OUTER_TAG, cP2OuterVlan);
newPw.put(SD_TAG, sdTag);
newPw.put(MODE, mode);
object.set(tunnelId, newPw);
if (!isValid()) {"Pseudowire could not be created : {}");
return null;
return object;