| load("//tools/build/bazel:osgi_java_library.bzl", "wrapped_osgi_jar") |
| # This OSGi bundle is needed to import extra packages on log4j2 library |
| # To include other packages, specify them as comma separated list. |
| # As reference for packages that can be imported see: |
| # https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging/blob/master/pax-logging-log4j2-extra/osgi.bnd |
| IMPORT_PACKAGES = "org.apache.kafka.clients.producer,org.apache.kafka.common.serialization" |
| # An empty OSGi jar bundle including a Manifest that will be merged with |
| # the specified fragment_host bundle. |
| name = "onos-log4j2-extra", |
| fragment_host = "org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-log4j2", |
| import_packages = IMPORT_PACKAGES, |
| jar = ":empty-log4j2-extra-jar", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| # An empty jar so we can wrap it inside an OSGi bundle. |
| # The parameter resource_strip_prefix is needed to not export packages in the OSGi bundle. |
| name = "empty-log4j2-extra-jar", |
| resource_strip_prefix = "tools/package/log4j2-extra", |
| resources = ["empty.txt"], |