blob: ab5f987d6e62522a1c68a798ddee9bb67d47f5fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.onlab.util.Match;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
* Database proxy.
public interface DatabaseProxy<K, V> {
* Returns a set of all map names.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Set<String>> maps();
* Returns a mapping from counter name to next value.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Map<String, Long>> counters();
* Returns the number of entries in map.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Integer> mapSize(String mapName);
* Checks whether the map is empty.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Boolean> mapIsEmpty(String mapName);
* Checks whether the map contains a key.
* @param mapName map name
* @param key key to check.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Boolean> mapContainsKey(String mapName, K key);
* Checks whether the map contains a value.
* @param mapName map name
* @param value The value to check.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Boolean> mapContainsValue(String mapName, V value);
* Gets a value from the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @param key The key to get.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Versioned<V>> mapGet(String mapName, K key);
* Updates the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @param key The key to set
* @param valueMatch match for checking existing value
* @param versionMatch match for checking existing version
* @param value new value
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete
CompletableFuture<Result<UpdateResult<K, V>>> mapUpdate(
String mapName, K key, Match<V> valueMatch, Match<Long> versionMatch, V value);
* Clears the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Result<Void>> mapClear(String mapName);
* Gets a set of keys in the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Set<K>> mapKeySet(String mapName);
* Gets a collection of values in the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Collection<Versioned<V>>> mapValues(String mapName);
* Gets a set of entries in the map.
* @param mapName map name
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete.
CompletableFuture<Set<Map.Entry<K, Versioned<V>>>> mapEntrySet(String mapName);
* Atomically add the given value to current value of the specified counter.
* @param counterName counter name
* @param delta value to add
* @return updated value
CompletableFuture<Long> counterAddAndGet(String counterName, long delta);
* Atomically add the given value to current value of the specified counter.
* @param counterName counter name
* @param delta value to add
* @return previous value
CompletableFuture<Long> counterGetAndAdd(String counterName, long delta);
* Atomically sets the given value to current value of the specified counter.
* @param counterName counter name
* @param value value to set
* @return void future
CompletableFuture<Void> counterSet(String counterName, long value);
* Atomically sets the given counter to the specified update value if and only if the current value is equal to the
* expected value.
* @param counterName counter name
* @param expectedValue value to use for equivalence check
* @param update value to set if expected value is current value
* @return true if an update occurred, false otherwise
CompletableFuture<Boolean> counterCompareAndSet(String counterName, long expectedValue, long update);
* Returns the current value of the specified atomic counter.
* @param counterName counter name
* @return current value
CompletableFuture<Long> counterGet(String counterName);
* Returns the size of queue.
* @param queueName queue name
* @return queue size
CompletableFuture<Long> queueSize(String queueName);
* Inserts an entry into the queue.
* @param queueName queue name
* @param entry queue entry
* @return void future
CompletableFuture<Void> queuePush(String queueName, byte[] entry);
* Removes an entry from the queue if the queue is non-empty.
* @param queueName queue name
* @return entry future. Can be completed with null if queue is empty
CompletableFuture<byte[]> queuePop(String queueName);
* Returns but does not remove an entry from the queue.
* @param queueName queue name
* @return entry. Can be null if queue is empty
CompletableFuture<byte[]> queuePeek(String queueName);
* Prepare and commit the specified transaction.
* @param transaction transaction to commit (after preparation)
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete
CompletableFuture<CommitResponse> prepareAndCommit(Transaction transaction);
* Prepare the specified transaction for commit. A successful prepare implies
* all the affected resources are locked thus ensuring no concurrent updates can interfere.
* @param transaction transaction to prepare (for commit)
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete. The future is completed
* with true if the transaction is successfully prepared i.e. all pre-conditions are met and
* applicable resources locked.
CompletableFuture<Boolean> prepare(Transaction transaction);
* Commit the specified transaction. A successful commit implies
* all the updates are applied, are now durable and are now visible externally.
* @param transaction transaction to commit
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete
CompletableFuture<CommitResponse> commit(Transaction transaction);
* Rollback the specified transaction. A successful rollback implies
* all previously acquired locks for the affected resources are released.
* @param transaction transaction to rollback
* @return A completable future to be completed with the result once complete
CompletableFuture<Boolean> rollback(Transaction transaction);