blob: 2ac02f6f153d84ea167b2a97109266f5332cb4b2 [file] [log] [blame]
| Log file: mau.log |
| Compiler version: 5.1.0 (fca32d1) |
| Created on: Thu Sep 7 14:48:49 2017 |
Match Table table0 did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (512) will be used.
Match Table ecmp_group_table did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (1024) will be used.
Match Entry Table table0 has already been associated with stat Table table0_counter.
Match Entry Table ecmp_group_table has already been associated with stat Table ecmp_group_table_counter.
Cannot implement ingress_pkt in phase 0 resources because table does not have the correct condition
Match Table table0 did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (512) will be used.
Match Table ecmp_group_table did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (1024) will be used.
Match Entry Table table0 has already been associated with stat Table table0_counter.
Match Entry Table ecmp_group_table has already been associated with stat Table ecmp_group_table_counter.
Cannot implement ingress_pkt in phase 0 resources because table does not have the correct condition
Match Table table0 did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (512) will be used.
Match Table ecmp_group_table did not specify the number of entries required. A default value (1024) will be used.
POV/metadata bridge containers added between ingress/egress: [0, 64, 128]
Metadata bridge_ingress_intrinsic containers added between ingress/egress: [128]
Match Entry Table table0 has already been associated with stat Table table0_counter.
Match Entry Table ecmp_group_table has already been associated with stat Table ecmp_group_table_counter.
Match table ingress_port_count_table has no match key fields
Cannot use hash-action for table ingress_port_count_table with no key because the number of entries required by side-effect table ingress_port_counter is not a power of 2 -- 254.
Call to decide_action_data_placement(stage=0, table=ingress_port_count_table)
Max immediate bits used in any action is 0 bits.
Overhead bit width for table ingress_port_count_table is 22 bits.
Bits available in overhead for non-essential immediate data is 32 bits.
Examining placing 0 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ingress_port_count_table is 22 bits.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 97
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
Examining placing 8 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 16 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 24 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 32 bits in match overhead
Best Ram Usage is 97 rams
Best Immediate placement is 0 bits
Match table egress_port_count_table has no match key fields
Cannot use hash-action for table egress_port_count_table with no key because the number of entries required by side-effect table egress_port_counter is not a power of 2 -- 254.
Call to decide_action_data_placement(stage=0, table=egress_port_count_table)
Max immediate bits used in any action is 0 bits.
Overhead bit width for table egress_port_count_table is 20 bits.
Bits available in overhead for non-essential immediate data is 32 bits.
Examining placing 0 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table egress_port_count_table is 20 bits.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 97
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
Examining placing 8 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 16 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 24 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 32 bits in match overhead
Best Ram Usage is 97 rams
Best Immediate placement is 0 bits
Call to decide_action_data_placement(stage=0, table=ingress_pkt)
Max immediate bits used in any action is 0 bits.
Overhead bit width for table ingress_pkt is 2 bits.
Bits available in overhead for non-essential immediate data is 32 bits.
Examining placing 0 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ingress_pkt is 2 bits.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 97
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
Examining placing 8 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 16 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 24 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 32 bits in match overhead
Best Ram Usage is 97 rams
Best Immediate placement is 0 bits
Call to decide_action_data_placement(stage=0, table=egress_pkt)
Max immediate bits used in any action is 0 bits.
Overhead bit width for table egress_pkt is 2 bits.
Bits available in overhead for non-essential immediate data is 32 bits.
Examining placing 0 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table egress_pkt is 2 bits.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 97
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 97
Examining placing 8 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 16 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 24 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 32 bits in match overhead
Best Ram Usage is 97 rams
Best Immediate placement is 0 bits
Cannot use hash-action for table ecmp_group_table because it has more than one side-effect table
Call to decide_action_data_placement(stage=0, table=ecmp_group_table)
Max immediate bits used in any action is 0 bits.
Overhead bit width for table ecmp_group_table is 0 bits.
Bits available in overhead for non-essential immediate data is 32 bits.
Examining placing 0 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ecmp_group_table is 0 bits.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=0, table=ecmp_group_table)
Decided way to allocate for table ecmp_group_table in stage 0 WAS non_shared
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 3
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 3072
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 1
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 4
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 0 bits in match overhead: 4
Examining placing 8 bits in match overhead
Examining placing 16 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ecmp_group_table is 0 bits.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=0, table=ecmp_group_table)
Decided way to allocate for table ecmp_group_table in stage 0 WAS non_shared
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 3
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 3072
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 16 bits in match overhead: 3
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 16 bits in match overhead: 3
Examining placing 24 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ecmp_group_table is 0 bits.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=0, table=ecmp_group_table)
Decided way to allocate for table ecmp_group_table in stage 0 WAS non_shared
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 3
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 3072
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 24 bits in match overhead: 3
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 24 bits in match overhead: 3
Examining placing 32 bits in match overhead
Overhead bit width for table ecmp_group_table is 0 bits.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=0, table=ecmp_group_table)
Decided way to allocate for table ecmp_group_table in stage 0 WAS non_shared
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Overhead SRAMs to use = 3
Entries requested = 1024 and match entries get = 3072
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 0 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 0 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Action Data SRAMs to use = 0
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 32 bits in match overhead: 3
TODO: Total RAMs use when put 32 bits in match overhead: 3
Best Ram Usage is 3 rams
Best Immediate placement is 16 bits
Cannot implement ingress_pkt in phase 0 resources because table does not have the correct condition
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ingress_pkt__action__, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action _packet_out has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 0 in stage 0
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ingress_pkt, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 0
Logical Table ID in stage 0 was not supplied by table placement for table ingress_pkt.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 0
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type exact in stage 0
Match Overhead:
Field --version_valid-- [3:0] (4 bits)
Field --instruction_address-- [1:0] (2 bits)
Logical Table ID in stage 0 was not supplied by table placement for table ingress_pkt.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 0
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type exact in stage 0
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
Match Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table ingress_pkt (of type match), with 0 ways wants 0 rams.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
For action _packet_out, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 130 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x2 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x1 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [3:0] : 0x8 (4 bits in instruction bits [14:11])
Field low_bit_lo [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [15:15])
Field right_rotate [3:0] : 0x7 (4 bits in instruction bits [19:16])
Field low_bit_hi [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
For action _packet_out, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 68 has bit width 20
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x4 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x18 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [2:0] : 0x1 (3 bits in instruction bits [13:11])
Field low_bit_lo [1:0] : 0x1 (2 bits in instruction bits [15:14])
Field right_rotate [2:0] : 0x7 (3 bits in instruction bits [18:16])
Field low_bit_hi [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [19:19])
Allocating Action ALU 2 (16 bits) in stage 0 for match table ingress_pkt's action _packet_out
Allocating Action ALU 4 (8 bits) in stage 0 for match table ingress_pkt's action _packet_out
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 0 for match table ingress_pkt's action _packet_out
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table table0__action__, number_entries = 512, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 1
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 3
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 3
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 3
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
action ecmp_group has [(16, 16, False)]
action send_to_cpu has []
action _drop has []
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
action ecmp_group has []
action send_to_cpu has []
action _drop has []
total action ram packing size = [16, 0, 16]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 0, False)]
action ecmp_group has [(16, 16, False)]
action send_to_cpu has [(16, 0, False)]
action _drop has [(16, 0, False)]
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 1 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 1 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 1 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 1 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
final packing is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
final packing is []
final packing is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 36 in stage 1 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 37 in stage 1 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 38 in stage 1 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 39 in stage 1 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 2, 0), (32, 9, 0), (16, 3, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 0, False)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
final packing is [(16, 0, False)]
final packing is [(16, 0, False)]
Call to allocate_hash_distribution_units with
hash_algorithm = crc32
hash_output_width = 32
hash_bits_need = 1
output_hash_bit_start = 0
immediate_bit_positions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
used_for = Immediate
available_tuples_sorted_by_parity_bytes_available = [(0, 3, 0), (1, 3, 0)]
available_tuples_split_sorted_by_parity_bytes_available = []
Allocate fresh exact match group / hash group
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {udp.dstPort[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {udp.dstPort[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {udp.srcPort[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {udp.srcPort[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 4 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.dstAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 5 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.dstAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 6 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.dstAddr[23:16]}.
Allocating: Byte 7 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.dstAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 8 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.srcAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 9 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.srcAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 10 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.srcAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 11 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {ipv4.srcAddr[23:16]}.
Call to _allocate_hash_distribution_and_hash_bits
p4_table = table0__action__
used_for = Immediate
hash_distribution_hash_id = 0
hash_group_id = 0
hash_bits_in_units = OrderedDict([(0, [0])])
address_left_shift = 0
Allocating Hash Distribution Group 0/0 for table table0__action__ in stage 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 0 in hash match group 0 for table table0__action__ in stage 1.
seed = 0x7bd5c66f
set the seed to be [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Hash Function 0
hash_bit_0 = udp.dstPort[2] ^ udp.dstPort[8] ^ udp.dstPort[12] ^ udp.dstPort[14] ^ udp.dstPort[15] ^ udp.srcPort[0] ^ udp.srcPort[8] ^ udp.srcPort[9] ^ udp.srcPort[10] ^ udp.srcPort[11] ^ udp.srcPort[12] ^ udp.srcPort[14] ^ udp.srcPort[15] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[3] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[6] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[8] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[9] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[11] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[12] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[17] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[18] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[19] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[22] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[25] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[27] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[28] ^ ipv4.dstAddr[30] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[24] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[25] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[26] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[9] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[15] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[0] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[4] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[5] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[6] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[7] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[17] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[19] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[20] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[21] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[22] ^ ipv4.srcAddr[23] ^ 1
hash_bit_1 = 0
hash_bit_2 = 0
hash_bit_3 = 0
hash_bit_4 = 0
hash_bit_5 = 0
hash_bit_6 = 0
hash_bit_7 = 0
hash_bit_8 = 0
hash_bit_9 = 0
hash_bit_10 = 0
hash_bit_11 = 0
hash_bit_12 = 0
hash_bit_13 = 0
hash_bit_14 = 0
hash_bit_15 = 0
hash_bit_16 = 0
hash_bit_17 = 0
hash_bit_18 = 0
hash_bit_19 = 0
hash_bit_20 = 0
hash_bit_21 = 0
hash_bit_22 = 0
hash_bit_23 = 0
hash_bit_24 = 0
hash_bit_25 = 0
hash_bit_26 = 0
hash_bit_27 = 0
hash_bit_28 = 0
hash_bit_29 = 0
hash_bit_30 = 0
hash_bit_31 = 0
hash_bit_32 = 0
hash_bit_33 = 0
hash_bit_34 = 0
hash_bit_35 = 0
hash_bit_36 = 0
hash_bit_37 = 0
hash_bit_38 = 0
hash_bit_39 = 0
hash_bit_40 = 0
hash_bit_41 = 0
hash_bit_42 = 0
hash_bit_43 = 0
hash_bit_44 = 0
hash_bit_45 = 0
hash_bit_46 = 0
hash_bit_47 = 0
hash_bit_48 = 0
hash_bit_49 = 0
hash_bit_50 = 0
hash_bit_51 = 0
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 0 in stage 1
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table table0_counter, number_entries = 512, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 1
stat_stage_table referenced: direct
stat Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table table0_counter (of type statistics), with 1 ways wants 2 rams.
Sram Resource Request for P4 table table0_counter with handle 67108867 of type statistics in stage 1
table_type : statistics
rams_for_width : 1
use_stash : False
number_ways : 1
way #0
SRAM Request Group 0
rams_for_depth : 2
map_rams : 0
way_number : 0
ram_word_select_bits : 0
ram_enable_select_bits : 0
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table table0, number_entries = 512, table id = None, and match type = ternary
Allocating in stage 1
Logical Table ID in stage 1 was not supplied by table placement for table table0.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 1
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type ternary in stage 1
Call to allocate_ternary_match_key_2
Total crossbar bytes to allocate = 16
Minimum key bytes required by this match key = 16
Allocating: Byte 133 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 1 bytes
version/valid in nibble 1 for table table0. for version/valid
{unused[6:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[8:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 128 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 129 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 130 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[23:16]}.
Allocating: Byte 131 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 132 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 134 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 135 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[39:32]}.
Allocating: Byte 136 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.etherType[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 137 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[23:16]}.
Allocating: Byte 138 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[47:40]}.
Allocating: Byte 139 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.etherType[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 140 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ig_intr_md.ingress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 141 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 142 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[39:32]}.
Allocating: Byte 143 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[47:40]}.
Formed Ternary Match Key:
{--unused--[3:0], ethernet.dstAddr[47:40], ethernet.srcAddr[39:32], ethernet.dstAddr[7:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[7:0], ethernet.etherType[15:8], --version--[1:0], --unused--[1:0], ethernet.srcAddr[47:40], ethernet.dstAddr[23:16], ethernet.etherType[7:0], ethernet.dstAddr[39:24], --unused--[2:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[8:8], ethernet.dstAddr[15:8], ethernet.srcAddr[31:0]}
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=1, table=table0)
Decided way to allocate for table table0 in stage 1 WAS non_shared
Call to allocate_ternary_match_key_2
Total crossbar bytes to allocate = 16
Minimum key bytes required by this match key = 16
Allocating: Byte 133 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 1 bytes
version/valid in nibble 1 for table table0. for version/valid
{unused[6:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[8:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 128 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 129 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 130 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[23:16]}.
Allocating: Byte 131 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 132 is of type ternary and member of group 0 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 134 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[31:24]}.
Allocating: Byte 135 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[39:32]}.
Allocating: Byte 136 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.etherType[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 137 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[23:16]}.
Allocating: Byte 138 is of type ternary and member of group 1 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[47:40]}.
Allocating: Byte 139 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.etherType[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 140 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ig_intr_md.ingress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 141 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 142 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.srcAddr[39:32]}.
Allocating: Byte 143 is of type ternary and member of group 2 with 5 bytes. for {ethernet.dstAddr[47:40]}.
Formed Ternary Match Key:
{--unused--[3:0], ethernet.dstAddr[47:40], ethernet.srcAddr[39:32], ethernet.dstAddr[7:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[7:0], ethernet.etherType[15:8], --version--[1:0], --unused--[1:0], ethernet.srcAddr[47:40], ethernet.dstAddr[23:16], ethernet.etherType[7:0], ethernet.dstAddr[39:24], --unused--[2:0], ig_intr_md.ingress_port[8:8], ethernet.dstAddr[15:8], ethernet.srcAddr[31:0]}
Skipping p4_primitive StageModifyFieldFromHashBitsPrimitive from overhead calculation.
Allocating: Byte 12 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 12 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 1) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
For action set_egress_port, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 130 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x2 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x0 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [3:0] : 0x8 (4 bits in instruction bits [14:11])
Field low_bit_lo [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [15:15])
Field right_rotate [3:0] : 0x0 (4 bits in instruction bits [19:16])
Field low_bit_hi [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
Allocating Action ALU 2 (16 bits) in stage 1 for match table table0's action set_egress_port
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 1 for match table table0's action set_egress_port
For action ecmp_group, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction alu_a for PHV Container 134 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x6 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x0 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [9:0] : 0x31e (10 bits in instruction bits [19:10])
Field unused [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
For action ecmp_group, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction alu_a for PHV Container 135 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x7 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x2 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [9:0] : 0x31e (10 bits in instruction bits [19:10])
Field unused [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
Allocating Action ALU 6 (16 bits) in stage 1 for match table table0's action ecmp_group
Allocating Action ALU 7 (16 bits) in stage 1 for match table table0's action ecmp_group
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 1 in stage 1 for match table table0's action ecmp_group
For action send_to_cpu, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 64 has bit width 20
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x0 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x19 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [13:11])
Field low_bit_lo [1:0] : 0x0 (2 bits in instruction bits [15:14])
Field right_rotate [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [18:16])
Field low_bit_hi [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [19:19])
Allocating Action ALU 0 (8 bits) in stage 1 for match table table0's action send_to_cpu
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 1 in stage 1 for match table table0's action send_to_cpu
For action _drop, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 69 has bit width 20
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x5 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x19 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [2:0] : 0x7 (3 bits in instruction bits [13:11])
Field low_bit_lo [1:0] : 0x1 (2 bits in instruction bits [15:14])
Field right_rotate [2:0] : 0x3 (3 bits in instruction bits [18:16])
Field low_bit_hi [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [19:19])
Allocating Action ALU 5 (8 bits) in stage 1 for match table table0's action _drop
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 2 in stage 1 for match table table0's action _drop
Ternary table Pack Format =
Pack Format:
table_word_width: 141
memory_word_width: 47
entries_per_table_word: 1
number_memory_units_per_table_word: 3
entry_list: [
entry_number : 0
field_list : [
Field --tcam_parity_2-- [1:0] : in bits [140:139]
Field --unused-- [3:0] : in bits [138:135]
Field ethernet.dstAddr [47:40] : in bits [134:127]
Field ethernet.srcAddr [39:32] : in bits [126:119]
Field ethernet.dstAddr [7:0] : in bits [118:111]
Field ig_intr_md.ingress_port [7:0] : in bits [110:103]
Field ethernet.etherType [15:8] : in bits [102:95]
Field --tcam_payload_2-- [0:0] : in bits [94:94]
Field --tcam_parity_1-- [1:0] : in bits [93:92]
Field --version-- [1:0] : in bits [91:90]
Field --unused-- [1:0] : in bits [89:88]
Field ethernet.srcAddr [47:40] : in bits [87:80]
Field ethernet.dstAddr [23:16] : in bits [79:72]
Field ethernet.etherType [7:0] : in bits [71:64]
Field ethernet.dstAddr [39:24] : in bits [63:48]
Field --tcam_payload_1-- [0:0] : in bits [47:47]
Field --tcam_parity_0-- [1:0] : in bits [46:45]
Field --unused-- [2:0] : in bits [44:42]
Field ig_intr_md.ingress_port [8:8] : in bits [41:41]
Field ethernet.dstAddr [15:8] : in bits [40:33]
Field ethernet.srcAddr [31:0] : in bits [32:1]
Field --tcam_payload_0-- [0:0] : in bits [0:0]
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ecmp_group_table__action__, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 2
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has [(16, 16, False)]
total action ram packing size = [0, 16, 0]
action set_egress_port has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = [1, 1]
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 32 in stage 2 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 33 in stage 2 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 34 in stage 2 for Byte 0 of 16-bit constant
Allocating Action Parameter Bus Byte 35 in stage 2 for Byte 1 of 16-bit constant
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is [(16, 0, 0), (32, 8, 0), (16, 1, 16)]
final packing is [(16, 16, False)]
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 0 in stage 2
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ecmp_group_table_counter, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 2
stat_stage_table referenced: direct
stat Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table ecmp_group_table_counter (of type statistics), with 1 ways wants 2 rams.
Sram Resource Request for P4 table ecmp_group_table_counter with handle 67108868 of type statistics in stage 2
table_type : statistics
rams_for_width : 1
use_stash : False
number_ways : 1
way #0
SRAM Request Group 0
rams_for_depth : 2
map_rams : 0
way_number : 0
ram_word_select_bits : 0
ram_enable_select_bits : 0
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ecmp_group_table, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 2
Logical Table ID in stage 2 was not supplied by table placement for table ecmp_group_table.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 2
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type exact in stage 2
Match Overhead:
Field --version_valid-- [3:0] (4 bits)
Field --immediate-- [15:0] (16 bits)
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Call to can_any_match_key_fields_be_shared(stage=2, table=ecmp_group_table)
Decided way to allocate for table ecmp_group_table in stage 2 WAS non_shared
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.selector[15:8]}.
Allocating: Byte 2 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 3 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ecmp_metadata.groupId[15:8]}.
Packing choices are:
Choice 0
entries_per_table_word : 1
rams_for_width : 1
total_rams_need : 1
utilization : 0.328125
total_logical_entries_get : 1024
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 1
entries_per_table_word : 2
rams_for_width : 1
total_rams_need : 1
utilization : 0.656250
total_logical_entries_get : 2048
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 2
entries_per_table_word : 3
rams_for_width : 2
total_rams_need : 2
utilization : 0.492188
total_logical_entries_get : 3072
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 3
entries_per_table_word : 4
rams_for_width : 2
total_rams_need : 2
utilization : 0.656250
total_logical_entries_get : 4096
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 4
entries_per_table_word : 5
rams_for_width : 2
total_rams_need : 2
utilization : 0.820312
total_logical_entries_get : 5120
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 5
entries_per_table_word : 6
rams_for_width : 3
total_rams_need : 3
utilization : 0.656250
total_logical_entries_get : 6144
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 6
entries_per_table_word : 7
rams_for_width : 3
total_rams_need : 3
utilization : 0.765625
total_logical_entries_get : 7168
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 7
entries_per_table_word : 8
rams_for_width : 3
total_rams_need : 3
utilization : 0.875000
total_logical_entries_get : 8192
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
Choice 8
entries_per_table_word : 9
rams_for_width : 4
total_rams_need : 4
utilization : 0.738281
total_logical_entries_get : 9216
total_logical_entries_want : 1024
First choice is to pack 1 entries per table word (1 rams)
Attempting packing (attempt #1):
number entries per table word: 1
rams_for_width: 1
total_rams: 1
utilization: 0.328125
total_ram_blocks_need_for_depth: 1
This will be split into a 3-way table distributed as [1, 1, 1].
Total number of hash functions need is 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 0 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 1 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 2 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 3 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 4 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 5 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 6 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 7 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 8 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 9 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 0.
Allocating Hash Bit 10 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 11 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 12 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 13 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 14 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 15 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 16 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 17 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 18 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 19 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 1.
Allocating Hash Bit 20 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 21 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 22 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 23 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 24 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 25 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 26 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 27 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 28 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Allocating Hash Bit 29 in hash match group 0 for match table ecmp_group_table's hash way 2.
Match Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table ecmp_group_table (of type match), with 3 ways wants 3 rams.
set the seed to be [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
For action set_egress_port, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 130 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x2 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x0 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [3:0] : 0x8 (4 bits in instruction bits [14:11])
Field low_bit_lo [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [15:15])
Field right_rotate [3:0] : 0x0 (4 bits in instruction bits [19:16])
Field low_bit_hi [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
Allocating Action ALU 2 (16 bits) in stage 2 for match table ecmp_group_table's action set_egress_port
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 2 for match table ecmp_group_table's action set_egress_port
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ingress_port_count_table__action__, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_ingress has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 0 in stage 3
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ingress_port_counter, number_entries = 254, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
stat_stage_table referenced: indirect
stat Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table ingress_port_counter (of type statistics), with 1 ways wants 2 rams.
Sram Resource Request for P4 table ingress_port_counter with handle 67108865 of type statistics in stage 3
table_type : statistics
rams_for_width : 1
use_stash : False
number_ways : 1
way #0
SRAM Request Group 0
rams_for_depth : 2
map_rams : 0
way_number : 0
ram_word_select_bits : 0
ram_enable_select_bits : 0
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table ingress_port_count_table, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
Logical Table ID in stage 3 was not supplied by table placement for table ingress_port_count_table.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 3
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type exact in stage 3
Match Overhead:
Field --version_valid-- [3:0] (4 bits)
Field --instruction_address-- [1:0] (2 bits)
Field --statistics_pointer-- [19:0] (20 bits)
Logical Table ID in stage 3 was not supplied by table placement for table ingress_port_count_table.
Allocating Logical Table ID 0 in stage 3
Allocating Table Type ID 0 of type exact in stage 3
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:8]}.
Match Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table ingress_port_count_table (of type match), with 0 ways wants 0 rams.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:8]}.
No micro instructions needed for action count_ingress executed from table ingress_port_count_table.
Allocating Action ALU 0 (32 bits) in stage 3 for match table ingress_port_count_table's action count_ingress
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 3 for match table ingress_port_count_table's action count_ingress
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table egress_port_count_table__action__, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action count_egress has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 1 in stage 3
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table egress_port_counter, number_entries = 254, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
stat_stage_table referenced: indirect
stat Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table egress_port_counter (of type statistics), with 1 ways wants 2 rams.
Sram Resource Request for P4 table egress_port_counter with handle 67108866 of type statistics in stage 3
table_type : statistics
rams_for_width : 1
use_stash : False
number_ways : 1
way #0
SRAM Request Group 0
rams_for_depth : 2
map_rams : 0
way_number : 0
ram_word_select_bits : 0
ram_enable_select_bits : 0
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:8]}.
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table egress_port_count_table, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 3
Logical Table ID in stage 3 was not supplied by table placement for table egress_port_count_table.
Allocating Logical Table ID 1 in stage 3
Allocating Table Type ID 1 of type exact in stage 3
Match Overhead:
Field --version_valid-- [3:0] (4 bits)
Field --statistics_pointer-- [19:0] (20 bits)
Logical Table ID in stage 3 was not supplied by table placement for table egress_port_count_table.
Allocating Logical Table ID 1 in stage 3
Allocating Table Type ID 1 of type exact in stage 3
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:8]}.
Match Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table egress_port_count_table (of type match), with 0 ways wants 0 rams.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[7:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:8]}.
No micro instructions needed for action count_egress executed from table egress_port_count_table.
Allocating Action ALU 0 (32 bits) in stage 3 for match table egress_port_count_table's action count_egress
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 3 for match table egress_port_count_table's action count_egress
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table egress_pkt__action__, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 0
ram_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
immediate_size_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
hash_to_phv_matrix =
(8, 8, False) (8, 8, True) (8, 32, False) (16, 16, False) (16, 16, True) (16, 32, False) (32, 32, False) (32, 32, True)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
total action ram packing size = [0, 0, 0]
action add_packet_in_hdr has []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
byte_enables = []
After allocation of 32s, available_slots is []
final packing is []
Allocating Action Logical Table ID 1 in stage 0
Call to Allocate P4 Table with table egress_pkt, number_entries = 1024, table id = None, and match type = exact
Allocating in stage 0
Logical Table ID in stage 0 was not supplied by table placement for table egress_pkt.
Allocating Logical Table ID 1 in stage 0
Allocating Table Type ID 1 of type exact in stage 0
Match Overhead:
Field --version_valid-- [3:0] (4 bits)
Field --instruction_address-- [1:0] (2 bits)
Logical Table ID in stage 0 was not supplied by table placement for table egress_pkt.
Allocating Logical Table ID 1 in stage 0
Allocating Table Type ID 1 of type exact in stage 0
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu[0:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
Match Table Resource Request is:
SRAM Resource Request for table egress_pkt (of type match), with 0 ways wants 0 rams.
Allocating: Byte 0 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[6:0], ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu[0:0]}.
Allocating: Byte 1 is of type exact and member of group 0 (parity group 0) with 16 bytes. for {unused[5:0], --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0], unused[0:0]}.
For action add_packet_in_hdr, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 82 has bit width 20
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x2 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x19 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [13:11])
Field low_bit_lo [1:0] : 0x0 (2 bits in instruction bits [15:14])
Field right_rotate [2:0] : 0x0 (3 bits in instruction bits [18:16])
Field low_bit_hi [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [19:19])
For action add_packet_in_hdr, formed micro_instruction:
Micro Instruction deposit-field for PHV Container 145 has bit width 23
Field Src2 [3:0] : 0x1 (4 bits in instruction bits [3:0])
Field Src1 [4:0] : 0x0 (5 bits in instruction bits [8:4])
Field Src1i [0:0] : 0x0 (1 bits in instruction bits [9:9])
Field opcode [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [10:10])
Field high_bit [3:0] : 0xf (4 bits in instruction bits [14:11])
Field low_bit_lo [0:0] : 0x1 (1 bits in instruction bits [15:15])
Field right_rotate [3:0] : 0x9 (4 bits in instruction bits [19:16])
Field low_bit_hi [2:0] : 0x3 (3 bits in instruction bits [22:20])
Allocating Action ALU 18 (8 bits) in stage 0 for match table egress_pkt's action add_packet_in_hdr
Allocating Action ALU 17 (16 bits) in stage 0 for match table egress_pkt's action add_packet_in_hdr
Allocating VLIW Instruction : 0 in stage 0 for match table egress_pkt's action add_packet_in_hdr
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Cannot find table object for 'egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition'.
Skipping p4_primitive StageModifyFieldFromHashBitsPrimitive from overhead calculation.
Action ecmp_group for table table0 cannot be used as a default action (table miss action). The action requires the use of hash distribution, which is not available when a table misses.
Field ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port not contiguous on gateway input
Field ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port not contiguous on gateway input
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.00
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.01
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.02
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.03
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.04
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.05
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.06
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.07
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.08
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.09
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.0a
Writing configuration registers: regs.match_action_stage.0b