Support Juniper "lldp-remote-port-id" message as String during link discovery

Change-Id: Ic1881c973e07df780692b34772a61dec6cbdc157
diff --git a/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/JuniperUtils.java b/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/JuniperUtils.java
index 60baded..3cf5eec 100644
--- a/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/JuniperUtils.java
+++ b/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/JuniperUtils.java
@@ -104,8 +104,11 @@
     private static final String LLDP_LO_PORT = "lldp-local-port-id";
     private static final String LLDP_REM_CHASS = "lldp-remote-chassis-id";
+    private static final String LLDP_REM_PORT_SUBTYPE = "lldp-remote-port-id-subtype";
     private static final String LLDP_REM_PORT = "lldp-remote-port-id";
     private static final String LLDP_REM_PORT_DES = "lldp-remote-port-description";
+    private static final String LLDP_SUBTYPE_MAC = "Mac address";
+    private static final String LLDP_SUBTYPE_INTERFACE_NAME = "Interface name";
     private static final String REGEX_ADD =
             ".*Private base address\\s*([:,0-9,a-f,A-F]*).*";
     private static final Pattern ADD_PATTERN =
@@ -523,15 +526,24 @@
             for (HierarchicalConfiguration neighbor : neighbors) {
                 String localPortName = neighbor.getString(LLDP_LO_PORT);
-                MacAddress mac = MacAddress.valueOf(
-                        neighbor.getString(LLDP_REM_CHASS));
-                long remotePortIndex =
-                        neighbor.getInt(LLDP_REM_PORT, -1);
+                MacAddress mac = MacAddress.valueOf(neighbor.getString(LLDP_REM_CHASS));
+                String remotePortId = null;
+                long remotePortIndex = -1;
+                String remotePortIdSubtype = neighbor.getString(LLDP_REM_PORT_SUBTYPE, null);
+                if (remotePortIdSubtype != null) {
+                    if (remotePortIdSubtype.equals(LLDP_SUBTYPE_MAC)
+                            || remotePortIdSubtype.equals(LLDP_SUBTYPE_INTERFACE_NAME)) {
+                        remotePortId = neighbor.getString(LLDP_REM_PORT, null);
+                    } else {
+                        remotePortIndex = neighbor.getLong(LLDP_REM_PORT, -1);
+                    }
+                }
                 String remotePortDescription = neighbor.getString(LLDP_REM_PORT_DES, null);
                 LinkAbstraction link = new LinkAbstraction(
+                        remotePortId,
@@ -546,12 +558,14 @@
         protected String localPortName;
         protected ChassisId remoteChassisId;
         protected long remotePortIndex;
+        protected String remotePortId;
         protected String remotePortDescription;
-        protected LinkAbstraction(String pName, long chassisId, long pIndex, String pDescription) {
+        protected LinkAbstraction(String pName, long chassisId, long pIndex, String pPortId, String pDescription) {
             this.localPortName = pName;
             this.remoteChassisId = new ChassisId(chassisId);
             this.remotePortIndex = pIndex;
+            this.remotePortId = pPortId;
             this.remotePortDescription = pDescription;
diff --git a/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/LinkDiscoveryJuniperImpl.java b/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/LinkDiscoveryJuniperImpl.java
index af93653..37e655a 100644
--- a/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/LinkDiscoveryJuniperImpl.java
+++ b/drivers/juniper/src/main/java/org/onosproject/drivers/juniper/LinkDiscoveryJuniperImpl.java
@@ -110,18 +110,29 @@
             //find destination port by interface index
             Optional<Port> remotePort = deviceService.getPorts(remoteDevice.id())
                     .stream().filter(port -> {
-                if (port.number().toLong() == linkAbs.remotePortIndex) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-                if (port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME) != null
-                        && port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME).equals(linkAbs.remotePortDescription)) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }).findAny();
+                        if (port.number().toLong() == linkAbs.remotePortIndex) {
+                            return true;
+                        }
+                        if (port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_MAC) != null
+                                && linkAbs.remotePortId != null
+                                && port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_MAC).equals(linkAbs.remotePortId)) {
+                            return true;
+                        }
+                        if (port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME) != null
+                                && linkAbs.remotePortId != null
+                                && port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME).equals(linkAbs.remotePortId)) {
+                            return true;
+                        }
+                        if (port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME) != null
+                                && linkAbs.remotePortDescription != null
+                                && port.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.PORT_NAME)
+                                       .equals(linkAbs.remotePortDescription)) {
+                            return true;
+                        }
+                        return false;
+                    }).findAny();
             if (!remotePort.isPresent()) {
-                log.warn("Port number {} and Port description {} do not exist in device {}",
-                         linkAbs.remotePortIndex, linkAbs.remotePortDescription, remoteDevice.id());
+                log.warn("Port Index and Port Id and Port description do not exist in device {}", remoteDevice.id());