blob: 44f66c2c14a77eea96112b9c29045dde15ddd814 [file] [log] [blame]
import socket
from mininet.log import error, info
from mininet.node import Switch
from os import environ
from os.path import isfile
class ONOSBmv2Switch(Switch):
"""BMv2 software switch """
deviceId = 0
instanceCount = 0
def __init__(self, name, thriftPort=None, deviceId=None, debugger=False,
loglevel="warn", elogger=False, persistent=True, **kwargs):
Switch.__init__(self, name, **kwargs)
self.swPath = environ['BMV2_EXE']
self.jsonPath = environ['BMV2_JSON']
if thriftPort:
self.thriftPort = thriftPort
self.thriftPort = ONOSBmv2Switch.pickUnusedPort()
if not deviceId:
if self.dpid:
self.deviceId = int(self.dpid, 0 if 'x' in self.dpid else 16)
self.deviceId = ONOSBmv2Switch.deviceId
ONOSBmv2Switch.deviceId += 1
self.deviceId = deviceId
ONOSBmv2Switch.deviceId = max(deviceId, ONOSBmv2Switch.deviceId)
self.debugger = debugger
self.loglevel = loglevel
self.logfile = '/tmp/bmv2-%d.log' % self.deviceId
self.output = open(self.logfile, 'w')
self.elogger = elogger
self.persistent = persistent
if persistent:
self.exectoken = "/tmp/bmv2-%d-exec-token" % self.deviceId
self.cmd("touch %s" % self.exectoken)
# Store thrift port for future uses.
self.cmd("echo %d > /tmp/bmv2-%d-thrift-port" % (self.thriftPort, self.deviceId))
def pickUnusedPort(cls):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('localhost', 0))
addr, port = s.getsockname()
return port
def setup(cls):
err = False
if 'BMV2_EXE' not in environ:
error("ERROR! environment var $BMV2_EXE not set\n")
err = True
elif not isfile(environ['BMV2_EXE']):
error("ERROR! BMV2_EXE=%s: no such file\n" % environ['BMV2_EXE'])
err = True
if 'BMV2_JSON' not in environ:
error("ERROR! environment var $BMV2_JSON not set\n")
err = True
elif not isfile(environ['BMV2_JSON']):
error("ERROR! BMV2_JSON=%s: no such file\n" % environ['BMV2_JSON'])
err = True
if err:
def start(self, controllers):
args = [self.swPath, '--device-id %s' % str(self.deviceId)]
for port, intf in self.intfs.items():
if not intf.IP():
args.append('-i %d@%s' % (port,
if self.thriftPort:
args.append('--thrift-port %d' % self.thriftPort)
if self.elogger:
nanomsg = 'ipc:///tmp/bmv2-%d-log.ipc' % self.deviceId
args.append('--nanolog %s' % nanomsg)
if self.debugger:
args.append('--log-console -L%s' % self.loglevel)
try: #
clist = controllers[0].nodes()
except AttributeError:
clist = controllers
assert len(clist) > 0
# BMv2 can't connect to multiple controllers.
# Uniformly balance connections among available ones.
cip = clist[ONOSBmv2Switch.instanceCount % len(clist)].IP()
ONOSBmv2Switch.instanceCount += 1
# BMv2 controler port is hardcoded here as it is hardcoded also in ONOS.
cport = 40123
args.append('--controller-ip %s' % cip)
args.append('--controller-port %d' % cport)
bmv2cmd = " ".join(args)
info("\nStarting BMv2 target: %s\n" % bmv2cmd)
if self.persistent:
# Re-exec the switch if it crashes.
cmdStr = "(while [ -e {} ]; " \
"do {} ; " \
"sleep 1; " \
"done;) > {} 2>&1 &".format(self.exectoken, bmv2cmd, self.logfile)
cmdStr = "{} > {} 2>&1 &".format(bmv2cmd, self.logfile)
def stop(self):
"Terminate switch."
self.cmd("rm -f /tmp/bmv2-%d-*" % self.deviceId)
self.cmd("rm -f /tmp/bmv2-%d.log" % self.deviceId)
self.cmd('kill %' + self.swPath)
### Exports for bin/mn
switches = {'onosbmv2': ONOSBmv2Switch}