| module openconfig-mpls-ldp { |
| namespace "http://openconfig.net/yang/ldp"; |
| // import some basic types |
| import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } |
| organization "OpenConfig working group"; |
| "OpenConfig working group |
| netopenconfig@googlegroups.com"; |
| "Configuration of Label Distribution Protocol global and LSP- |
| specific parameters for IGP-congruent LSPs"; |
| oc-ext:openconfig-version "2.4.0"; |
| "Add RSVP calculated-absolute-subscription-bw"; |
| "Add RSVP Tspec, clarify units for RSVP, remove unused LDP"; |
| "Add additional MPLS parameters"; |
| "Revisions based on implementation feedback"; |
| "Public release of MPLS models"; |
| "global LDP signaling configuration"; |
| "LDP global signaling configuration"; |
| grouping igp-tunnel-ldp { |
| "common defintiions for LDP-signaled LSP tunnel |
| grouping igp-lsp-ldp-setup { |
| "grouping for LDP setup attributes"; |
| "LDP signaling setup for IGP-congruent LSPs"; |
| // data definition statements |
| // notification statements |