blob: dd0102d1cfbb64f58d7d39be48898f7fb9ebb6bf [file] [log] [blame]
import org.onlab.graph.Graph;
import org.onlab.graph.GraphPathSearch;
import java.util.Set;
* Describes attribute(s) of a network topology.
public interface TopologyDescription extends Description {
* Returns the creation timestamp of the topology description. This is
* expressed in system nanos to allow proper sequencing.
* @return topology description creation timestamp
long timestamp();
* Returns the topology graph.
* @return network graph
Graph<TopoVertex, TopoEdge> graph();
* Returns the results of the path search through the network graph. This
* is assumed to contain results of seach fro the given device to all
* other devices.
* @param srcDeviceId source device identifier
* @return path search result for the given source node
GraphPathSearch.Result pathResults(DeviceId srcDeviceId);
* Returns the set of topology SCC clusters.
* @return set of SCC clusters
Set<TopologyCluster> clusters();
* Returns the set of devices contained by the specified topology cluster.
* @return set of devices that belong to the specified cluster
Set<DeviceId> clusterDevices(TopologyCluster cluster);
* Returns the set of infrastructure links contained by the specified cluster.
* @return set of links that form the given cluster
Set<Link> clusterLinks(TopologyCluster cluster);
* Returns the topology SCC cluster which contains the given device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return topology cluster that contains the specified device
TopologyCluster clusterFor(DeviceId deviceId);