blob: 08975e213df3353bb3c72591021bd372d3281d58 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Set;
* Registry for tracking information providers with the core.
* @param <P> type of the information provider
* @param <S> type of the provider service
public interface ProviderRegistry<P extends Provider, S extends ProviderService<P>> {
* Registers the supplied provider with the core.
* @param provider provider to be registered
* @return provider service for injecting information into core
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the provider is registered already
S register(P provider);
* Unregisters the supplied provider. As a result the previously issued
* provider service will be invalidated and any subsequent invocations
* of its methods may throw {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}.
* <p/>
* Unregistering a provider that has not been previously registered results
* in a no-op.
* @param provider provider to be unregistered
void unregister(P provider);
* Returns a set of currently registered provider identities.
* @return set of provider identifiers
Set<ProviderId> getProviders();