blob: ed5d33d19bc19ba93c26e7916682feca626d461e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Manages inventory of infrastructure devices; not intended for direct use.
public interface DeviceStore extends Store<DeviceEvent, DeviceStoreDelegate> {
* Returns the number of devices known to the system.
* @return number of devices
int getDeviceCount();
* Returns the number of currently available devices known to the system.
* @return number of devices
int getAvailableDeviceCount();
* Returns an iterable collection of all devices known to the system.
* @return device collection
Iterable<Device> getDevices();
* Returns an iterable collection of all devices currently available to the system.
* @return device collection
Iterable<Device> getAvailableDevices();
* Returns the device with the specified identifier.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return device
Device getDevice(DeviceId deviceId);
* Creates a new infrastructure device, or updates an existing one using
* the supplied device description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param deviceDescription device description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent createOrUpdateDevice(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
DeviceDescription deviceDescription);
// TODO: We may need to enforce that ancillary cannot interfere this state
* Removes the specified infrastructure device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent markOffline(DeviceId deviceId);
* Marks the device as available.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent markOnline(DeviceId deviceId);
* Updates the ports of the specified infrastructure device using the given
* list of port descriptions. The list is assumed to be comprehensive.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescriptions list of port descriptions
* @return ready to send events describing what occurred; empty list if no change
List<DeviceEvent> updatePorts(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
List<PortDescription> portDescriptions);
* Updates the port status of the specified infrastructure device using the
* given port description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescription port description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent updatePortStatus(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
PortDescription portDescription);
* Returns the list of ports that belong to the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return list of device ports
List<Port> getPorts(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the stream of port descriptions that belong to the specified device.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return stream of device portdescriptions
Stream<PortDescription> getPortDescriptions(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId);
* Updates the port statistics of the specified device using the give port
* statistics.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portStats list of port statistics
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred;
DeviceEvent updatePortStatistics(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
Collection<PortStatistics> portStats);
* Returns the list of port statistics of the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return list of port statistics of all ports of the device
List<PortStatistics> getPortStatistics(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the port statistics of the specified device and port.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port identifier
* @return port statistics of specific port of the device
default PortStatistics getStatisticsForPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber) {
return null;
* Returns the list of delta port statistics of the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return list of delta port statistics of all ports of the device
List<PortStatistics> getPortDeltaStatistics(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the port delta statistics of the specified device and port.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port identifier
* @return port statistics of specific port of the device
default PortStatistics getDeltaStatisticsForPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber) {
return null;
* Returns the specified device port.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @return device port
Port getPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber);
* Returns the specified device port description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @return device port description
PortDescription getPortDescription(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber);
* Returns the specified device description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return device description or null if not present
default DeviceDescription getDeviceDescription(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId) {
return null;
* Indicates whether the specified device is available/online.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return true if device is available
boolean isAvailable(DeviceId deviceId);
* Administratively removes the specified device from the store.
* @param deviceId device to be removed
* @return null if no such device, or was forwarded to remove master
DeviceEvent removeDevice(DeviceId deviceId);