blob: 02f82e9a620d4829e521e621cb3c7b1e3f543037 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test utility to spawn an iTerm window for testing against current cell.
nodeCount=$(env | egrep "^OC[0-9]+" | wc -l | tr -d ' ')
osascript -e "
tell application \"iTerm\"
set cellName to \"$cellName\"
set paneCount to $nodeCount
set theTerm to (create window with default profile)
tell theTerm
launch session \"Default\"
tell the current session
set columns to 256
set rows to 24
set name to \"ONOS Shell 1\"
write text \"cell \" & cellName
write text \"oi 1 && clear && echo Node \$OCI\"
end tell
end tell
tell theTerm
repeat with thePane from 2 to paneCount
tell the current session
tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"d\" using command down
set name to \"ONOS Shell \" & thePane
write text \"cell \" & cellName
write text \"oi \" & thePane & \" && clear && echo Node \$OCI\"
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"I\" using command down
end tell